someone please tell me where I'm going wrong



  • aliciadpo
    aliciadpo Posts: 69 Member
    I have been at a stand still as well (on the scale) but I can honestly say my clothes are looser. I still need to work on toning, though.
    Last time I did calorie counting (and did excellent), I made SURE to eat in between meals. I made a list of 300-400 calorie foods that I like. My list had columns (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). I would write down several food options under each category and those were the things I pretty much ate during the week. In between each meal would be a 150-200 calorie snack. When I was doing this, the weight literally melted was amazing, I couldn't believe how well I was doing with weight loss.

    Definitely don't give up!!! Do you feel a change in your clothes?

    Just to give you an idea, here were some of the food items I had on my list (when I was doing it....I need to get back to it and I bet I can lose these last 10 lbs easily):
    Breakfast -
    -oatmeal and piece of fruit
    -cereal w/ skim milk
    -whole wheat waffles
    -1 egg/1 egg white on toasted english muffin

    -turkey sandwich on wheat bread w/ veggies
    -tortilla roll up (turkey, ham, avocado) w/veggies
    - smart ones/lean cuisine (limit to twice weekly)
    -mixed salad greens w/ grilled chicken or shrimp
    -soup/crackers and veggies

    Dinner -
    I usually chose a sensible dinner. Nothing fried or too fatty.

    -cereal bar, protein bars
    -light yogurt w/ granola
    -apple w/ peanut butter
    -handful of nuts (almonds usually)
  • amandakel2003
    i'm 5" 6
  • jame_104
    jame_104 Posts: 57 Member
    I took a quick glance at your food diary - you aren't eating enough. The goal of this website is to get your calorie goal as close to zero as possible. You have days where you have 400, 500 and even 600 calories leftover. This website builds in a deficit already - so work on eating more and getting that number closer to zero each day. Too big of a deficit will send your body into starvation mode - which results in slow weight loss or no weight loss at all.

    Completely agree, you aren't eating enough. I know it is a hard concept when you "diet" but the website does the work for you so eat! :)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I looked at your food diary for the past week. While your calories are within the goal, the food itself is not helping you. I noticed a lot of refined carbs. Now, I am not a fan of low carb diets, and I don't believe all carbs are bad for you, but refined and white carbs tend to be more calorie dense and nutritionally deficit that many other foods.

    I saw very little in the way of fruits and vegetables. You should be eating 2-3 servings of fruit a day and 4-5 of vegetables. These foods will fill you up with fewer calories, and will add a LOT of nutrients to your system. When you go for carbs, try to find whole grains as much as possible. My favorite breakfasts are cereals: Cheerios, Wheat Chex, cracked wheat (a hot cereal, like oatmeal but wheat), oatmeal, etc. But look for the ones that have whole grain and not a lot of sugar. I cut a fresh peach or banana or toss berries into my cereal for extra taste without adding processed sugar. Add a vegetable in to your lunch - a carrot, some broccoli, sugar snap peas, even a salad are great options. I don't count white potatoes as veggies, or anything that has been fried - that leeches most of the vitamins right out. I try to have fruits and veggies for my snacks, too. I snack often, but eat less at meals. Maybe that would help you feel fuller throughout the day.

    Some lean proteins and healthy fats can help you too. Lean cuts of meat, olive oil, nuts, avocado, etc - in small portions.
    If you don't already take a multivitamin, you might want to add that in. It helps make sure you get enough nutrients. Look for one formulated for women, with iron and vitamin D. But don't view it as a substitute for eating a variety of nutritious food.

    IMO, when a body isn't getting enough vitamins, etc, it is going to want to hold on to everything it has. Plus, when your diet is full of the stuff that is good for you, you'll be able to feel satisfied with how much you're eating and not feel like you're punishing yourself. It's okay to treat yourself once in a while (I'm a sucker for chocolate), but you can also retrain yourself to enjoy eating more healthy, and at some point some of those treats just don't look good any more.
  • ItsMeLori
    ItsMeLori Posts: 346
    It has taken me 6 months to lose 12 pounds. I look at it as it is a lifestyle chance. It will happen but you can't give up. Keep working out because the inches will come off. I have lost more inches then weight. I also gave myself a year to lose my weight. If you lose to fast it will just come back.
  • amandakel2003
    Thanks all for your suggestion. I'll try drinking more water. As for the Fruit and Veg, i'll start tracking. I do add salad and veg to my meals but as a former Weight Watcher, I forget to track them as they are classed as FREE on weight Watchers programme. I never fry food and I will try to be more prepared with my meals to cut out the processed stuff. Its hard when you work full time to always have a proper meal ready but more effort is required.. As for the excercise, every little helps. I've found myself dancing around the room every time the radio is on just to be more active. Hopefully my efforts will start to pay off soon.
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    Some good advice above! I think if you add tracking sodium you will be shocked at the amount consumed! Also, I'd go easy on the bread, especially white bread. If you can, switch to whole wheat/whole grain bread. I forgot to look at your macro's, but I would change those to at least 40/30/30 (carbs, protein, fat). Try that for a few weeks and then tweak from there. I looked at August 2nd for a good example of how little you are eating and still took in 1,764 calories. If you eat better, good for you food, you could eat a whole heck of alot for that many calories! Make the adjustments where you can handle them, because once the weight starts to come off it is great motivation to try even harder! Above ALL, never ever give up! You can do this! :flowerforyou:
  • kmumansky
    kmumansky Posts: 119
    I can understand the whole working thing and wanting to rely on processed food. It's very convenient! I will admit that I LOVE to I realize what I do is not everyone's cup of tea but maybe it will help you!

    I do all or most of my food shopping on Sunday. (I'm a couponer which is why Sunday for me, because I like to have that week's coupons if I need them). Anyway, As I'm getting my list together coupons organized I have (for cooking light magazine recipes) open and open and also my fav. recipes that I save on my computer open.

    I then Come up with a meal plan for the entire week, Sunday-Saturday. Mostly I just worry about dinner's as my husband and I do leftovers for lunches most of the time, and I just keep the standard breakfast stuff on hand at all times. I write the week's menu down on a piece of paper and I keep it on my fridge. I buy all my ingredients that I don't already have on hand for my meals on my big shopping trip so that I have everything on hand when I get home from work during the weekdays. I try to keep it to easy meals that won't take more than 30-45 minutes to prepare. I buy 1 or 2 types of fruit in a volumn large enough to cover snacks for myself and my husband Monday-Fri at work. I always get salad ingredients as well and sometimes on that Sunday I will chop it all up and have the salad ready, just add dressing when it's time to eat :)

    I'm not going to pretend it's's not. A good chunk of my sundays are dedicated to this....although because of the couponing it makes the day longer, if you don't coupon it won't take nearly as long lol, as I go to several different stores. I've only been on this site since last thursday, but you can look at my food diary and see the type of meals I's nothing diffucult by any means, it's just a matter of commiting to organizing your menu for the week and commiting 30-45 minutes after work to cooking.
  • duddes02
    duddes02 Posts: 9 Member
    I am certainly no expert but I agree that there is alot of processed foods.

    The "free" weight watchers food still have calories-so you should log them to confirm you are eating enough.

    I would exchange the chocolate chip cake for some oatmeal with peanut butter and fruit (maybe sprinkle 1/2 T of chocolate chips?).

    Best of luck!
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    Hi there,

    I had a quick look at your diary and you are not eating enough and not enoug of the right stuff.

    My diary is open if you want to take a look. I'm living in meath BTW, hi!

    Breakfast should be your biggest meal as it sets you up for the day. My food isn't 100% clean but I am ok and I lose min 1lb a week.
  • adriperez
    I viewed your food diary, and you are not eating enough. And the food you are eating is not good for you. You should be eating a more balanced diet. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. I see that you are not having any of these.
    I agree you should be able to treat yourself from time to time. Everything in moderation. But your diet is not a nutritious one.
    I myself had to do some research online, and had to really teach myself on how to cook a more balanced meal.
    Make sure that you are eating the correct amount of calories and nutrients to help you lose the weight.
    I think you are just too concentrated on the number of daily calories. And if you are eating more fruits and veggies you will find that you will actually be able to eat more, than if you are eating things such as chocolate cake and white bread.
    Good luck to you.
  • Burneymc
    If your doing aerobics your probably burning fat and building muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat - keep it up.