Not losing weight

Hey everyone,

I’ve been on a 1,200 calorie goal per day to lose an average of 0.8kg per week for five weeks. I’m lightly active during the day and make sure I complete at least 3 HIIT workouts a week with light yoga on the other days. I really wish I could say ‘I think my scale is not working’ but unfortunately I don’t think that’s the case. I’ve always tried not to go purely with a number and more how I feel but both the number and how I feel is not where I’d like to be. For 9 days in a row (except for 1 day) I have kept my calories intake on point yet the scale has literally not budged even 0.1kg! I am still weighing my same starting weight that I did 9 days ago. Could anyone please share some insight as to why this may be happening? I do have fat to lose and I can’t entirely believe that all of it has suddenly turned to muscle; hence no weight loss.

Please help a sister out. Its unmotivating not to see results but I don’t want to give up.

Thank you,


  • leahsampson94
    leahsampson94 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Michelle,

    Thank you for taking the time to respond. I’ll keep at it and see at the end of my second week what the scale measures. I am trying to remind myself that it’s most importantly a lifestyle too, not a sudden change.

    I hope you have a happy weekend. 🌻
  • staciw
    staciw Posts: 58 Member
    I just posted a very similar situation - four weeks for me. Be sure to read any comments that I get. Maybe that will help us both.
  • alexconner
    alexconner Posts: 1 Member
    Last year, I tracked over six weeks last year and it's not always a linear progression, more like a steppe plateau (like mentioned above). If you stay with those numbers you will lose weight (or continue to). Track your sodium and see, probably just water weight you're holding on to. Also, be sure (may not be the case) to eat more in the morning, and less throughout the day. Keep it up, you'll see the results you want. Good luck and keep up the work.
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    very normal part of weight loss. it isn't always going to be a linear progression downwards. it will bounce around and stay static at times. just keep up the good habits. if it isn't moving at all in 2-3 weeks then re-check logging.

    side note: using a food scale doesn't equal zero possibility of logging errors. I've lost weight three times (this is my third) and always with food scale. I am STILL finding issues in my logging. how I weigh food, when weigh (raw, cooked) and entry I used in logging. it sounds super simple to use a scale but there is always room for improvement in tracking. we just don't bother to look into it until progress stalls (for more than 2 weeks)
  • leahsampson94
    leahsampson94 Posts: 6 Member
    edited March 2019
    Sorry, I thought you wrote in your initial comment that my body may be storing fat instead of burning it because of not getting enough fuel. I do have a food scale, like I said I do weigh everything before eating it.

    I’m about 170 cm and I currently weigh 60kg. Over the past year I have gained weight mainly due to being less active (maybe from quitting smoking too) but as for the past 6/7 years before that I comfortably maintained a weight between 55/56.5KG which is what I am hoping to get back to.
  • leahsampson94
    leahsampson94 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you! 🙏
  • annascalise6266
    annascalise6266 Posts: 2 Member
    Omg. This is me. I about cried last night when I went to put on jeans. They were tight. I too was wondering what I was doing wrong. But sadly I know. I’m a carb freak. Today I vowed to stay with Fitness Pal and watch my food choices and consumption. I’m at the gym now. I can do this and so can you. (Harder for me since I’m 53) Let’s do this!!
  • phys72
    phys72 Posts: 66 Member
    edited March 2019
    I've been eating around 1200 for 3 weeks now and doing the same with at least 3 workouts/week and have lost nothing. Because I'm petite (and in mid-life) i'm going to try to stick with the process since I know it can take time but it IS frustrating to not see any movement on the scale