150+ lbs to lose?!?!

I'm looking for friends that have a massive amount of weight to lose like I do. I started the year at 375lbs and have a goal of between 175-200 (I'll know better where I want to be when I'm there). Hoping to lose at least 50lbs this year.

Please friend request me. I use the app and for some reason I dont get notifications (I've looked through all the settings). I hope we can empower eachother to reach our goals.


    SGiKONIC Posts: 3 Member
    I have about the same to lose, friend. I’m with you!!!
  • pixibombz
    pixibombz Posts: 110 Member
    Hi..i also have lots to lose
  • therealklane
    therealklane Posts: 2,172 Member
    My GW is ~165.
    I'd originally lost 145 lbs and was only 30 lbs away from my goal. However, after surgeries and health issues, I gained it all back. :tired_face:
    I am down ~13 lbs now and have 158lbs to go. Ugh. Trying not to think about the distance left to travel, but how far i have come.

    Please feel free to add me!
  • fayesellman
    fayesellman Posts: 4 Member
    I also have a lot of weight to lose. But I take it one day at a time. Sometimes I'm discouraged with my weight loss, plan, but I can't let that stop me. I finally decided in my life; I don't want to be a fat person any longer. I want to be fit and healthy. Just don't give up we can do!!!
  • jennabeauchesne1
    jennabeauchesne1 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey! On the same boat. Initially lost over 100 lbs but gained it all back plus more. Just hit 300 last week and decided it was finally time to get back in shape. Would love to have a group/more friends!
  • emelfam
    emelfam Posts: 2 Member
    edited March 2019
    Need to lose about 150lbs. Add me as your friend too!
  • Britxclarity
    Britxclarity Posts: 235 Member
    Feel free to add me as well! I have about 176lbs to lose before i see how i feel and where im at. Such a long journey.will be so much better with people
  • Dawncff
    Dawncff Posts: 2 Member
    I'm there with you. I'm starting in at 312. I want to get down to 175. I'd do the math but I'm too lazy and it's sort of depressing to think about how much I have to lose. lol Feel free to add me. Its going to be a long road but I know it'll be all worth it in the end. =)
  • shrinkingmrsb
    shrinkingmrsb Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, I’ve 185 lbs to lose. I’m a serial stater however this time I’m hoping I’ll manage what I started ... again! :) Count me in - and let’s motivate each other.
  • champion818
    champion818 Posts: 65 Member
    I have 120 to loose you can add me as a friend ! Anyone else who would like to add me feel free
  • Soof65
    Soof65 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I also have a long way to go (again), keep losing and gaining the same 6 stones. Perhaps we can all support each other!
  • Jenean125
    Jenean125 Posts: 26 Member
    edited March 2019
    Please add me too. I also have a long way to go...started at 351 and would like to get to 175. But that means I would have to lose 176 lbs. 😳 But I’m working hard, taking it day by day... I started over again March 9 and so far I’ve lost 17 lbs so that makes me happy! I’m doing WW and MFP together to make sure I stay accountable!! 😁

    SW 351
    GW 175
    CW 334