Please help! Sticking to diet, but I'm getting fatter!

I have been sticking to my diet pretty well, and for a while I was going in the direction I wanted. But the past two weeks, my stomach has been very bloated and upset. And now, there is an extra layer of fat around my stomach, which was the reason I started dieting in the first place. Last week my waist was a half and inch smaller than it is today, and I don't understand.

Please help, this is really upsetting me :(


  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    If you open up your diary for viewing people will be better able to help you.
  • RanayeG
    RanayeG Posts: 12
    Take a pregnancy test!:wink:
  • luckyduck768
    luckyduck768 Posts: 40 Member
    Is it that time of month? Have you been eating anything that tends to make you bloated?
  • If you open up your diary for viewing people will be better able to help you.

    No, what I eat is my business. I already explained myself, and I just want some advice based on what I already said.
  • Take a pregnancy test!:wink:

    I'm 18, not having sex, and on birth control. I also am a paranoid weirdo so I did, and it's negative LOL
  • Is it that time of month? Have you been eating anything that tends to make you bloated?

    I have been eating the same foods I have eaten all year. I rarely ever change it up. No, I'm on birth control so 'TOM' is really 'TOY'
  • kjjm08
    kjjm08 Posts: 217 Member
    Could be TOM, sodium intake etc.
  • bree2012
    bree2012 Posts: 179
    How much do you exercise? I suggest cardio for 5 times a week, 40 min per session.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    If you open up your diary for viewing people will be better able to help you.

    No, what I eat is my business. I already explained myself, and I just want some advice based on what I already said.

    Without knowing how much carbs or fiber you're eating, or how much water you're drinking, there's no way for anyone to actually offer intelligent advice. Good luck in your efforts.
  • Ruchell
    Ruchell Posts: 236 Member
    If you open up your diary for viewing people will be better able to help you.

    No, what I eat is my business. I already explained myself, and I just want some advice based on what I already said.

    Then the amount of help youre going to get will be pretty limited...
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    Upped sodium could cause bloating, drinking lots of water when your body isnt used to flushing it yet can cause bloating, chewing gum or eating gassy foods can cause bloating. The last few days I was freaking out because I felt my gut had grown but I was just retaining water on my period, it flattened back down in a few days. That's the only things I can suggest without knowing what you're eating. :) Good luck!
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    know you don't want to hear this *again* but it's hard to assess without knowing what you are eating or without having more info. how much do you exercise? what is your average daily calorie intake?
  • Upped sodium could cause bloating, drinking lots of water when your body isnt used to flushing it yet can cause bloating, chewing gum or eating gassy foods can cause bloating. The last few days I was freaking out because I felt my gut had grown but I was just retaining water on my period, it flattened back down in a few days. That's the only things I can suggest without knowing what you're eating. :) Good luck!

    But it's been everyday for about two weeks now :( and I don't get my period. I'm really really really freaked out that I'm gaining weight and it's something I can't control
  • k3lly89
    k3lly89 Posts: 67
    What birth control are you on? I have had trouble with mine. It made me gain and I couldn't lose while on it. Since changing I am slowly losing.
  • k3lly89
    k3lly89 Posts: 67
    What birth control are you on? I have had trouble with mine. It made me gain and I couldn't lose while on it. Since changing I am slowly losing.
  • zatapup
    zatapup Posts: 1
    Go see a doctor. If you were losing weight before and now have these new issues (which taken all together can be a sign of another underlying illness) you should have it checked out. I might very well be nothing more than indegestion/gastric reflux or your bodys way of reacting to the new diet, but you won't know unless you have it checked out.
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    Unless you are on a certain medication or have a certain condition that prevents weight loss (or causes weight gain) it is impossible to gain weight unless you are eating too much. :) If you are sticking to a deficit but also aren't in starvation mode, you will lose weight, it's the law of thermodynamics. either you're eating more than you realize, or eating poorly, or your body is just bloating and reacting weird to something.
  • If you open up your diary for viewing people will be better able to help you.

    No, what I eat is my business. I already explained myself, and I just want some advice based on what I already said.

    Then the amount of help youre going to get will be pretty limited...

    People could just ask me if I'm eating a lot of certain things. I am not comfortable with people looking at my food diary, I have my reasons, and people should respect them. I'm not being rude, but I'm not discussing this. You don't know why I don't want people to look at it, so please don't assume its for a stupid reason.
  • What birth control are you on? I have had trouble with mine. It made me gain and I couldn't lose while on it. Since changing I am slowly losing.

    I've been on Depoprovera for almost four years now, and I know it's supposed to make you gain weight- but it hasn't done anything to me in four years so I really don't think that's the cause :/
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    do you have a gluten or lactose allergy? even if it never bothered you in the past, it could be causing symptoms now.