3 meals a day vs snacks

To much info out there over to snack or not to snack what does everyone prefer?
One one hand 3 meals a day encourages the body to use up body fat stored between meals as energy or the other hand snacking keeps metabolism active and burning calories through eating. I’ve tried both and prefer healthy snacks in between as I get the shakes


  • thanos5
    thanos5 Posts: 513 Member
    meals vs snacks made no difference for me whatsoever in my weight loss. i experimented with it a bit. 3 meals plus 3 snacks vs just 3 meals and my results were the same. i also achieve the same results if i eat all my calories in one meal vs 3.
    i think whatever works for you, as long as you stay under your calorie goal, is fine.
  • staticsplit
    staticsplit Posts: 538 Member
    My day usually goes like this, but not always:

    8 - 9 am - milky coffee (hardly ever hungry first thing, though if I am then I have something)

    10.30 to 11: snack window

    1 to 2: lunch window

    3 to 5: snack window

    6 to 8 pm: dinner window

    9 to 10 pm: snack window

    I don't like eating too much and feeling full, plus I get shaky if my blood sugar goes low. I love snacks.
  • Anna022119
    Anna022119 Posts: 547 Member
    My day usually goes like this, but not always:

    8 - 9 am - milky coffee (hardly ever hungry first thing, though if I am then I have something)

    10.30 to 11: snack window

    1 to 2: lunch window

    3 to 5: snack window

    6 to 8 pm: dinner window

    9 to 10 pm: snack window

    I don't like eating too much and feeling full, plus I get shaky if my blood sugar goes low. I love snacks.

    I'm exactly the same.
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    3 meals per day and 2 snacks, and stay within my calorie budget.
  • Dreamwa1ker
    Dreamwa1ker Posts: 196 Member
    edited March 2019
    It is personal preference. Figure out which keeps you feeling satisfied so that you can stay on track with your calorie goal. You can make either work calorie-wise - it all just matters as far as what keeps you from getting too hungry/dissatisfied where you are then at more risk of overeating.

    E.g. for me - I skip breakfast. I have never been someone who is very hungry in the morning so I prefer to just be able to have a larger lunch that will keep me full til dinner. When I tried to force breakfast on myself, I ended up eating more calories total in the day because then lunch couldn't be big enough to keep me full long enough. But I know other people who wake up starving and would rather start with a big breakfast and then smaller meals later. Basically, listen to your own body.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    I get hungry if I don't snack.
  • SuzySunshine99
    SuzySunshine99 Posts: 2,986 Member
    It doesn't matter how you spread your calories out throughout the day. Whatever works to keep you within your calorie goal.

    For me, personally, I don't snack. 3 meals a day (2 small and one large). I find that I am better off not eating anything than trying to have "a little something". For some reason, that little something actually makes me more hungry and I want to keep eating.

    But, everyone's different.
  • gaelicstorm
    gaelicstorm Posts: 94 Member
    I eat three meals and 2 snacks. I need the snacks to help me stay on track. If I don't have them then I get overly hungry and tend to overeat at the next meal because I feel ravenous.

    Just pick whatever works with your goals. Do you like big meals and don't care about snacking? Do you prefer more moderate meals with some snacks throughout the day? Or do you enjoy controlled grazing? How we time our meals is not as important as keeping within our calorie/macro/health goals. Whatever you pick, make sure you are setting yourself up for success.
  • thanos5
    thanos5 Posts: 513 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Bloggers gotta have something to fill the page.

  • kbmnurse1
    kbmnurse1 Posts: 316 Member
    I prefer 3 meals (smaller) + 2 snacks.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Meal timing has very little affect on weight loss and the benefits from eating one way or the other, for most people, just gets lost in the noise of CICO. Elite athletes or people with a disease or medications that require them to watch their meal timing need to worry about it. For almost everyone else, sustainability and eating in a way that suits your feelings and schedule best are far more important.

    I like two meals and snacks at night. That's what suits me. I've tried three or four other meal schedules and they were all fine and I lost the same amount of weight on each, but this way of eating is what I keep coming back to. Play around with different things and see what you like best.
  • Phirrgus
    Phirrgus Posts: 1,894 Member
    I snack several times a day some days, not much on others. I try to not get too hungry as I have a tendency to attack the cabinets when I get home after work if I'm running on empty.

    I've never really noticed a difference weight wise, loss or gain, either way.