Have lost 20 Lbs and no exercise. Need help to get the lead

I have lost a total of 20 lbs since my weight loss journey started in July. I do lack the motivation to start moving more than my fingers on a keyboard. I can't seem to find the will power to jump up either before work or after to get the heart pumping. What are the opinions that if I work out and up my calories do I have to eat the extra numbers? I have a great diet and can stay satisfied at my current caloric intake for the day. but I just know that I will benefit greatly from sweating a little. Great website and I hope to never be here a great long time.


  • KayaSamantha
    KayaSamantha Posts: 157 Member
    Small changes make big differences! Getting up and walking around for 5 minutes every hour at work adds about 30 mins of walking at the end of your work day and parking down the block or making excuses to do several trips up and down stairs works too.
  • eelamme
    eelamme Posts: 1,135 Member
    I abhor working out but the following challenge has completely sparked an interest.
  • naomiserna
    naomiserna Posts: 5 Member
    I am currently experiencing the same issues. It's hard to get started on the activity. I chose to start out small with ten minute walks at work just for a mental break away from my computer and desk. I'm lucky I have an employer that allows me to do that on work time. At home it's a totally different story. I would have to wake up at 4am to fit in exercise. I have two young kids and bed time is at 8pm. I maybe have two hours with them in the evening. There is no way I'm spending time exercising instead of spending time with them. I have tried to incorporate more physical games with my kids to help burn calories. But I really don't have motivation. I totally understand what you are going through. And I actually respond to exercise efforts so you think that would be motivation enough, its not. My recommendation is set small goals and gradually increase them. Find things you enjoy doing or used to enjoy as a kid or teenager that would burn calories and start there. Might as well make it fun!
  • ebert5150
    ebert5150 Posts: 135 Member
    There is generally a pretty big range of opinions about eating exercise calories. I eat most of mine....some people don't. I guess it really just depends. If I go out and walk a few miles I might leave the calories...on the days where I do a ten mile run I'm going to eat back the majority of the calories. Listen to your body and think about quality of food as well as quantity. A few years ago I lost over 60 pounds without exercising....and then put it back on. Ive read that one commonality among those that keep weight off is that they integrate regular exercise....not sure if any of that helped...you'll get lots of responses on this. Good luck.
  • routerguy666
    Working out gets pretty addictive after a while. Ease into it and avoid getting overly sore.

    Best thing to do is get up right now, stop analyzing the situation, and just get started...
  • PKMartini
    Everyone's replies were great. Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. I hear everything that your saying but just need that one swift kick in the pants that will get me up off my bottom.