Sexy in Six Challenge - PURPLE Team (CLOSED GROUP)



  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    hi team purple! WWOOOHHOOOO! lol i always think of football season when i say "team something" lol anyway.....just thought i'd check in with yall. week's going by good so far. i posted some before pics to my profile. i'm excited to see the change at the end of the challenge. hope everyone's week is going great! let's stay under calorie goal and kick the weight on out! have a great night :)
  • hharp
    hharp Posts: 5 Member
    So I am interested.... What is the challange and how do you get on board?
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    Hey my sista's!! Hope everyone's day has been a successful one. I spent all morning orienting to my clinical floor home for the next 8 weeks. One 15 minute break around 10 and I wolfed down a kashi bar and guzzled some water and away I flew. I find that when I am really super busy, when I get a few minutes to de-stress, I realize I am really super starving and then its like a rabid animal is let loose in the kitchen trying to find anything that will fit in my mouth. This is one of my worst and hardest habits to break. Waiting too long in between meals until I get to the point I would eat one of my children if they stood still long enough. I make the poorest food choices just because its convenient. I did re-direct myself with some water and made a decent sandwich, but that isn't always the case. Anyone else ever find their self in this predicament?

    I so know what you mean!!! I was at work till past 9 pm last night, and was famished... needless to say, I wasn't too proud of myself when I went home and had a carb loaded dinner, then off to bed.

    Bah! It didn't help that I was stuck in the office looking for pictures of food to go with my articles. So tempting me and almost driving me crazy were these images of pizza and pastries that I had to look at, and knowing that Dominos was just a call away...Thinking about the challenge really helped tho.
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    So I am interested.... What is the challange and how do you get on board?

    Hi Harp, good to see you on MFP. We're all currently in the Sexy In Six challenge, and this forum is a closed one for members of the purple team in the challenge. So far, the intake for the challenge is full, but you can visit its forum and perhaps put your name down on the waiting list.

    There are lots of other challenges on the forum that you can look out for, which might not have started. So you can look at those too! :)

    I hope this helps.

  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    i posted some before pics to my profile. i'm excited to see the change at the end of the challenge.

    Kristy - that's a good idea, from the front, the side , the rear..... I might see if I can do this too. So, please promise not to laugh too much! (By the way - is that your little boy I can see too - very cute!)
  • NicholeAJ
    Had a minute & thought I would post to my purple team!

    Ok so I am a massive emotional eater, last night I had a client totally tick me off so at 1:30 in the morning I chowed down on an atkins bar. Thankful I had that around or it might have been the box of brownies next to

    Any emotional eaters here?
  • j99li
    j99li Posts: 421 Member
    Hi everyone! haha I got all caught up in responding to the daily questions T_T

    I am somewhat of an emotional eater, but not as much as being an obsessive eater. If I think about how delicious something is, its so hard to get it out of my mind unless I eat it :(

    Which is what happened today. All last night and this morning, all I could think about was sushi. So. i caved :(:( and i ate.

    Im fairly angry at myself because my biggest goal is to get down to less than 200 and there was one day (just one!) when i get 201.8. Im not sure why but I just lost motivation for a bit to push through the 1.9 lbs so i can be less than 200. Now im at 202-203 :(

    I hate this!!!!!
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    yes arctic. that's my boy Chaz. he just turned two last week. :)
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    and i am also an emotional eater. when i go home to visit family that lives 4 hrs away (and also i live in the south) they always have good country cookin' and omg i cannot help myself. i'll do ok at breakfast, but then that night we might have breakfast again for dinner and i just can't control it lolol i absolutely looooove breakfast for dinner. and i'm always happy when i'm with family so yes i'll eat. when i'm depressed i eat (mostly sweets) and when i'm pissed, i'll eat whatever i get my hands on (cuz i feel if i don't do something i'll explode and that 'something' is eating). still trying to work on this habit by exercising or maybe drinking something flavored.

    can't wait to see the results on friday!!! super pumped!

  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    Tell me about it...I'm trying to correct my mechanism to turn to food whenever I'm overcome with an extreme emotion. If I'm happy, it's a cause for celebration with good food, if I'm sad or upset, food comforts me, Stressful situations make me think food will provide a form of escape cos I enjoy it so much.

    Worst part is, foods that make me happy, aren't the healthiest... :P

    I'm trying sooooo hard to re-channel myself, and ask myself if I'm really making the right food choices. Cos I get so miserable walking by shops displaying clothes I sometimes think I'll never be able to wear.
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    That's true about rewards so often being poor food choices. Could we dream up some alternatives - to food I mean? Or maybe train ourselves to drink redbush tea instead...doesn't have the same ring to it though does it?!!

    Well, today, I have to face the challenge of a three course, I am breaking all the rules and skipping breakfasst.. I am going to be strong, I keep telling myself. Fingers crossed x
  • NicholeAJ
    Kristyann86 "(and also i live in the south) they always have good country cookin' and omg i cannot help myself."

    I know what you are saying food in the south is absolutely the BEST!!! There are certain people when we visit I just know I won't be able to resist so I just plan to kill it in the gym before hand! Plus I wouldn't want to offend anyone by not eating all up right???:)
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    exactly! and in some households, not eating the meal that "mama" or "granny" made is insulting! lol
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    Kristyann86 "(and also i live in the south) they always have good country cookin' and omg i cannot help myself."

    I know what you are saying food in the south is absolutely the BEST!!! There are certain people when we visit I just know I won't be able to resist so I just plan to kill it in the gym before hand! Plus I wouldn't want to offend anyone by not eating all up right???:)

    That's a good plan! Hitting the gym before eating...think I'll do that this Tuesday. It'll be Eid over here, and that means lots and lots of Indian food, with the briyanis, lambchops and everything carb and oily. Not to forget cakes and cookies!

    Come to think of it, I probably need to workout extra everyday after that. Haha.... :P
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    How's everyone doing with their weigh-in? I've just only lost 0.8 pounds, but that's ok for now. Really should find time to workout, which was difficult this week due to late nights at work. :S
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I've been waiting for the Friday question, but doesn't look like it's up there. Hope I don't miss it cos it's almost bedtime over here. Hope the weigh-ins have been good for Team Purple!
  • NicholeAJ
    "exactly! and in some households, not eating the meal that "mama" or "granny" made is insulting! lol"

    Absolutely, where I am that would be so so insulting, not to mention I want to eat it as bad as they want me too. I will try to limit the number of biscuits made with lard LOL
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    oh man. i love my mama's biscuits from a box, but my dad knows his mom's homemade recipe so when we go visit we go to town on some homemade biscuits and gravy, mmmmmmm i need to stop talking cuz i'm visiting next weekend.....eeekkkk!
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    i also haven't found the friday question.....BUT i lost 5 lbs!!! so excited! but i know it's the first week for me on a long journey. for some reason the number isn't near as high as the next week, but i'll just work even harder (i hope) lol any weight lost is confidence gained!
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    i also haven't found the friday question.....BUT i lost 5 lbs!!! so excited! but i know it's the first week for me on a long journey. for some reason the number isn't near as high as the next week, but i'll just work even harder (i hope) lol any weight lost is confidence gained!

    I second that! Haven't lost much this week, but I guess it's cos I haven't exercised as much. Just means I gotta really check myself more now. Love that thought...any weight loss is confidence gained! :)