what mindset or tips have made you be successful in losing weight?

I had to make up my mind to quit night eating and drink water. I remind myself you will just wake up and feel sad and disappointed when you step on the scales when I want to overeat. I eat a lot of halfs now, half a sandwich, half French fries, etc.


  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    The two most important things I’ve learned and shifted thinking around are /

    1. All things in moderation. Obsessing on certain foods or beating myself up for a treat made me miserable and set me up to fail and give up every time. Now I eat/drink whatever I want whenever I want. You don’t need to be strict with yourself to reach goals and smaller more sustainable changes work better for most of us
    2. Focus on enjoying the process over chasing one set goal. By making small changes that made my life more pleasurable I was able to reach my goals still and build a life that will help me stay the course. It was also fun! Yup - I had fun losing weight and getting fit and I enjoy my workouts and WOE now. Stressing on hitting a specific number or needing to be at a certain point on a certain date wasn’t fun and only lead to disappointment and discouragement
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Everyone is different, but for me: Log everything! Get a scale and weigh everything until you learn what a portion looks like.

    It helps to have lower calorie snacks for particular cravings when you can’t fit certain foods into your calories - for example I eat Greek yogurt with berries instead of ice cream, and salted radishes instead of chips.

    Your battle with night eating reminds me of another tip: pay attention not just to food, but to situations, places, and even people which lead you to overeat. I changed my driving route so that I didn’t pass the gas station where I used to buy Icees every day until I stopped feeling a pull every time I drove by. I told my husband, who is a legendarily slow eater, that I was not going to remain at the table watching him eat for a half hour after I finish. I eat, I remain talking afterwards for fifteen minutes, then I leave. It may have been rude but it saved my sanity not being tempted to get seconds or eat off his plate, when I was still hungry but finished with my meal.
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,013 Member
    1. Not to be a whiner. Not to sigh at lack of "motivation." Either I want my goals, or I don't. 2. Not to talk about my goals/choices a lot in front of peers, as it can be highly annoying to people not going through the same experience. It can feel like looking for support, but for the person on the other end, they can either be bored or exacerbated by you. 3. Not to dwell if I blow a day. I just went on a vacation and ate all I wanted. It lasted five days. I'm not bothering to weigh myself now that I'm back... just back on the wagon.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited March 2019
    I prefer night eating so i save calories/walk extra so i can night eat in bulk.

    Also a mindset i struggle with is pack in a solid healthy meal if i am snacky because im way less likely to be making stupid food choices when full of a solid meal of potatoes chicken and brussel sprouts (for example) which i can get in for like 300-350 calories. (before id be hungry and craving chocolate and be like, but if i eat a meal i have no calories for chocolate....and then overeat chocolate and starve because no calories left and its lead to a bad spiral of stupid over a few days where im hungry and it could have been minimized by having chocolate and the meal)

    I always put off my meal just a bit longer. Like prep the food and then sit it on the counter chug a glass of water and wait just one more hour before i cook it. Spread it out. I recently found out i love greek yogurt with a smores granola bar crumbled in which i can have for 210 calories between meals. Find a healthy satisfying snack you like to have between meals so you dont feel saddened by vegetables. lol. Eat to fuel your body and making good choices becomes much simpler.

    I also walk first thing before i eat then come home and have a solid meal with lots of veggies because then iv started my day exercising and with a healthy meal so im not starving all day and i feel like a grown *kitten* adult and i want to continue to make good choices. Try to think of things you CAN do vs things you cant. There is nothing i technically cant do, But i choose to do what makes me feel adult and healthy and good about myself the majority of the time so that when i choose to do/eat something less healthy or high calorie i dont need to feel bad because i know overall i make more good choices thn bad, And i will continue to move more steps forward thn i do back because of it.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    yes these are great ideas, also something else that helped me is journaling my emotions. I am an emotional eater and writing helped me get out my feelings and I found out is it what you are eating or what is eating you.
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,013 Member
    I also decided that six "mini meals" - or kind of always snacking through my day - was miserable for me. It left me never truly full. So I really do eat three large meals per day instead, which allows me to go a few hours without thinking about food.
  • lalalacroix
    lalalacroix Posts: 834 Member
    As someone else said, log everything. No matter what.

    Learning what satiates me is very helpful.

    And if I have a bad day who cares? Just start again tomorrow. I finally learned this is a long journey for me and to take my time. It's so much less pressure and stress this way.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    Dont let one "mess up" lead to a fully messed up day. Eating a large breakfast with friends doesnt need to lead to a huge lunch and dinner and snacks. Eating to much chocolate doesnt suddenly make the day a waste and mise will eat cake to. A bad meal doesnt need to mean a bad day.
  • Dgil1975
    Dgil1975 Posts: 110 Member
    * pack my lunch every day, including 3 one litre water bottles, and a coffee thermos. This has eliminated any need of stopping at a store or fast food joint
    * log everything
    * don’t sweat it if I take a client or my Wife out for dinner, just enjoy it and move on
    * weigh myself everyday just so I can truly understand the fluctuations of weight on your body and not worry about it
    * have one big cook day that ensures that regardless of how late I work, I can just come home and heat something up
    * finding an eating lifestyle that worked for me
  • porkchopsandapple
    porkchopsandapple Posts: 30 Member
    Whenever I'm on a health kick and losing weight, I find that I start taking care of myself better. Like using better body washes or a new face cream sort of helps keep me motivated when the weight feels slow to come off. I am more willing to put in extra time on myself and it helps keep me happily on the wagon.

    I've also started prepping 500 calorie "snack packs" with berries, nuts, cheese, olives, meats and a boiled egg to graze on in the evenings when I feel a snack attack hitting.
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    To get into a regular exercise routine does wonders for me. I only do exercise that is free.
  • lin_be
    lin_be Posts: 393 Member
    Consistency, not perfection.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Be process driven not results driven. Each day I am in a deficit I am chipping away at my weight. Thanks to weight fluctuations I normally have to go 2 to 3 weeks before seeing a new low weight. If I allow myself to get caught up in numbers on the scale and make that my goal I will struggle to stay motivated. If, instead, I make my goal making each day as happy and satisfying as possible then I will not need extra motivation. So I focus on the process and do my best to push away thoughts of results until they arrive.
  • eb8566
    eb8566 Posts: 249 Member
    I’ve learned how important it is to plan and be prepared.
  • MrsBradyBunch
    MrsBradyBunch Posts: 182 Member
    1.) People who continue to push after I've said no are not my friends. They may think they are, but they aren't.
    2.) Logging and measuring everything is a good idea.
    3.) Don't skip meals. That eliminates the "I haven't eaten all day" excuse for a later binge.
    4.) It's not about the number on the scale. It's about my health.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,231 Member
    Desire, discipline, patience and perseverance, my four powerful affirmation words chanted during my journey.
  • Kupla71
    Kupla71 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Eat smaller portions.
    Eat lots of veggies.
    Eat well balanced meals.
    Find something low calorie you like that you can snack on when you get the munchies!
    If you’re bored and it looks like you might head for the fridge when you’re not actually hungry, exercise! Do some stretching or yoga poses.
    Be kind to yourself.
  • corrarjo
    corrarjo Posts: 1,157 Member
    I quit refined sugar, processed foods and anything that has refined sugar as an ingredient. I don't eat meals that come in a can or a box. I don't eat fast food. This eliminated cravings and reduced my appetite. If I eat out, I eat the same things I can make at home myself, so I know what I'm getting. I eat 98% one ingredient foods.

    I've developed a dozen or more 300 to 600 calorie meals with plenty of macro and micro nutrients. I switch them up to prevent boredom. I eat things like beef stew, pan fried chicken, pork chops, sausage and peppers, mixed vegetables, fruits and berries, oats and flax meal, nuts and dates, garden salads with cheese and avocado, and savory soups. I don't take any supplements, shakes or energy drinks.

    I look at eating as maintenance. I eat two to three times every day. Because my appetite is suppressed the next meal is not something that is eagerly anticipated. Sometimes I have to interrupt my activities to eat. Sometimes I'll skip a meal rather than stop what I'm doing.

    I don't look at food as a reward. I'm not denying myself anything. I'm making healthy choices. I eat to reach my goals. I don't "eat back exercise calories".

    I'm developing a regular exercise routine. I walk a mile to warm up, then I spend 1-1/2 hours weight training, 3 to 4 days a week.

    I started (this time) the first week of January. Not a week has gone by that I haven't lost weight. I started at 307 pounds and weighed in today at 265 pounds. I don't get hungry, I don't crave, and I haven't stalled or hit any plateaus.

    I've lost weight in the past by eating anything I wanted, just in moderation, counting calories. For me it was always unsustainable and the weight always came back. This time I think I've developed a winning strategy that's working for me.