The fat has got to leave my personal space

Hey, I'm a 35 year old male that weighs WAAAAYYY too much. (310)... The last couple of years has been the worst for me, health wise. In November 09 I was hit with emergency surgery due to a ruptured colon. I had 12 inches of the colon removed and given the dreaded bag. For 6 months I went through pure h**l trying to deal with the pain, and the struggles with the embarrassment of having it. In May of 2010, I was able to go in for the colon resection and have it removed. After the surgery I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, C.O.P.D., congestive heart failure and stage 4 emphysema. I was told in June of 2010 that I would no longer be able to work. In the past 7 months my body decided it wasn't done with the torture, so it has now given me a grapefruit size hernia that has helped with the process of keeping me from being able to do much. Due to heart condition they said they couldn't do another surgery to correct the hernia... My normal weight has been around 215-230 on average. I'm a real broad guy so not looking to be skinny. But I have to shed some weight, so, calorie counting is gonna have to do it for me.

I Will Succeed....


  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    If you really want to, then you will, good luck on your journey :o)
  • angelew
    angelew Posts: 133 Member
    Yes, you will succeed! And you are going to feel so much better! You can do this!
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    Welcome and good luck! Your in a great place here for support!
  • I need all I can get...I think whats going to be my hardest is the eating 3 meals a day... I've never eaten more than once or twice on some rare occasion.
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    Yes you will. Nuff said.
  • ShaoonaRae
    ShaoonaRae Posts: 60 Member
    You'll make it if you want, this website is entirely helpful, and there's support everywhere.

    Feel free to add me if you like. ;)
  • reedee94
    reedee94 Posts: 25 Member
    Great news that you have decided to join the rest of us. It sounds like your body has been through a lot recently so shifting a few pounds is a great gift to yourself. This site will make the journey easier as everyone will want you to succeed. Welome aboard.
  • Ireshgurl
    Ireshgurl Posts: 559
    Hello, welcome, and good luck!!! This website will be an immense help for you i'm sure. All the positive feed back and encouragement you'll get on this site!! My favorite saying rite now.... "no matter how slow you go, your still lapping everybody on the couch".
  • hharp
    hharp Posts: 5 Member
    Excited to follow your journey.