can someone help me with my "food" -- this is all i ate toda



  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    I am also a student and I use the following for snacks

    baby carrots
    laughing cow light cheese wedges

    For lunch I usually make a turkey sandwich or Peanut butter and jelly

    I understand about breakfast when school is in session...I eat high protein power bars...I actually notice my energy is up when I eat these bars

    hope this helps

    I'm definitely going to have to start taking some healthier snacks!! apples sound soooo good lol
  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    No, I meant at home. :) Refrigerate at home.

    oh im sorry, i misread! lol
  • McSnoozle
    McSnoozle Posts: 24 Member
    SOUP! Get a 1 or 2 cup glass container with lid, pour in, take with you to microwave. I've become a huge fan of soups for the convenience of fast dinner or take to work for lunch.

    Baby carrots --- you can buy pre-bagged single servings; I buy a larger bag and just divide up into snack bags.

    Baby bel lite cheese. Cottage cheese (low fat).

    Celery sticks, bell pepper slices, jicama slices, cucumber slices, radishes, etc. If you cut up and pre-bag (snack size ziplock) once a week or so, all you'll have to do is grab and go.

    Similarly, hard boil 4-6 eggs, keep in fridge, and take with you in the mornings.

    FRUIT! Apples, oranges, pears, grapes, berries.

    Tom-tom or Garrett County turkey sticks (similar to slim jims but healthier).

    NUTS. A handful or two of nuts (best raw and not roasted) are really good for you.

    Peanut butter --- you can buy those pre-packaged single servings or just smear a tablespoon or two into a small ziplock for later --- try to mush it into a corner. Later, you can cut the corner and squeeze the peanut butter onto fruit or crackers.

    Yogurt. Especially greek style. Look for sales and buy in quantity.

    If you eat more fruit and veggies, you'll have more to eat all day! :) Try for less processed and more "real" or raw food.

    I hope this helps! Good luck!
  • ccreek23
    ccreek23 Posts: 77
    Do you like canned soup? Or Frozen meals? The Lean cuisine and the healthy choice are really good choices. I try to take my lunch with me to work b/c of all the bad fast food choices. You can get the Hormel turkey pepperoni it is 70 cal for 17 slices and the laughing cow cheese wedges are only 35 cal and they come in a lot of different flavors. Some other good snacks would be light microwave popcorn, the new Special K cracker chips, they are 27 for 110 cal and yoplait light yogurt.. Good Luck!
  • texaseagle

    Looks like you have the same problem I do, not eating enough! Sounds crazy but you can and do gain wieght if you don't eat enough. A trick that I find that helps is nuts and seeds. I usually get the big can of planters mixed and make up several 30 or so nut bags. I do need to keep it mixed up or it gets boring so sometimes I toss in some craisins, raisins, banana chips, or dried pinapple go easy of the dried fruit though because it does have a ton of sugar! For example if I do 30 almonds I add 4-5 pieces of dried fruit and not to all bags just when I start getting sick of nuts lol!!!

    Hope this helps
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    I would get a lunch bag/lunch box (the PlanetBox is super cool, but is expensive. However, it helps tremendously with portion control) and some of those flat "ice blankets." You could pack almost anything if you keep it cold with those "ice blankets." :)

    Google "lunch ideas PlanetBox." That'll give you lots of ideas! :)

    dang nab it!!! now I need to buy one for myself and my three kids... just in case they don't make them any more when all three of them go to school! lol
  • dga1972
    dga1972 Posts: 16 Member
    I'd chose fruit or a quick b'fast hot cereal and add fruit to it. I like the Kashi cereal (honey & cinnamon) add water and microwave for 90 sec add some fruit to it. My snack of choice is a granola thin with some milk or even a banana- great for on the go!
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    I think that a banana (or any fruit really) is the ultimate fast food. Can you not buy some on the weekends and then eat that for breakfast? Nuts (raw almonds, walnuts) are also good for when you're on the go, but need some nourishment- you just shouldn't eat a lot of them (10-20 almonds/7-15 walnut halves). Just a few ideas. I'm sure that other MFP folks will have better ideas, though.
    good luck!

    This^^. Yes, fresh fruit is easy and accessible. Nuts as well...yummy, filling, and portable. Dried fruit is great as well (just watch your portions like with the nuts). As far as 'bars' go, look for ones that don't have very many ingredients and the ingredients they do have should be Real Food (e.g. LaraBar).

    Good luck!
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    I'm in school, and what I like doing is making my lunch the night before. Usually this will be egg brown fried rice, a chicken wrap, or a half bagel turkey sandwich, etc. These are things that are easily put in tupperware or a plastic baggie and eaten for lunch, even better if you have a microwave. :) Then you're missing out on all the nasty crap in lunchables and other packaged lunches.
  • uubulldawg06
    uubulldawg06 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm also a college student (with kids to get ready as well) and I actually grab a special K bar, or make toasted pita bread with laughing cow cheese and eat that in the car. And as far as lunch goes, I usually pack at smart ones, or lean cuisine and put it in a plastic grocery bag, and keep it in my book bag. I just have to knock off a little bit of time when I cook it since its is not completely frozen, but definitely still cold! We have Subway, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut on campus, so it is hard to pass anything up if I don't pack a lunch.

    tell me about it, there are so many fast food places around here to eat!! im definitely going to have to try the frozen meal, im just alil paranoid that its going to ruin. cuz it will be in my backpack from 8am-1pm.

    get an insulated lunch box and some of the reusable ice packs. they are great at keeping things cold so they wont ruin. also to help keep the lunch box cold freeze your green tea or water. just take a drink out of the bottle so there is room to expand!
  • Brielaine
    Try a little more protein.....I eat honey maid crakers and little bit of peanut butter for a snack and fills me up more than the cereal bars. I love the green giant frozen veggies single servings, you could take that with a sandwich (35 calorie bread, turkey, no cheese with mustard) and that is a good lunch. SOme stores have predone chicken fajita meat with the sandwich stuff that is good in a pita. Hope this helps...good luck. :)
  • janfranbell
    janfranbell Posts: 3 Member
    Hard Boil Eggs and keep in fridge, its protein and good to eat quick in morning
  • kristen11joy
    kristen11joy Posts: 114 Member
    Also, try making things ahead and freezing them yourself -- you can have a lot more control over what's in the frozen meal if you make it yourself -- and if it's frozen, it should last ok without refridgeration. My favourite when I have no time is an apple and a lite babybel (about 150 cal)
  • LMorrison1009
    LMorrison1009 Posts: 114 Member
    I so know what its like to be on the go all the time. I have started buying Luna bars and I keep one in my purse at all times to replace a meal if I'm on the go. Can you eat in the car or stop at a drive thru even? I tried the fruit oatmeal at McDonald's today and it was great, for less than 300 calories. I wouldn't do it every day, but once in a while.. I just saw at Walmart these lunch containers that you put in the freezer, and supposedly they stay fresh for 24 hours once you take them out. That might be an idea since you don't have a fridge. And lots of fruits and veggies would be just fine at room temperature all day and need no prep... Apples. Pears. Bananas. Celery. Carrots. Oranges. Cucumbers... Nuts are a good idea too. Sometimes my meals don't look like "meals" either. I get a lot if strange looks at work when I pull out a hard boiled egg, and hummus and carrots and celery at lunch time but as long as I'm feeling full and under calories I don't stress whether or not its cohesive. Healthy choice makes steamers that don't have to be refreigerated. They're in the soup aisle. You just add water and microwave. I really hope something I said was able to help. Good luck.

    ETA: Good for you for getting healthy while going to school and taking care of your son. It is not easy but will be so worth it in the long run!
  • dryfli
    dryfli Posts: 39
    try things that don't need to be refridgerated super cold. like others said, nuts, fruits. a pb sandwich. granola bars. rice cakes, string cheese, carrot sticks. they can hold up to temps that are a little warmer. other alternative. buy a 10 pack of roaring waters juice pouches. freeze one or 2 overnight and WALA! instant ice pak, that will slowly melt and then you can drink it too. you'd be surprised, and may need to do a little experimentation, how cold those lunchboxes can stay and how many juice pouches you need to keep it cold. what about soup? get a good thermos, a quality one. in the am, fill it with boiling water for 5 minutes, then empty and fill with really hot soup. it will stay hot all day long. then you don't need to worry about keeping it cold.
  • crazycat80
    crazycat80 Posts: 121 Member
    Ok, I'm just going to throw this in there. I have a thing for lunchables. They have come out with a ton of new types that contain whole wheat, fruit, fruit rollup (these taste a little weird) and no trans fats. They also have types with subs and pizzas that are healthier. Otherwise I stick to what everyone else discusses... Grapes, bananas, peanut butter, cliff bars, carrots, etc.
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    What about a protein bar/shake for breakfast that you could eat in the car? I'm a student too, and although I live close to my campus, I spend long hours there without a fridge. I just bought a box of protein bars for school because they are supposed to be filling and stick with you. Haven't tried them yet so I can't make any promises about how they taste, but breakfast is very important so I'd say it's worth a try!
    Also, most fruits and veggies would be okay without a fridge, and so would a PB&J sandwich. Oh, and what about those little grab and go microwaveable soup containers for lunch? I used to bring them to work all the time because they're so quick and convenient, and no fridge required! And you could throw in some crackers to make it more filling. Good luck!
  • rachel1496
    On days when I know I'm going to have to run out the door in a hurry I'll make breakfast burritos. I toss an egg, a small bit of skim milk, some peppers, grated zucchini, tomatoes, ham if I have it and a tiny bit of grated cheese in a bowl and microwave it so I don't have to wash a frying pan. Toss it in a wrap with some salsa and I have something I can eat one handed on the way to wherever I'm going. I keep veggies and cheese prepped in the fridge so I just have to grab them out of the container when I need them but if you don't have anything easy on hand even just scrambled egg and salsa in a wrap would work.

    For lunches I would skip anything with mayo just to be safe but other than that ice packs and a good insulated lunch bag should keep your food from spoiling. I pack my niece's lunches for her and I usually keep yogurt cups in the freezer and toss one in. By lunch it's thawed and it helps to keep the bag cool. Not everyone likes the texture of thawed yogurt though so I don't know if that will work for you. If not you could always put a bottle of frozen water in there, it'll do the same thing.

    If you're stuck on lunch ideas try making an extra portion at dinner and then taking it for lunch the next day. Snacks can be fruit, veggies, mini cheeses or string cheese, crackers, nuts, granola bars (homemade granola bars are dead easy, cheap, they keep well so you can make them in large batches and you control what goes in them), even dry cereal.