I have never been so ANGRY

at MYSELF! No, I didn't cheat. No, I wasn't lazy today. No, I didn't even over eat.

While doing my Ripped Extreme with Billy Blanks, I was actually really listening to what he said between exercises. At one point, he said to get really angry and let it all out into your workout. To REALLY look at yourself and get ANGRY. So I did. And, boy, it ALL came out. I was angry for letting myself get this way. I was angry for letting myself turn into a frustration eater. I was angry for letting myself get lazy.

I use to play volleyball and basketball. Anyone who plays those sports knows that you can NOT be out of shape and play those sports at the high school level...not if you wan scholarships. (Nope, never got one...lived in a VERY small town an if you weren't popular, you didn't play...even though EVERYONE who tried out, made the team.) I played the best when I did play though.

I got angry for getting myself hooked on food. It was frustrating! I worked my *kitten* off for the rest of the DVD. 10 minutes later and I'm still sweating bullets.

My abs hurt, my legs hurt, my arms hurt, and I'm shaking. Good workout.



  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Cheer up, Buttercup!
  • perishable
    perishable Posts: 26 Member
    Good for you. Oddly, it sounds like a great experience for motivation.
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    Hurts so good, huh? Sounds like you had a great workout!!
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    i love workouts like that. at least you know you can tap into that anger and let it motivate you to be better...dont let it tear you down to the point you cant even see a way out of your situation!

    write down what you felt at the moment, and hang that note on the refrigerator or somewhere you can reference it whenever you feel like you lose your motivation....trust me, it helps!
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Great experience. Keep it up.
  • Lolyballs
    Lolyballs Posts: 180 Member
    you did a great job! The shaking probably means you need some hydration or a light snack. You have every reason to be proud of yourself. You're not sitting around saying why me... you're doing something about it! Keep up the great work.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Ha, despite the fact that I hate fighting with my husband, working out after a fight is often a great work out because I am so pumped and full of adrenalin. It's also a good way to get my anger out from the fight.
  • babylemonade
    babylemonade Posts: 250 Member
    I love Billy Blanks. Inspiring.
  • Leslietheriot
    Leslietheriot Posts: 303 Member
    Awesome! That's what it takes for most of us to really want change...getting pissed off enough to MAKE it happen. That's great motivation for me for tomorrow during my workout :)
  • koluvsmusic
  • NyxDominique
    NyxDominique Posts: 271 Member
    Keep up the good work!
  • piperjon
    piperjon Posts: 157 Member
    Lol, been there, DO that. Just in a different way.

    In regular life, I'm very easy going, pretty quiet, and I like to think of myself as reasonably good natured. But when I work out, I work out to such gentle music as Slipknot, Coal Chamber, Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, Lacuna Coil, Skinny Puppy, Disturbed, Drowning Pool, Lamb of God... not what one would consider to be gentle music by any means. At first, I just thought that it was something that just got my juice up. But it's not, it's quite more than that.

    It touches rage inside of me. Pure, white-hot, violent rage. It's a rage that I never knew existed, and only comes out in the relative safety of my own acoustically tormented workout. I touch it, it fuels unbelievable exertion, and for whatever reason, it works its way out. Never even in the mosh pit have I experienced anything like this.

    Even more interesting (to me), much to the chagrin of people who feel such music is bad for you, I've found increasing peace and softness in daily life. It's like I tap this frightening, awful rage, physically work my way through it, and it dissipates. Phoooo... leaving behind a warm adrenaline + endorphin runner's high, and a smoooooth soft focus.

    I like to call it "Better Living Through Heavy Metal."
    "How Marilyn Manson Helped Me Lose Fifty Pounds."
    "The Slipknot Workout: Lose Weight or Die, Maggot!"
    "Death Metal: Making Me Live Again"

    Oo, I like that last one... :-)
