My weight is not budging



  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    Rumata2093 wrote: »
    musicfan68 wrote: »
    Weighing a salad : put bowl on scale, hit "tare". put each ingredient in, note weight, tare after each weight. Input each ingredient with it's corresponding weight into MFP. It will then add it up for you.

    So how strict/disciplined are you with log calories? Say, you’re having black coffee with non-dairy creamer—will you log like 10-20 calories for creamer?

    I put the coffee on the food scale, weigh how much creamer I add, and log that amount. Since I use a lot of creamer it's closer to 80-100 calories/cup for me.

    yup same here. 10-20 calories is like nothing in creamer for me. i'm usually at 70-100 as well.
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    On the logging: you'll get better at eyeing/feeling out portion sizes over time from the weighing and logging. Some things can be estimated without harming your diet, such as leafy greens. But other salad ingredients are incredibly calorie dense, such as oil and cheese, and add up fast. A restaurant salad will often have way more calories than a reasonable portion of steak because of the add-ons (and a lot harder to guestimate). Eating out often will make it more difficult - most items will be more calorie dense than what you would make at home while being mindful of calorie content, and you won't be able to track those items with any accuracy - most particularly, trying to eye/taste how much oil/butter/cheese went into something will be way, way off to possibly hundreds of calories.
  • TiffanyKittylover
    TiffanyKittylover Posts: 7 Member
    You can only lose 10 pounds of fat overnight by using a chainsaw!

    Not literally overnight...