

    i eat bread everyday but i eat the sandwich thins and sara lee 45 cal bread. and it has to be 100% whole wheat. and if you look at my progress ticker bread has not stopped me from losing. i think if you eat the right moderation you will be okk. i eat no more then 2 slices a day. hope this helps.
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    I do... sure would be silly trying to make a sammich without it...
  • missymuffet
    missymuffet Posts: 120 Member
    I eat everyday also but try to make a deal with myself over carbs.........I try to eat only 1 big carb every a piece of wheat toast with breakfast but then lunch cant eat bread AND chips..........or dinner potatoes but not potatoes AND a roll. Bread and starches REALLY is what puts my weight on, but if you cut it out altogether it just comes back and invites a binge. So I try to MAINTAIN PORTION CONTROL. :laugh: The worst is the first few days, I really realized I was addicted to my Honey whole wheat bread and was justifying eating 3 pieces of toast a day ha ha. Everyone's triggers are so different tho........bread and chocolate are definitely triggers for me!
  • demery12371
    demery12371 Posts: 253 Member
    I eat it everyday and haven't had problems with it stalling my weight loss. Sara Lee 45 calorie 100% Multigrain

    Love my Sara Lee 45 calorie bread!!! :) Good Choice.
  • cupotee
    cupotee Posts: 181 Member
    Yes! Breads, rice and pasta, come to mama! Whole grain's chewier anyway :)
  • SewRue
    SewRue Posts: 74 Member
    Weight Watchers bread is pretty much my go to bread for sandwiches!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I love bread. My fave - Brownberry Healthful (10 Grain or Whole Wheat) - It's 80 calories a slice and very filling.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I don't eat bread everyday, but it is a big comfort food for me.
    We have a nice artisan bakery in town and they bake all kinds of whole grain, organic, sour dough and other specialty breads. We go there most Saturdays and get whatever looks good. Though some people cut out bread, for a number of reasons, bread isn't a food group I'd give up without a fight.
  • 7destiny
    7destiny Posts: 31
    I have read that sourdough has special qualities...doesn't spike insulin like other white breads. I hope its true, I love sourdough!
  • Wilfred808
    Wilfred808 Posts: 113
    if you love it then eat it! as long as it fits in your calories for the day youre fine
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I eat it daily, either toast for breakfast or a sandwich for lunch...feel free to look at my diary, it's open. Anyway, I have lost 26 pounds and counting, never giving up bread at all.
  • 4nnie
    4nnie Posts: 3
    I have 2 slices of toast for breakfast and 2 slices for lunch (sandwich) every day - nothing fancy as have to buy bread that the family will eat - Hovis Best of Both Medium sliced - which I think is around 91 cals per slice. Have managed to lose weight so far by being sensible and cutting out the real junk each day, but doing some cardio (walking) most days so that I can eat 'normal food', otherwise I would be over the 1200 cals! Can't bear the thought of not eating any bread!!
  • amarie_1508
    I eat bread at least 5 times a week and have constistently lost weight for the past 3+ months. I perfer Arnold-Select- Sandwich Thins-Honey Wheat. They contain 100 calories. I will also eat Subway's wheat bread on occasion as well. I don't think I could ever give up bread entirely. It is all about moderation.