March 2019 Self-care Challenge

PKM0515 Posts: 3,075 Member
A new month already! No need to "join", just jump right in and start posting your self-care activities. Let's inspire each other! 🌞


  • AujCam
    AujCam Posts: 6 Member
    I take a bath most every night and usually put something fragrant and scented in.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,193 Member
    Thanks for this thread! <3

    Drinking hot tea, candlelit and even closed my eyes for 20 min. Resting after work.
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,075 Member
    @AujCam, I love taking a bath and haven't done it in years. A goal for 2019, I think.

    @RubyRed427, I like your ideas to unwind and rest after work.
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,075 Member
    Today's self care: having my hair colored. I like my hair stylist so much; we had a great conversation today. AND I'm so happy with how my hair turned out. I really needed a lift, and I got it. :)
  • Shortandsweeter
    Shortandsweeter Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2019
    Heck! I need to think of something. At the moment it's a glass or two of white wine, but I need to find an alternative :/:D
  • ElC_76
    ElC_76 Posts: 3,054 Member
    I think i need to follow quitely in here too... <3
  • ElC_76
    ElC_76 Posts: 3,054 Member
    Heck! I need to think of something. At the moment it's a glass or two of white wine, but I need to find an alternative :/:D

    Hope u are ok,.. go for a drive to a friend's house.. or shops.. maybe a walk.. or mediate to a meditation app.. xo
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,193 Member
    edited March 2019
    Self care (also self preservation): Set boundaries for toxic people in your life. I am experience such venom from a family member about my divorce, I am going to set a firm boundary to limit contact.

    P.s. If anyone needs a calming youtube therapist video (advice) for dealing with a difficult person: Search for “ Jerry Wise Relationship Systems”. I am currently watching a video called “Adult Children of Narcissists”.
  • samathes
    samathes Posts: 55 Member
    I always try to fit yoga in on a stressful day
  • happygirly77
    happygirly77 Posts: 9 Member
    I just started Yoga and love it!
  • jmgr9993
    jmgr9993 Posts: 41 Member
    So the family and I went furniture shopping tonight. I got a huge bonus from work and decided I was going to spend it on something I want. Not what everyone else thinks I should do with the money. So along the back wall of one of the many furniture stores we explored my youngest found a reclining back massager. Oh man 20 mins of sitting in this chair I walked away feeling amazing. Not only did it massage it gave off heat too. I am seriously leaning toward going back and splurging on it. My husband said any time someone comes to the house we can charge them to sit in the chair like they do at the mall lol 😂 over time the chair would pay for itself!!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    RubyRed427 wrote: »
    This week has been better. Setting the boundary with difficult parent is working although she is probably wondering why I’m so quiet.
    Another thing I have tried which has been recommended by @Orphia and some philosophy books I read is to “be an observer” and watch my thoughts float by. I have not reacted poorly or thoughtlessly when slighted by friends on a text group chat. I just sat back and watched my thoughts and calmed myself down. Saying this is not a big deal.

    I also restarted my mantra “Life loves me and I love life”. I have been getting into a “woe is me” rut last week and that has to stop. The more you think you are miserable, the more you feel miserable.

    Finally, I got my eyebrows waxed, teeth dyed, manicure, bubble bath taken, and little tiny things that make me feel good.

    So happy to hear this worked for you! xxoo Wow, you did brilliantly!

    "I have been getting into a “woe is me” rut last week and that has to stop. The more you think you are miserable, the more you feel miserable."

    So true!!!

    I've had to set boundaries with a parent this week too!

    A few weeks ago, I realised a huge cause of me suppressing so much emotion all my life, and it's been quite tumultuous to release that anxiety. So much anger has been letting itself out when I've been sleepless at night and when running and walking.

    I've always been "the quiet/anxious one", and my older sister "the angry/bossy" one.

    The past 6 months we've both been making huge progress in mindfulness.

    I've learnt to be more outspoken, and she's learnt to be more compassionate.

    Both approaches have an effect if you know how to use them appropriately and constructively.

    I sent all sisters and mum an email about many other realisations that have been going on in the family dynamics, and they said it was really good and gave them a lot to think about.

    "Saying this is not a big deal".

    I've got chills. So this.

    Today I had a nice lunch with mum, and we managed a productive conversation.

    I've been accepting that people have a lot on in their lives, and it only leads to disappointment if I expect everyone to give my issues validation.

    I'm so happy to have my psychologist and GP to have been able to talk all this through in depth with this week. And a very dear friend asked me how I was today, and it was such a relief.

    And it's so lovely to be able to sound off in here and get support. Love you.
  • thisPGHlife
    thisPGHlife Posts: 440 Member
    Yesterday I went to the movies with my husband and then to dinner with friends. Such a wonderful day!!! I ended up sleeping really late this morning but I got over 8 hours!! Now if I can just do that consistently but get up at a reasonable hour, haha. The other day I also cleaned out all of my makeup brushes. Saturday I splurged and got some Fenty Beauty concealer. It's a perfect match for me and so luxurious. Definitely worth the money and not as expensive as I thought it would be.

    Earlier in the week my husband and I picked up some hyacinths and tulips. The highest since were in the bedroom but I had him bring them downstairs because they fully opened up two or three days ago. The smell is so amazing and I love that I can be sitting eating breakfast and randomly catch a whiff of them.
  • alrhodes26
    alrhodes26 Posts: 4 Member
    After putting the kids on the bus I did my workout, now having a cup of coffee watching my show before getting started on my online schooling!