Getting Started Tomorrow and a little nervous

I am in the midst of trying to get my health on track and reached out to a nutritionist who turned me on to this website for guidance, support and structure. I hope to meet some folks out here who can help me along the way especially when I am discouraged and motivated to eat everything wrong. Looking forward to gaining some weighted relationships and succeeding with getting healthy and loosing some LBS.


  • cchurch89
    cchurch89 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Angela! Welcome to MFP! Things are going to be awesome. It is totally normal to be nervous, but you are super capable!
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    welcome and good luck.

    there are not WRONG foods or BAD foods. many of us have lost weight eating a variety of food (including daily "junk" food) - as long as you generally have a good balance of food to keep you satiated and healthy the only key part for weight loss is eating at a calorie deficit.

    i eat chocolate daily! most of the time 2x a day! and "candy" fairly regularly.