breakfast ideas! not full enough!:/

So basically it's what the title says. I need some healthy breakfast ideas that keeps me feeling full until around lunch time and that's not so bad to eat. I know that's a lot but what are some delicious, low-cal, "feeling-fuller-longer" breakfast foods that you eat? I'm open to all kinds of options!!


  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Why not have your regular breakfast and then snack on fruits/yogurt until lunch? I mix chobani yogurt with diced fruit and that keeps me happy till lunch! =)
  • Jleigh417
    Jleigh417 Posts: 40 Member
    Oatmeal. Add some berries and honey : ) Keeps me full until lunch. Hope this helps.
  • A slimfast and a low cal cheese stick is only like 230 calories and I can usually last 4 hours without getting hungry.
  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    I have plain oatmeal with a little peanut butter in it and egg whites with veggies in them. This is the most filling breakfast I have had.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    a big omelet filled with (leftover) veggies - mushrooms, onions, brocolli, peppers, etc.
  • I make smoothies.

    Frozen fruit, orange juice, greek yogurt and protein powder --- throw it in the magic bullet the night before and I am all set for the morning :bigsmile:

    I also like bagel thins and weight watchers cream cheese for a "bread" fix.
  • i do shakeology, its a meal replacement and keeps me satiated, see my diary, i have it almost every day.
  • xraylady33
    xraylady33 Posts: 222 Member
    Oatmeal, 2 hard boiled eggs, bananna...
    10:00, 24 almonds, walnuts or pistatcios.

    Lunch....all natural PBJ...fruit..

    2:00 Greek yogurt, fruit..

    Works like magic
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I am a grab and go kind of woman when it comes to breakfast (ok, most meals!) and I have a greek yogurt nearly every day w/ my delicious coffee. It offsets the carbs in my flavored creamer quite nicely and leaves me satisfied until Eating Experience #2. Sometimes I will have a piece of fruit with it too, today was a banana.
  • rosie38c
    rosie38c Posts: 25 Member
    boiled egg or poached egg, however you prefer it on a nice slice of granary or rye bread :) suprisingly low in calories but really filling and as long as you don't eat eggs every day they're a great filler...

    my other fave.. porridge, made half milk half water with half a banana or some runny hunny :)
  • egg beaters, I either buy cheese and chive or southwestern. These are only like 35 calories for a .25 of a cup! I add about a TBL of shredded cheese and sometimes onions or meat, and then I have a piece of toast with it. Feels you up great and is easy to make.
  • diane423
    diane423 Posts: 48
    I usually do egg whites and i add whatever veggies i have in the fridge and low fat or FF cheese. This will keep me full till lunch. But i do 6 small meals a day just keeps me better and i never feel really hungry becvause im eating every 3 hrs.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    This morning I mixed together: 3/4 c Kashi Go Lean (original), 1 Tbl slivered almonds, 1/4 frozen raspberries & 6 oz. Dannon Light yogurt
    246 calories, 16.8 g protein/ 10.5 g fiber / 4.6g fat (good fat) .... this keeps me full until lunch

    Another favorite - steel cut oats with PB2 (powdered peanut butter) ... you could use protein power also

    Greek yogurt and a baggie of (filling) dry cereal - I pick a cereal with higher fiber & protein (Kashi Heart to Heart usually) - 250 calories 18 g protein / 6 g fiber / 1.5 g fat
  • gmfrn4u
    gmfrn4u Posts: 1
    protein pancakes are great.........
    (taken from )

    3 egg whites
    1/2 serving of whey protein ( i use a full sccoop of vanilla flavored)
    1/4 cup cottage cheese
    1/2 cup uncooked rolled oats
    vanilla or almond extract (tsp)
    cinnamon to taste

    blend ingredients in blender until forms a batter consistency i usually have to add alittle soy milk
    spray non stick pan with pam and make your pancakes. It usually will make 6 small pancakes and i will eat 3 at a time with a little sugarfree jelly on them . I put other 3 away for next day !
  • kcoll22
    kcoll22 Posts: 2
    I normally have Chobani yogurt with some granola. It's super filling and I love the crunch of the granola! I also like egg beaters with some cheese and veggies. Hungry Girl has some great morning recipes that are filling and don't cost too many calories!
  • luscadero
    luscadero Posts: 92 Member
    I make a smoothie with:

    1 cup of coconut milk
    1/2 frozen banana
    1/2 cup frozen strawberries
    1 scoop of protein powder

    230-240 cals and keeps me full until early afternoon!
  • gemtwist
    gemtwist Posts: 11 Member
    I usually don't feel full unless I've had enough protein. One thing that worked well for me was a mini whole wheat Trader Joe's bagel (90 calories), a morning star farm breakfast patty (80 calories) and a fried egg or egg beaters (in Pam, about 90 calories). That kept me full until lunch for only about 260 calories. Now I usually don't take the time for anything but a bowl of cereal, and I find I need to snack before lunch.
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    If I know I won't be able to eat my mid morning snack, then I up my calories at breakfast a bit. One of my favorite breakfasts is:

    2 organic eggs from pasture raised hens
    2 slices of organic nitrate/nitrite free bacon
    1 slice of swg bread
    and a nectarine.

    2 eggs 120 calories
    bacon 60 calories
    swg bread 60 calories
    Nectarine 50 calories.
    Total: 290 calories.

    If you sub 1/2 an swg bagel for the bread, the cal total would be about 350 calories.

    One of my favorite snacks is an apple smeared with almond butter.

    God bless!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I do bacon or fish with a load of veggies, or sometimes an omelette.

    this morning I sauteed some carrots and peppers and had that with some salami and cheese (the cheese was a bad idea).

    think outside the box and forget making breakfast any different to any other meal. I find if I go protein heavy and carbs from veggies only, with some healthy fats, that keeps me going till lunch. When I was having porridge/muesli even with a heap of yoghurt, by the time I got to work I was hungry