WELCOME friends!!
Well, here we are, this will be our new place to meet and trade encouragement, vent, rant, get and give virtual hugs and high fives ...you get the point!! This group was started on the idea of finding support from other homeschool or "HS" mommies/daddies that KNOW what trials and troubles this chosen (and beloved) way of life can sometimes wreak on our diet and fitness goals!!! There are many stressors that come with our way of life and this thread was created to help deal with those in a positive and encouraging way!! This group is under a closed heading BUT if you know someone that would be encouraged by a group like this BY ALL MEANS invite them in!! Mainly this is a positive place created to challenge eachother (and lean on eachother) towards our goals through fitness/diet challengs that will be given weekly.

*PLEASE: if you are a naysayer of our chosen way of life, message me personally and I will be glad to hear you out, BUT this is NOT the forum for such things, thank you! =) *

I really want this to be a thread that no one person decides all...tell me what ya think...what ideas do you have...what are your unique issues...what ideas do you have that the whole group could jump in with you on? Since this is Tuesday do ya'll want to go ahead and start a challenge for this week...or toss around ideas and start with it next Monday? I am open to either so just put it to a vote. Also do we wanna do weekly weigh in's if so do you want to post actual weight or just register a loss or gain? Basically just start thinking what ya'll need from a support group and we will go with it! Please speak up and don't be shy I am open to any and all suggestions!
I think it would be a good idea to get to know eachother...I am gonna throw out some basic information. I do not, however, want ya'll to feel like you have to share anything about yourself that you don't feel comfortable with. If ya want you can copy and paste my outline and just fill it in with your info! (only IF you want too though..not required!)

Location: Amidst the corn feilds in Kansas
Married?: Yep, will be ten years this coming Valentines day
How long ya been homeschooling? : This will be my second full year (took daughter out of school at Christmas one year so really 2.5 years)
# of kiddos: I have four but the first one is what the world calls a "step son" HATE that title though..he is mine =)!! I homeschool two kiddos full time and one is starting preschool this year. My oldest doesn't live with us :(
Kiddo's ages: 13,9,6,3
Current weight 210
Goal weight 175-180
Fitness routine: Was doing P90X but my back and knee couldn't handle it so I am back to Chalean Extreme and turbo jam hybrid 6x a week

Ok so, thats just the basics...like I said don't feel like you have to give your info unless you want too!! Ok so this is our place gonna turn it over to ya'll now..sound off tell us who you are and what ideas you have for us!!
Be blessed gang!


  • tashacan
    tashacan Posts: 121
    OK, count me in.... How do I do this now? I'lll just copy and paste what you have...I may be starting this all the wrong way... :)

    Location: Oklahoma
    Married?: Yes! We celebrated 10 years in July!
    How long ya been homeschooling? : Currently do not homeschool but it is one of the desires of my heart... :)
    # of kiddos: 2 Kiddos!
    Kiddo's ages: Boy 6 on Saturday, Girl 3
    Current weight 173
    Goal weight 140ish
    Fitness routine: Elliptical 20 minutes in morning, Elliptical 20 minutes in the evening but I have just bought Sweating in the Spirit dance workout...anxious to try it!
  • doriekaye
    doriekaye Posts: 55 Member
    Location: Northeast Minnesota
    Married?: Yes, 17 years in October
    How long ya been homeschooling? : 7 years, I'll have a 6th grader and 3rd grader this fall.
    # of kiddos: 2 girly girls
    Kiddo's ages: 11 and 8
    Current weight 180
    Goal weight 140
    Fitness routine: Mostly Stationary bike with some workout videos when I'm bored.

    I'm SO glad you started this Misty...you're awesome!! I think an initial weigh in this week and hit the challenge next week, is my vote. As homeschooling parents we have a whole different set of challenges and I think that our peers are the best support we have.

    I'd like to add to the naysayer comment...PLEASE don't try to change our minds with comments about socialization, "real" science, higher math, or any other so called concerns...don't worry, we've got it covered!! You're not going to change our minds any more than we will be able to talk you into homeschooling, so don't waste your time or ours. Thank you.
  • getnfitn2011
    EEEkkk!!! Yay, I am not in an empty thread listening to crickets chirp all by my lonesome!! SO glad ya'll chimed in!!!
    Tasha- like I said in the message this group is not only for those that homeschool but those that are intrested in it or just wanting to be encouraged in general!!!! So glad to have you and feel free to spead the word!!!
    Dawn-lol I have been calling you Dorie for so long I am warning you I still might slip and call you that!!! Thanks girl, I am so glad you are in on this!! You have been so awesome with sharing your wisdom about homeschooling and you always kick
    boo-tay in your workouts which I also find so encouraging!!
    I agree with weigh in this week starting challenges next week. How do ya'll feel about Friday weigh days? I love it on this day just because it keeps me in check throughout the weekend (my troublesome time for staying on plan) if I know I had a great loss I want to maintain if not it keeps me from going over board!!
    What do ya'll think...Friday for weigh days if not when would ya'll like it to be???

    (P.S- Your side note to naysayers made me giggle Dawn, well said! =D )
  • doriekaye
    doriekaye Posts: 55 Member
    LOL!! No worries...Dorie is my adorable fluffy white toy poodle, and I won't take it personal :). Glad you liked the naysayer comment. Friday weigh-in is fine with me.
  • Sonchie
    Sonchie Posts: 259 Member
    Ok, this sounds great!

    Location: Northeast louisiana
    Married?: Yes, 20 years!
    How long ya been homeschooling? : This is our third year. 7th grade so may need LOTS of support. Please dont hate me when I come in whining and pouting..LOL
    # of kiddos: 2
    Kiddo's ages: 20(out of school) and 13(7th grade)
    Current weight; 113, (was 220lbs from 1991-1998)
    Goal weight: maintenance
    Fitness routine: I love to run, and take lots of classes(Step, spin, body bar, intensity, kickboxing) I also use the eliptical from time to time. (CANNOT ZUMBA TO SAVE MY LIFE!)
  • tashacan
    tashacan Posts: 121
    Friday weigh in sounds great! I have not ever done a "group" before so ya'll may have to walk me through this. Just let me know what I need to do!
  • tashacan
    tashacan Posts: 121
    BTW, Hi Sondra, Hi Dawn!
  • doriekaye
    doriekaye Posts: 55 Member
    Hi Tasha and Sondra
  • evangpattismith
    evangpattismith Posts: 57 Member
    OK, count me in.... How do I do this now? I'lll just copy and paste what you have...I may be starting this all the wrong way... :)

    Name: Patti
    Location: Texas
    Married?: Yes! We will celebrate 10 yrs in October
    How long ya been homeschooling? one year, will be starting our second this year....1st grade
    # of kiddos - one
    Kiddo's ages: she is 5, 6 in october
    Current weight 283
    Goal weight 130
    Fitness routine: walking, walking on treadmill

    *i am excited about this. i have been wanting to find some other homeschool mommies. one of the reason i homeschool is becasue we are full time evangelist and on the road constantly, that and i'm really not happy with the public school system, so even if we were at home, i would either homeschool, or find a chrisitan school...anyway, i look forward to getting to know you all. God bless!!!
  • KayJayKing
    KayJayKing Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you! This is great! I agree that some of the challenges we face are unique as homeschoolers. And I totally agree that the success of others here is a huge inspiration (especially Dawn - she rocks the calorie burning)!

    Name: Kendra
    Location: North Carolina
    Married?: Yep. Soon to be 20 years
    How long ya been homeschooling? This starts my 10th year.
    # of kiddos: 3 =)
    Kiddo's ages: 15, 10, 7 (10th grade, 5th grade and 2nd grade)
    Current weight 196
    Goal weight 150
    Fitness routine: walking, walking on treadmill
  • getnfitn2011
    Kendra and Pattie!! Welcome ladies, SO glad to have ya'll!!! So far the popular vote is to weigh in on Fridays and get our challeges for the week on Monday!!
    What shall our first challenge be? I was thinking maybe fitness and a diet challenge so two per week and since one effects the other it seems proactive to combine them eh? We could start easy with jumping jacks to max ( as many as you personally can push to do since we all come from diffrent fitness levels this will varry) and 100 oz. of water a day. We could use a point system, like a point for completing each challenge each day so 14 will be possible for the week ...the points really wouldn't mean anything other than an easy way to keep track of how we are doing and stay accountable to one another. These are just suggestions friends and are subject to any change ya'll want to do so I will just post this now and see whats what...let's just try to get it hammered out by Monday so we will all be on the same page!!! As this is only Tuesday we have a while to get it figured out! =)
  • doriekaye
    doriekaye Posts: 55 Member
    Aww thanks Kendra!!

    I like the combined fitness and diet challenge. Jumping jack and water for the first week is fine with me.
  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member
    Hi Misty

    Name: Marty
    Location: England
    Married?: Yes! Together 13yrs.
    How long: 4 months
    # of kiddos: 2 boys
    Kiddo's ages: 9 and 11
    Current weight 175
    Goal weight 125
    Fitness routine: curves 3 times week, daily doggy walking, finished 30DS, started first week of Turbofire.

    We took Sam, our youngest out of school in may, to much resistance from authorities and family. He was just so angry all the time. We lost my Aunt Yvette 4 years ago after an 11 year fight with cancer. Sam never really managed to grieve and I am still waiting for the bereavement councilling from school fom then.

    He started Boys Brigade which seems to be helping with resolving some of his anger (at cancer, God and Aunt Bet-bet for dying) Since we took him out of school he has really calmed down.He has talked about her a lot and even managed to cry a few times. We will start schooling again in September and I am really looking forward to it.

    I am also starting a degree through the OU in history in October so will be 'schooling' alongside him. Our eldest loves school and is starting senior school in September.

    Sorry for the waffle but wanted to introduce the family...hubby is a lorry driver and we have a cat and a dobeman. I used to be a nurse in A+E. Shoe size 3 (tiny)...lol

  • linemansgirl
    Name: Mandy
    Location: Kansas
    Married?: It will be 13 years for us in October!
    How long ya been homeschooling? We started our 8th year today!
    # of kiddos: 5
    Kiddo's ages: 11, 8, 6, 3 (all girls) & 14 months (our little man)
    Current weight: 165 :blushing: I was at goal, but the last few weeks have been HARD and I have gained 10 lb! I will go actually log that right now so my ticker will be correct! :laugh:
    Goal weight: 155
    Fitness routine: I am currently running 3 times a week, and doing P90X weights 2-3 times a week, but I change things up frequently.

    I am looking forward to getting to know all of you! Challenges on Monday and weigh-in on Friday sound great! :happy:
  • getnfitn2011
    Mandy & Marty ..welcome friends, so glad to have ya'll here!!! Hooray our little thread is growing it is so awesome to know there will be a place to come and meet with all you lovely & awesome ladies!!! Unless someone objects I guess we will just make our Official weigh day this Friday the 26th, and Monday the 18th we will start with our challenges, Fitness challenge will be as many jumping jacks as you can do each day, accounting for one point, and drinking at least 100 oz of water a day for the diet challenge which will account for another point. So two a day or 12 for the week. LOL Yes I know ya'll can add (I mean we are teachers right?) but I am trying to make it easy for everyone.
    So everyday I think we should just chime in with how many points for the day and if you want post how many jacks you did...I say this for two reasons #1 accountablity which is what we are all here for #2 so you can have the warm feeling of going further than you did the day before and post it with pride!!

    Most of all we are here to support eachother so don't be afraid of harsh judgment, we have such a great group here I don't see that happening. That being said I would like to just ask all of ya'll to keep me accountable...if I havent posted my jacks or water feel free to ask how I am doing with it, there are some days I might just need the push and I want you to know I welcome it so don't be shy. Likewise if you are looking for the same I will do it for you too! My signature has Ephesians 4:29 in it because that is how I try to live so do not fear me being too hard on you.

    Also I know like most of you that have started school or are about to (I start next Monday) it will get harder to find time to get in here, so if you can't make everyday and can only manage the weigh in days, well we all know how it goes with HS days! Just remember we are here when ya need us!!! That said I probably won't be in much the next few days as I will have my neice visiting and am wrapping up with planning out the lessons!!! So lovely to *meet* all of you, I know this is gonna be a great year and I feel so blessed to have met you guys!!!
  • Rachelbluegirl
    Rachelbluegirl Posts: 16 Member
    Hello everybody!

    I would like to be in the group, but not sure I can handle any challenges. I'm a wimp, and just trying to keep up with my workout schedule is enough to wipe me out by the end of the day. But if you'll let me hang out here, I'd love that. :)

    Name: Sarah
    Location: South Dakota
    Married?: Very.
    How long ya been homeschooling?: Oldest is in 5th grade, youngest in 2nd (21/2 actually) We have homeschooled all the way, so far.
    # of kiddos:2
    Kiddo's ages: 11, 8
    Current weight: 211 (starting weight: 310 Jan '11)
    Goal weight: 150
    Fitness routine:90 min stationary bike, 90 min walking
  • CWRose
    CWRose Posts: 62
    I am totally in, new to something like this but excited to give it a shot!! I think starting monday would be great, giving each of us time to pump ourselves up and be ready to pounce. lol Thanks again for starting this!! :) God bless you all!! :)

    Location: Valleys of Southern Idaho
    Married?: 5 years 5 days ago
    How long ya been homeschooling? : This is my second year.
    # of kiddos: I have two beautiful children, 4 & 6
    Current weight 198
    Goal weight 180
    Fitness routine: I do a lot of walking and I have a treadmill and total gym I use at home.
  • Sonchie
    Sonchie Posts: 259 Member
    Geez thats A LOT of water! I do 8cups, 10 on a really thirsty day, but 12.5 cups a days! Im drowning!
  • doriekaye
    doriekaye Posts: 55 Member
    Sondra, you're on maintenance, so I think you should get a pass on the 100oz. and just go with the 8 cups. Anyone disagree?
  • Sonchie
    Sonchie Posts: 259 Member
    Sondra, you're on maintenance, so I think you should get a pass on the 100oz. and just go with the 8 cups. Anyone disagree?

    I dont really mind if I dont get points for it, i just dont want to hurt myself trying to get it all in. One of my nurse friends suggested i stick with my 64-80 oz too.