Did You Know? (Nutrition Tips)



  • tackleb0x
    tackleb0x Posts: 2 Member
    The only thing for sure about nutrition is they have to keep changing what is and isnt good for you. Otherwise things would become common knowledge and nutritionist would be out of a job.
  • chef970
    chef970 Posts: 196 Member
    i too have cut out 99.9% of soda, if i crave one i will drink some of my wife's diet coke, ( dont care for it much) or i will drink a sprite zero to relieve the soda thirst.
  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    The only thing for sure about nutrition is they have to keep changing what is and isnt good for you. Otherwise things would become common knowledge and nutritionist would be out of a job.

    The same is true of most medical fields. They used to tell pregnant women to have a sherry to relax and recommended smoking as a destressor. Yes, there's some conflicting information and yes, sometimes it turns out to just be plain wrong, but does that mean we should just ignore the warnings of health professionals?
  • Hirundo
    Hirundo Posts: 148 Member

    For example, you should try to avoid cooking with olive oil. It has a low smoke point and you will lose important nutrients if you heat it. Best to cook with coconut oil (I personally cook with broth) or refined canola or safflower oil as they have higher smoke points. Olive oil should be kept cool and is best served as a dressing. In fact, drizzling a bit of olive oil on tomatoes will help you body absorb their nutrients much more easily.

    You can use olive oil for things like sautee, Thought it should be avoided for roasting and should never ever been used for deepfry ! If you go above the smoke point, not only it will loose nutrients, but the smoke itself is very irritating and the taste will be bad.

    Carefull with coconut oil, the virgin one doesnt have a so high smoke point... i do cook with it but need to be carefull to not over heat.


    To roast meat, i like to use a little duck fat, not as good healthwise as olive oil but less saturated fat than butter... and it taste good!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    But I like to cook my scrambled eggs in olive oil. I tried butter for a while since someone told me not to heat olive oil but I like the taste of olive oil better.
  • chef970
    chef970 Posts: 196 Member
    another thing about olive oil...NEVER use it for baking...it will severly alter the taste of the final product. (learned from personal experience.)
  • hml1976
    hml1976 Posts: 64
    Just wanted to post that I use real butter and real olive oil. For me it is worth every single calorie counted :)
  • hml1976
    hml1976 Posts: 64
    My personal nutrition tip is related to my last post. Don't be afraid of real foods, even foods we've been told are terrible. I've found that bacon, butter, nuts, eggs, fatty fish like salmon, (in small servings!) all keep my body running better and feeling full longer than traditional diet foods. I didn't get out of shape eating those things, I got out of shape eating snack foods, cheese and crackers, and drinking too much :)
  • using the oven, poach a chicken breast in a foil pocket with about three tbsp water inside and a lemon slice, and seasoned with pepper. it makes it moist and juicy, and no fats used to cook. serve with a homemade salsa for nice tasty sauce with low cals.
  • carrie1128
    carrie1128 Posts: 267 Member
    Great idea for a thread. I read a while back an article about 7 foods that should never touch your lips and I've always remembered it. I'm sure some people won't agree but there are some easy substitutions that are worth it to me. I buy boxed tomatoes when not using fresh ones instead of canned and I bought an air popper to pop my own popcorn instead of microwave bags. Walmart and Target brand milk are made from cows not treated with hormones and they are cheaper than organic milk.
    The list is on the left and you can click on the food to see the reason.
  • carrie1128
    carrie1128 Posts: 267 Member
    In order to kick my soda crave I switched to drinking mineral water with a splash of lime. Its refreshing and another way to incorporate water.

    I did something similar to quit diet soda and switched to plain seltzer with a very small splash of cranberry juice and a lime wedge. I prefer it to soda so much more now.
  • I actually prefer Grapeseed oil to EVOO. Lighter taste (In my opinion) and ironically enough if you add to massage oil it's good for the skin. (I'm a Massage therapist, not a creeper lol )

    I LOVE lime water! Lemon will do in a pinch, but

    Put the lime in the H20 and shake it all up, Put the lime in the H20 and call me in the mornin!!
  • Maggie_Pie1
    Maggie_Pie1 Posts: 322 Member
    Whole flax seed is not digested by the human body. In order to get the benefits of flax, it needs to be ground. So if you buy bread or tortillas with flax you have to chew them really well to break down the seeds. Also if you add flax to your food, but sure to add ground flax or grind the flax before you add it.

    Also, the Omega's in flaxseeds break down and goes rancid with time, but the shell of the flax keeps it 'fresh'. So, it's best to grind the flax yourself before you use it instead of buying the already ground flax seed.
  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    Great idea for a thread. I read a while back an article about 7 foods that should never touch your lips and I've always remembered it. I'm sure some people won't agree but there are some easy substitutions that are worth it to me. I buy boxed tomatoes when not using fresh ones instead of canned and I bought an air popper to pop my own popcorn instead of microwave bags. Walmart and Target brand milk are made from cows not treated with hormones and they are cheaper than organic milk.
    The list is on the left and you can click on the food to see the reason.

    That's good to know about the popcorn. I do eat popcorn every night. I usually alternate between Smart Pop and my own (I just pop it in a brown paper bag in the micro) but I guess I'll be phasing out the Smart Pop now. Thanks.
  • carrie1128
    carrie1128 Posts: 267 Member
    Great idea for a thread. I read a while back an article about 7 foods that should never touch your lips and I've always remembered it. I'm sure some people won't agree but there are some easy substitutions that are worth it to me. I buy boxed tomatoes when not using fresh ones instead of canned and I bought an air popper to pop my own popcorn instead of microwave bags. Walmart and Target brand milk are made from cows not treated with hormones and they are cheaper than organic milk.
    The list is on the left and you can click on the food to see the reason.

    That's good to know about the popcorn. I do eat popcorn every night. I usually alternate between Smart Pop and my own (I just pop it in a brown paper bag in the micro) but I guess I'll be phasing out the Smart Pop now. Thanks.
    Yep, the brown paper bag is good in the microwave as well.
  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    In order to kick my soda crave I switched to drinking mineral water with a splash of lime. Its refreshing and another way to incorporate water.

    i do that too! or i buy the raspberry/lime flavored sparkling water (the one WITHOUT any artificial sweetener)

    I bought a SodaStream so I can make my own fuzzy water! Most of the time I don't add any flavoring. I know the carbonation isn't the best for me, but 1-2 liters a month isn't a huge amount.

    Carbonation in and of itself is not bad for you at all and making your own fuzzy water from Soda Stream actually has tons of added benefits and none of the crap in bottled carbonated water (sodium, sugar etc)

    Check out this article! http://nutritiondiva.quickanddirtytips.com/is-carbonation-bad-for-you.aspx

    Take that fuzzy water and add fresh or fresh frozen (so no added sugar) berries or fruit and you are in for a YUMMY YUMMY Treat and great way to get in your water consumption for someone who is addicted to the bubbles. My nutritionist highly recommends the soda stream and I will be picking one up as soon as I am off this crap meds and I can actually stomach tasting carbonated beverages again!
  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    Great idea for a thread. I read a while back an article about 7 foods that should never touch your lips and I've always remembered it. I'm sure some people won't agree but there are some easy substitutions that are worth it to me. I buy boxed tomatoes when not using fresh ones instead of canned and I bought an air popper to pop my own popcorn instead of microwave bags. Walmart and Target brand milk are made from cows not treated with hormones and they are cheaper than organic milk.
    The list is on the left and you can click on the food to see the reason.

    That's good to know about the popcorn. I do eat popcorn every night. I usually alternate between Smart Pop and my own (I just pop it in a brown paper bag in the micro) but I guess I'll be phasing out the Smart Pop now. Thanks.

    OMG does the brown paper bag in the micro work????
  • Persian99
    Persian99 Posts: 48 Member
    If you want to incorporate nuts into your diet but find them hard to digest, try soaking them in water. Raw walnuts soaked in water are particularly good.
  • carrie1128
    carrie1128 Posts: 267 Member
    Great idea for a thread. I read a while back an article about 7 foods that should never touch your lips and I've always remembered it. I'm sure some people won't agree but there are some easy substitutions that are worth it to me. I buy boxed tomatoes when not using fresh ones instead of canned and I bought an air popper to pop my own popcorn instead of microwave bags. Walmart and Target brand milk are made from cows not treated with hormones and they are cheaper than organic milk.
    The list is on the left and you can click on the food to see the reason.

    That's good to know about the popcorn. I do eat popcorn every night. I usually alternate between Smart Pop and my own (I just pop it in a brown paper bag in the micro) but I guess I'll be phasing out the Smart Pop now. Thanks.

    OMG does the brown paper bag in the micro work????
    Yep, we've done it. You may need to experiment with the amount and times for your microwave. Also, fold it over and staple the bag. Yes, you can put a staple in the microwave (I did not believe it when I first read about this LOL).