My weight isn't budging even after doing most things right



  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Isra_1 wrote: »
    Thankyou to everyone knocking some sense into me. I knew deep down that a 1000kcals wasn't sufficient. The reason I thought about jumping to it was because my best friend who's the same height as me did it that way without any regard for her BMI, TDEE and correct deficit. Two of my best friends have lost weight the wrong and unhealthy way and guide me to do the same (because they are convinced that what they did was the right way) and I think after not seeing results as fast as they did, I was ready to go down their path as well.

    Hopefully the scale shines some light on where the problem is and the fix becomes obvious. :smile:
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    One thing you may not have considered, hormones. Some months I only lose weight the week after my period, and in my years of logging my weight I have never lost weight in week 4 unless I was sick and not eating.
  • dbarfieldsr
    dbarfieldsr Posts: 9 Member
    There are plateaus you hit during weight loss. In my younger years I lost quite a bit of weight but did not maintain it.
    I was taught that on a normal diet your body will lose at first then you hit a weight that you cannot seem to drop below. This might happen several times during you overall weight loss cycle. Then one day you will notice a drop and you will start losing again.
    Keep on track, you will start to lose again, just be patient. Remember, you didn’t gain it all over night and you will not lose it all overnight. It is a process that takes time.
  • cathymohney
    cathymohney Posts: 2 Member
    OP best of luck to you - my "cheat" meal was last night out to eat: 4 oz grilled chicken breast and broccoli and 1 red wine. Hang in there and measure everything!
  • VeroniqueBoilard
    VeroniqueBoilard Posts: 71 Member
    Hang in there. Counting calories accuratly is the ONLY thing that works for me. Fad diet (with 1000 kcal or less) will send me in a binge eating cycle.

    I ate perfectly the last week, gained two pounds today. but my menstruation starts this week so I know (from experience) that if I keep going, after my menstruation start I will go down probably 3 or 4 pounds. It's been the same each month for me, menstruation seems to be the time were my body "adjust" and after it I see all the hard work of the last few weeks paying off.

    I ate a lot of carbs before bed one time, the next day I had "gain" 2 pounds. Suprise, the day after I was back to the original weight.

    Scale is very inacurate for everyday management, it's better long term. If you start to exercise, you can also measure with a tape. I always lose inch faster then weight (especially boooobs lol).

    You can do this, this work and when in doubt just browse the success stories section :)
  • purplefizzy
    purplefizzy Posts: 594 Member
    This, from @lemonlionheart, is great.
