what am i supposed to do, just stop exercising?? HELP



  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Your kind of saying that you want to be less active, and less healthy. I think you need to kind of re-evaluate your lifestyle.
    If you are rocking the workouts, keep doing that!

    Uhh NO I am saying that I love being healthy and active but eating 2500+ calories a day is a challenge?
  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    Actually you're not supposed to heat olive oil. You should add olive oil as a dressing but for cooking best to use coconut oil. Olive oil's nutrients break down at a lower temperature than coconut oil. I personally cook with broth and use EVOO as a dressing.
  • HOW do you burn 1000 cals a day?!?! Can you please give me an example workout Ellie?

    I am wondering this myself. Do you just keep your heart rate monitor on at all times? I can burn a thousand on a weekend when I work in my garden for an afternoon and take the dogs for a walk, but even an intense cycle class only burns about 800 for me.
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    HOW do you burn 1000 cals a day?!?! Can you please give me an example workout Ellie?
    P90X Plyo and then 9 rounds (3 mins. boxing, 1 min rest) on the heavy bag = about 1,200 calories for me, if I really push myself and keep my HR elevated. That is based on my HRM, not MFP calculations.
  • You, need to do what works for you!!! Definitely make sure you are eating enough... But also listen to your body. You love to work out...!!! That is fabulous. Try eating to when till you are full and stay within your calorie intake for the day. If you don't see a loss, perhaps there is something that you can tweak. It truly is trial and error because what works for one person may not work for another.

    When I burn over a 1000+ calories in a day... I know that there is no way for me to eat everything back. But when I plan on working out like that I set a good base early in the day to back my calorie burn.

    Nuts, eggs, protein powder, and avocado are all excellent foods that you can incorporate into meals to boost calories in a healthy way!!!
  • cartern1
    cartern1 Posts: 270 Member
    I have the same problem and really struggle - even sacrifing exercise on some days because i haven't "fuelled" properly. I hate it because I LOVE exercising plus if I'm out on my bike or in the pool I cannot go to the fridge/shop/cupboard and eat some crap out of boredom.

    I have been working hard to add some "calories dense" foods to my intake but get it wrong more than I get it right. One thing i've tried is adding something small to each meal. i.e. some pesto/bean salad/evoo to a meal which I would normally not bother. I can easily add 100-250 calories per meal doing this but it hard work and doesn't come natural to me. I also added a "mid-morning" snack which is usually around 3-400 cals.

    Another problem is, I feel so full/bloated trying to eat back all my calories - i think my body has gotten used to small portions over the last 8 months.

    The important thing is to keep trying - you will get there in the end!

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Am I the only person that doesn't have a problem eating when I'm not hungry????? I plan my meals for the day in the morning including snacks and I also try to take into account any exercise I MIGHT do and spread those calories over the day. Eating at regular intervals, hungry or not, helps to stabilize your blood sugar and prevents overeating at main meals. To be honest, I'm very rarely hungry, but I still eat my calories AND most of my exercise calories.

    You may still be losing at this rate, but this type of severe calorie deficit will catch up to to you eventually.

    Eating when not hungry is a symptom of emotional eating. Why would you eat when your body isn't telling you to?

    I was never an emotional eater. I had a fast metabolism most of my life and so I could eat junk and not gain. My metabolism slowed down as I got older, but I didn't change my eating habits (a lot of pizza and eating out, so small amounts of food for a LOT of calories) and I gained. But since I was an infant, when I wasn't hungry anymore, I stopped eating. I've always been that way and only gained weight for the first time about five years ago, took most of it off and kept it off for four years. I gained a few pounds back the last six months with my old habits.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i agree with above. if you know you're working out, then eat more thorughout the day, instead of waiting till the evening and then realising you are -1000 cals! a couple of hundred extra per meal is pretty easy to do!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I think MFP can overestimate calories burnt.

    Add some calorie dense healthy food like nuts, avocado, salmon.

    But if you really aren't hungry then don't eat the calories, warped logic to stop exercising.

    FWIW I rarely eat ALL my exercise calories, but they are there if I am hungry.

    I suffer from IBS so if I forced myself to eat them all I'd end up bloated and ill. Not the point of MFP.

    Also, if you are overweight you can safely tolerate a bigger calories deficit and lose more weight - I have only really eaten my exercise calories since I got close to goal. I wasn't hungry for them before that.

    This is my HRM telling me how many calories I burnt, not MFP.
    Well, eg today I went for a 3 hour jog/power walk in intervals cos I needed to get my mind off things and I found this really helps my depression.
  • cartern1
    cartern1 Posts: 270 Member
    HOW do you burn 1000 cals a day?!?! Can you please give me an example workout Ellie?

    70-80 mins in the pool
    60-70 mins out on my bike
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Eat higher calorie foods. Veggies are great and you should eat a lot of them, but also add whole grain breads or cereals, quinoa, brown rice, granola, nuts or nut butters, dried beans which are all very healthy and high calorie. And don't forget fats! Nuts have healthy fats, but also maybe cook with olive or canola oil or drizzle a little olive oil over your salads or cooked veggies. You only need a little oil to add a lot of calories.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Am I the only person that doesn't have a problem eating when I'm not hungry????? I plan my meals for the day in the morning including snacks and I also try to take into account any exercise I MIGHT do and spread those calories over the day. Eating at regular intervals, hungry or not, helps to stabilize your blood sugar and prevents overeating at main meals. To be honest, I'm very rarely hungry, but I still eat my calories AND most of my exercise calories.

    You may still be losing at this rate, but this type of severe calorie deficit will catch up to to you eventually.

    Eating when not hungry is a symptom of emotional eating. Why would you eat when your body isn't telling you to?

    I was never an emotional eater. I had a fast metabolism most of my life and so I could eat junk and not gain. My metabolism slowed down as I got older, but I didn't change my eating habits (a lot of pizza and eating out, so small amounts of food for a LOT of calories) and I gained. But since I was an infant, when I wasn't hungry anymore, I stopped eating. I've always been that way and only gained weight for the first time about five years ago, took most of it off and kept it off for four years. I gained a few pounds back the last six months with my old habits.

    I disagree. I don't eat 3 meals and 2-3 snacks a day because of emotions. I eat to fuel my body.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    i agree with above. if you know you're working out, then eat more thorughout the day, instead of waiting till the evening and then realising you are -1000 cals! a couple of hundred extra per meal is pretty easy to do!

    Although a lot of days I do not plan my workouts ahead - today was the anniversary of a very close friends passing so I was not sure how I would go with exercising but worked out for 3 hrs as it made me feel a lot better and keep my mind off it.
  • coatsie79
    coatsie79 Posts: 187 Member
    If you are working out that much you need plenty of natural carbs to fuel the fire, these will help to reach your calorie goal if you're finding it hard.
    Fruits like pineapples, pears and bananas have plenty of natural carbs. Snack on raisins, they have loads of carbs! (Although a lot of people don't like them). Also go for wholewheat cereals, bread & pasta. They have lots of fibre :smile:

    I need to follow my own advice....haha :embarassed:
  • HOW do you burn 1000 cals a day?!?! Can you please give me an example workout Ellie?

    Burning 1000 calories in a day is extremely easy... I ran 7 miles yesterday and burnt more than 1000... 70 min of exercise.
    Some days when I have a short run (3-4 miles) + a workout video (30 Day Shred) I will burn 1000 calories.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    hugs I`ve had the same issue try cooking some foods in extra virgin olive oil to add cals also eat more high calorie but still good for you foods like nuts

    also maybe look into zig zagging your cals

    these are all things that where suggested to me when I asked this and so far seem to be working well :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i agree with above. if you know you're working out, then eat more thorughout the day, instead of waiting till the evening and then realising you are -1000 cals! a couple of hundred extra per meal is pretty easy to do!

    Although a lot of days I do not plan my workouts ahead - today was the anniversary of a very close friends passing so I was not sure how I would go with exercising but worked out for 3 hrs as it made me feel a lot better and keep my mind off it.

    Well if its this one occassion only then i really wouldnt worry about it. i got the impression from your posts that it happens fairly often, thats all.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    HOW do you burn 1000 cals a day?!?! Can you please give me an example workout Ellie?

    its super easy to burn 1000 cals in a day

    I have a HRM and in just 20 of doing wii zumba I burned 277cals and that was only 20min I will be going to the gym tonight as well for an hour and I`m sure I`ll have right around 1000 burn before I am done.
  • Taking a look at your diary it doesn't really appear that you are having much of an issue coming in around goal and just leaving a few exercise calories on the table sometimes. One thing you might try and tweak is where the calories are coming from - see if you can adjust your eating habits away from all the fast/processed foods and cut out a lot of the sodium. Do that and if you find yourself needing to eat more for whatever reason, at least you'll be confident that the 'more' is good fuel.
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    I was running into the same problem - burning so much that I had a hard time eating enough to keep up without resorting to calorie-laden unhealthy foods to do it. I had to change the way I worked out. Instead of doing an hour on the elliptical I do only 30 minutes and do a lot more resistence training - still reap tons of fitness rewards, but it doesn't rack up huge calorie deficits.
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