Skills we need for long term success

daneejela Posts: 461 Member
edited March 2019 in Health and Weight Loss
Recently I've been listening to an interesting podcast (phit-and-phat) and one thing that resonated strongly with me was the statement that we need to meet ourselves where we are at the moment and from there build up our way to where we want to be, every day trying to be 1% better, not beating ourselves up every time we fail.

I was reflecting on that and concluded that between I-at-the-moment and I-I'd-like-to-be there are few main skills I need to (re)learn.

I thought it could be a good idea to write them here, and in the case you have a similar list, maybe we can share our progress on each.

So, here are few mine's:

1.) Stop eating when I feel comfortably satisfied (not overstuffed with food)
2.) Learn not to mirror others when it comes to food (I have my own stomach and it knows when it needs food)
3.) Learn to not respond to people's attempts to guilt trip me into eating
4.) Learn to work without food/drinks by my side
5.) Learn to face and express my emotions (instead of numbing my self with food)
6.) Learn to accept days when I need just a bit more food and not to go to the extremes because of it
7.) Learn to care for me, my body, look, and my health

Many of those things I used to take for granted but keep failing at it over and over again.
For example, - 7.) I care for a while, then I just go "nah, too much trouble" and return back to my previous patterns.
So, I need to learn to keep myself motivated to care for my own well being.

Do you have any skills you need to learn that you think are crucial for your long term weight loss?
Do you have any skills you have learned during your weight loss period? How did you succeed at it?


  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    * Stick-to-it-tiveness
    * Adjust your attitude
  • garystrickland357
    garystrickland357 Posts: 598 Member
    I’ll say I’ve learned to make my health a priority. I exercise on average about an hour a day. That’s all it takes for me to stay fit. I’ve learned it’s ok to say no to anything that interferes with that. Do I juggle my schedule and make adjustments? Sure - but I refuse to allow other people’s wants interfere with my good health.

    Skills? I log my food and weigh every day. I make choices that allow me to maintain a healthy weight. It’s not motivation - it’s a choice - I chose not to get fat again.
  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Portion control !
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    daneejela wrote: »
    Recently I've been listening to an interesting podcast (phit-and-phat) and one thing that resonated strongly with me was the statement that we need to meet ourselves where we are at the moment and from there build up our way to where we want to be, every day trying to be 1% better, not beating ourselves up every time we fail.

    I was reflecting on that and concluded that between I-at-the-moment and I-I'd-like-to-be there are few main skills I need to (re)learn.

    I thought it could be a good idea to write them here, and in the case you have a similar list, maybe we can share our progress on each.

    So, here are few mine's:

    1.) Stop eating when I feel comfortably satisfied (not overstuffed with food)
    2.) Learn not to mirror others when it comes to food (I have my own stomach and it knows when it needs food)
    3.) Learn to not respond to people's attempts to guilt trip me into eating
    4.) Learn to work without food/drinks by my side
    5.) Learn to face and express my emotions (instead of numbing my self with food)
    6.) Learn to accept days when I need just a bit more food and not to go to the extremes because of it
    7.) Learn to care for me, my body, look, and my health

    Many of those things I used to take for granted but keep failing at it over and over again.
    For example, - 7.) I care for a while, then I just go "nah, too much trouble" and return back to my previous patterns.
    So, I need to learn to keep myself motivated to care for my own well being.

    Do you have any skills you need to learn that you think are crucial for your long term weight loss?
    Do you have any skills you have learned during your weight loss period? How did you succeed at it?

    Maintaining musculoskeletal integrity-conscious nutrition, staying active and working the fun and the silly in, to keep it interesting.
  • 150poundsofme
    150poundsofme Posts: 523 Member
    I need to not go off the rails if I eat an extra carb.
    I am continuing to exercise even when I am not eating healthy or in the right quantity.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    "Let it go"
    I found (early in my weight loss process, thankfully) that when I fixate, obsessively micromanage, overcomplicate, and try to be perfect, that I tend to burn out very fast which is almost always followed by an "IDGAF" period. The skill of not being perfect, sometimes even very imperfect, has played a huge role in my weight loss.
  • RunsWithBees
    RunsWithBees Posts: 1,508 Member
    edited March 2019
    My #1 advice: Don’t get set in your old habits!!! Be open to trying new things and new approaches. People really can change if they want to and put forth the effort :blush:
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    #1 consistency
  • SunrayG
    SunrayG Posts: 7 Member
    Nice thread!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    SunrayG wrote: »
    Nice thread!

    It is a nice thread, and people have had good responses ... and I don't know why someone has come in here to Flag and Woo people. :neutral:
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    daneejela wrote: »
    Do you have any skills you need to learn that you think are crucial for your long term weight loss?
    Do you have any skills you have learned during your weight loss period? How did you succeed at it?

    One of the things I've been able to do for years and years and years is exercise. I love being active and that's probably fortunate or I'd be a lot heavier when my weight goes up a bit.

    Along with that, comes my love of data. So I've been tracking my exercise since 1990 ... long before MFP. :)

    Therefore, when I got here, it wasn't much of a leap to track my food too.

    But for me, tracking my food and focusing on weight loss is about priorities. There are times (like in the last year) where it is just not a priority because much, much more important things are priorities.

  • cilliandelaney
    cilliandelaney Posts: 10 Member
    I find that if you treat yourself with non-food treats you have a greater chance of success overall. Also I find white tea very good. Keeps my appetite In check
  • texasredreb
    texasredreb Posts: 541 Member
    I'm at the beginning of my journey towards better health. I need to work on not being shy, embarrassed or ambiguous to others about losing weight.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    I find that if you treat yourself with non-food treats you have a greater chance of success overall. Also I find white tea very good. Keeps my appetite In check

    I've got a collection of teas I like. They're a no-calorie treat for me in the evenings. :)

    I'm drinking this one tonight ...

  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    I needed to learn to consider and value my future self (who needs a healthy weight and fitness in order to have a happy and satisfying life), not just my current self (who sometimes wants to eat All Da Foodz).

    This couldn’t express it better. All I have to do is look at family members for a snapshot of my future self. It’s very motivating when I do want to eat “All Da Foodz”.

    I need to get over the “deer in the headlights” approach to life, too. I work at it constantly. It’s way harder than weight loss. Who knew.