In need of help and opinions by anyone

Hi I’ve been told I have atypical anorexia nervosa (which is like anorexia but not having a low body weight). I’m not so sure about that ive got an eating disorder but maybe I do if I have been assessed by health professionals which I have. I’ve been trying really hard to lose weight and in the last 11 months I’ve lost 23kgs. I’m really happy losing weight and I want to keep going. I’m half English and my bmi is 26.1 which means I’m in the overweight category at 175cm tall and weighing 81kgs. Apparently English people and European people can be put in the overweight category when there of normal weight in the bmi. I still think I’m overweight. The health professionals and other People think I need help with an eating disorder that I’m not so sure I have. But the eating disorder clinic has diagnosed me with an eating disorder atypical anorexia nervosa. apparently people of all different weights can have different types of eating disorders. I’m so confused because finally once in my life I’ve decided for myself that I want to lose weight and I now eat less and more healthier than I ever have in my life and I exercise regularly. But because I’m so obsessed with losing weight and have symptoms of an eating disorder everyone seems to think it’s a problem. I’m not to sure why because I personally think it’s good I’m into health and fitness. I have been obsessing but I thought that is normal when wanting to be healthy and slim. I want to get to a healthy weight from 57kg to 70kg and be in the healthy bmi category as I’m meant to be 56-76kg for a normal healthy bmi. But I’m 81kg. So I have 5-25kgs to go. I am not sure if the bmi goes off body frame size? As my body frame is quite large bones so my body is wider than most girls who are 31. Im quite passionate about losing weight and I have been since the beginning of last year. I don’t want to get obese again that really scares me getting obese as I’ve worked really hard especially the last year to lose weight and exercise and change my eating habits. In fact a lot of people have told me keep doing what I’m doing because it’s working. I’ve been asked by health professionals to put my weight loss goals off until after I do psychotherapy and learn normal eating and stop obsessing and get help for an eating disorder. I’m not sure I can put my weight loss off until after therapy as I still have a fat stomach and I would like to get it as flat as I can and get rid of my extra fat. I have been 126kg and I’ve had a baby so I’m not sure it’s possible without surgery to get a flat stomach and not have loose skin. I know this weight loss journey of mine is sending me abit crazy and people I know crazy to. I’m not meaning to drive anyone crazy as my aim is a healthy weight and a healthy body and to not be overweight ever again. I’m not sure what to do. If I have really got an eating disorder like the expert professionals have assessed me for I don’t want to take my weight loss to far and I think I should get help. I am allowed to continue on my weight loss journey after I seek help and see a dietician and do dialectical behavioural therapy. What do other people think about my situation? Sorry to post so many posts. I hope everyone is not sick of seeing my posts on MyFitnessPal. I’m really confused and quite heartbroken and I’m scared of gaining weight and not being able to stick to what the dietician advises me to do with normal eating for the rest of my life. I’m not sure what the future holds for my weight to be honest and it scares me to be underweight and to stay overweight or get obese again. Am I being paranoid or is my concern a reasonable concern


  • ashleygroizard
    ashleygroizard Posts: 181 Member
    These are all things you should talk to your treatment team about.

    Good luck
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,056 Member
    edited March 2019
    yeah, if it were me (and I've had other obsessions, so I get it) I would continue to lose weight until I was at a normal BMI. The concern is that you aren't looking at this in a way that will let you stop when you get there.

    The large block of anxious thoughts you posted above does need to be addressed. It shouldn't be this anxiety-producing. Are you on any medications or do you drink alcohol or a lot of caffeine? Alcohol and caffeine make my circular thinking way worse. I quit drinking alcohol and now only have my two cups of coffee per day and with exercise and a healthy diet and meditation I'm able to mostly control my thinking.

    Do some research on mindfulness and ways to reduce anxiety/anxious thoughts. Therapy is a great idea, too.
  • RunnerGrl1982
    RunnerGrl1982 Posts: 412 Member
    Hi there! You've gotten a diagnosis from a doctor, in my opinion, you should continue working with them. I'm terribly sorry for all of your struggles, and I hope you continue to get better and see a healthy, successful life in front of you.

    I know you want thoughts and responses on your current situation, but the truth is - we don't know you. We don't know your life or what you have personally been through even with the information you've provided in your other posts. I feel like, you wish to seek validation that if enough people chime in and agree with your assessment that you will excuse the doctor's diagnosis and ignore the reality that you may in fact have an eating disorder based upon a doctor's evaluation. At least....this is solely my interpretation of your post.

    Definitely reach out to them and discuss how you're feeling. We all wish you well and want to see you overcome this.
  • ashleygroizard
    ashleygroizard Posts: 181 Member
    Thank you everyone for your posts I have decided that doctors are the experts so I will continue telling them everything and working with them. Sorry for posting.
  • Silkysausage
    Silkysausage Posts: 502 Member
    'But because I’m so obsessed with losing weight and have symptoms of an eating disorder everyone seems to think it’s a problem'

    Then what you have is anorexia, keep seeing the specialists and good luck to you.
  • anthocyanina
    anthocyanina Posts: 86 Member
    Consider yourself lucky that your health care professionals diagnosed and are addressing your case. So many people who don't fit the typical mold for anorexia nervosa slip through the cracks.

    Take your enthusiasm for health and channel it into learning from and following the directions of your dietician and therapist. They're professionally trained in healthy eating and thinking patterns. They're on your side and deep down, they have the same goals as you do: helping you develop a healthful lifestyle that you can enjoy for life (and not obsess over). Not everyone in your shoes is fortunate enough to have such an opportunity!
  • ashleygroizard
    ashleygroizard Posts: 181 Member
    yeah, if it were me (and I've had other obsessions, so I get it) I would continue to lose weight until I was at a normal BMI. The concern is that you aren't looking at this in a way that will let you stop when you get there.

    The large block of anxious thoughts you posted above does need to be addressed. It shouldn't be this anxiety-producing. Are you on any medications or do you drink alcohol or a lot of caffeine? Alcohol and caffeine make my circular thinking way worse. I quit drinking alcohol and now only have my two cups of coffee per day and with exercise and a healthy diet and meditation I'm able to mostly control my thinking.

    Do some research on mindfulness and ways to reduce anxiety/anxious thoughts. Therapy is a great idea, too.

    I’m on a paliperidone injection which is a mood stabilizer and anti psychotic I have one beer every month or not even sometimes because I’ve cut back big time on my drinking and I drink two cups of coffee a day.
  • BuiltLikeAPeep
    BuiltLikeAPeep Posts: 94 Member
    Thank you everyone for your posts I have decided that doctors are the experts so I will continue telling them everything and working with them. Sorry for posting.

    Don't be sorry for posting- we are all in this TOGETHER good or bad!
  • ashleygroizard
    ashleygroizard Posts: 181 Member
    Thank you everyone for your posts I have decided that doctors are the experts so I will continue telling them everything and working with them. Sorry for posting.

    Don't be sorry for posting- we are all in this TOGETHER good or bad!

    This is hard this weight loss. It’s driving me crazy. What about you?