day 1 - looking for support group!

Hi all!
MyFitnessPal was just introduced to me last night by a friend, so today is DAY 1 !!!!!
This is like nothing I've ever tried before, so I'm really hoping this little community will help me be successful!
I'm wondering if there is a way to find groups of ppl that I have things in common with (other than the need to lose weight :P ) like age and lifestyle.. that sort of thing. I'm still playing around with the website, but if anyone knows how to help, that would be fabulous!
Thanks all! :flowerforyou:


  • timeforchange
    Hi all!
    MyFitnessPal was just introduced to me last night by a friend, so today is DAY 1 !!!!!
    This is like nothing I've ever tried before, so I'm really hoping this little community will help me be successful!
    I'm wondering if there is a way to find groups of ppl that I have things in common with (other than the need to lose weight :P ) like age and lifestyle.. that sort of thing. I'm still playing around with the website, but if anyone knows how to help, that would be fabulous!
    Thanks all! :flowerforyou:
  • jessbramble
    :flowerforyou: Welcome I believe that this is the best websit for wieght loss if you ever need help with anything feel free to drop me a line talk soon:happy:
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    I am new too. I today is day 8 for me, so I am more than willing to team up with you/others. The first week was a bit harder than I expected, so a support group sounds like just the thing for me.
  • timeforchange
    So I see you've been a member since last July - tell me how you manage to meet your allotted calorie intake!
    The reason I'm asking is that I just had a tim horton's hot chocolate (not by choice but my fiance just brought it for me and I feel bad not drinking it :blushing: ) and now i only have 980 calories left for the day! i have no idea how i'm going to get through the rest of my busy day! what should I eat! .. i think I need to hit up the grocery store for some better/lighter food :laugh:
  • mehapp
    mehapp Posts: 132
    Hi TFC,

    Welcome! This website is awesome!
    That being said, I'll also encourage you. This website, and the support you find in it, is what you make of it. I commend you for reaching out and asking for the support you need. I believe it really does make a difference.

    The thing I like most about the site is the way it makes you accountable. Knowing I have to enter in the food in the food log, really makes me think. I look at food now, and take note of the calories, (what?!? that granola bar is 300 calories? Forget it!)

    I'm on a 1200 calorie diet now, and it has been an adjustment. By using the tools on the website, I'm teaching myself what a "normal" meal really is. It's really great. It's so encouraging after a good day to look at the end result and read, "If everyday were like today, in 5 weeks, you'd weigh....." It also motivates me on the bad days.

    I must say, for my part, I've had a relatively unhealthy relationship with food for as long as I can remember. I have found so much positive feedback / inspiration / motivation here.

    I wish you all the best!
  • rojames52
    A good support group that I belong to is TOPS. You attend once a week and it only cost 26.00 per year and Chapter monthly dues usually .50 to 2.00 per month. It is a nationally known group...look it up and you may have 2 great support places. I am happy with this site and really enjoy the personal interaction with the TOPS group.:flowerforyou:
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Welcome to MFP! :flowerforyou: Yes definitely hit up the grocery store for lots of veggies and fruits they are filling and low cal with lots of healthy water inside too. High fiber pastas are filling too.

    You can start a thread for anything you are looking to get a group together for under support and motivation like "Where are the 20-25 year olds" or "Anyone out there face a desk job need help with ideas." Things like that. I know Mike the owner of the site is trying to set up a groups capability so maybe sometime soon we will be able to form and join groups on here. He said it would take some time to set it up and get it up and running. Good Luck!:drinker:
  • deborina
    :flowerforyou: Hey girls! I just joined but have been on a program (of sorts) for 7 weeks. I am working with a group here at work to lose weight. We call it "Loser 2009". I have so far lost 7.4 pounds. But, I have run into a snag. I hurt my knee and now have to have it replaced this summer. Then, I hurt my shoulder and now have to take a round of steroids and get 2 MRI's. All because of exercise. So, if you are just starting to exercise, PLEASE be careful. Steroids are not diet friendly. I joined this website to keep track of my intake. I keep thinking I will put it on paper, but get lazy after a while. I'm on the computer part of the day, so this is much more convenient. And, in spite of the pain, I am not giving up exercising. When you use up a big bunch of calories that your boyfriend brings you, load up on a bunch of lo-cal veggies and fruit. It really helps. And, using the spray butter on veggies makes them even better. Good luck to all. Let's get HEALTHY together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Debbie C. from Texas:love:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. You will love this site if you don't already. I love this site so much. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, and everyone is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this.
  • krystina09
    this is my first day two. I'm doing this for my fitness class in high school. I'm over weight and i can't bare it anymore. I'm so disgusted and can't take the weight off.
  • krystina09
    Hi all!
    MyFitnessPal was just introduced to me last night by a friend, so today is DAY 1 !!!!!
    This is like nothing I've ever tried before, so I'm really hoping this little community will help me be successful!
    I'm wondering if there is a way to find groups of ppl that I have things in common with (other than the need to lose weight :P ) like age and lifestyle.. that sort of thing. I'm still playing around with the website, but if anyone knows how to help, that would be fabulous!
    Thanks all! :flowerforyou:
    his is my first day two. I'm doing this for my fitness class in high school. I'm over weight and i can't bare it anymore. I'm so disgusted and can't take the weight off.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Welcome, like everyone else is saying, you will love this site. I know I do. Everyone is friendly, and everyone is supportive, and the tools are great and easy to use. Enjoy your journey. And for the days you aren't enjoying yourself, we are all here for ya!:flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • Sandra27
    Hello, I am new too, I am on day 3. I really like this group so far, I have met a lot of really nice people and have found that recording everything I eat is very helpful. The first two days, I was absloutely shocked at how many calories I was eating, and how much I was going over my suggested daily intake. I have done really well today, I am on a 1200 cal plan and just have dinner left with almost 700 cals left (I got an extra 200 cal allowance today for going to the gym this morning:wink: ). I switched out a lot the things I was previously eating to cleaner, more nutritious, and satisfying foods with smaller portions. I have actually already finished my daily water intake (which is awesome, I hate water), but I feel very accomplished. USE THE FOOD DIARY...It really helps! Good Luck to you girl, I'm on this ride with ya! P.S. when you go to the grocery: shop on the outer isles, they have fresher, cleaner, and more nutritious food IE: Fish, lean meats, fruits and veggies and so forth! DRINK YOUR WATER:bigsmile:
  • timeforchange
    thanks everyone for the encouraging posts!! I already know I'm really going to love this site and the ppl on it!
    Day 1 has already been challenging ( I always feel more hungry and have more cravings when I'm dieting ) but I feel different this time b/c I actually have a website to report to and ppl to chat with!!
    Thanks again
    Rock on :glasses:
  • jeffwyeg
    jeffwyeg Posts: 105
    I've been here on this site for 2 weeks now and I am LOVING IT! The people are awesome, friendly and very supportive!

    As for your little "issue" from earlier today:
    I just had a tim horton's hot chocolate (not by choice but my fiance just brought it for me and I feel bad not drinking it :blushing: ) and now i only have 980 calories left for the day! i have no idea how i'm going to get through the rest of my busy day! what should I eat! .. i think I need to hit up the grocery store for some better/lighter food :laugh:

    Don't worry about it! 980 calories is tons! My recommended calorie intake for the whole day is only 1800 calories! You'd be amazed at what you can eat for only 980 calories :smile:

    And definitely hit the grocery store looking for healthy stuff...and make sure to check the nutritional info on everything you buy - it might make the trip a little longer, but it'll be a real eye opener!

    Welcome to the're gonna love it!
  • sb1712
    my 2nd day - so I'm in and looking for support too. I have tried many times to loose the last 20 lbs - but always give up because it's too hard - but this sounds easy and the calorie counter is the best I've ever used. I agree with jeffwyeg - 980 is a ton of cals ..... eat lots of veg and salad with some lean protein and some whole wheat bread and you'll still have cals left for a sugar free Jello snack (my personal favorite 60 yummy cals). So good luck and I can't wait for us to be successfuI. I need help getting past family celebrations and the lure of a glass of wine.
  • sweetapplepi
    This is my first week or so here, and being able to keep track of what I eat and my calorie intake has been a great tool to have. There seem to be alot of people here to help and encourage as well. It's one of the best diet/fitness websites I've found. Good luck with your journey and your success!! :flowerforyou: