Help and Encouragement Needed

MFP friends, I am feeling very discouraged. I began MFP on August 13. This August. Know that since 2008 I started weighing myself almost daily and recording that weight to see the natural pattern of my weight over time. The first three days doing MFP I lost 3.8 pounds. And then I had a root canal which ended up being more painful that I had bargained for. I had a total of 3 pain pills over three days and then took 4 ibuprofen almost every four hours for about four days. I haven't had any pain pills or ibuprofen since Saturday. During this time, I walked six miles (over the course of five days), kayaked two hours and worked moderately in my classroom preparing it for the first day of school. I have been "religious" about recording every single thing I eat and then, to hold myself accountable, am allowing my diary to be viewed. Since my root canal my weight is right where I started! I am very, very committed to MFP. I desperately want to get rid of my "inner tube" and feel healthy and good about myself again! Please HELP!! I am feeling defeated. :C


  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    it can happen like that some times. 1st dont weigh your self everyday. it will play tricks on you. pick 1 day a week to weigh yourself. then eat right and exericse. dont skip too many calories. you should started to see and feel a difference. also weigh at the same time. you always weigh less in the morning.
  • Sagelit
    Sagelit Posts: 78
    Also, if you have been doing more exercise than you had been before, you could be turning fat into muscle and your weight won't show as losing. Seriously, weigh once a week, in the morning, after you've pottied and before you have breakfast. Then it's always the same circumstances.
  • Musterion
    Musterion Posts: 15 Member
    Cathy - A Big Congratulations on joining MFP! That is a good first step you took 11 days ago. What I need to remind myself daily about - and this would be true for you too (I believe) - is that this is a long term weight loss journey. It took me years to pile on the excess weight - so it will at least take months to take it back off.

    I understand that there are events in my life which I live through (by choice or not) that will add weight to me. A medical intervention including drugs is one of those events (myself - I go nuts eating after a muscle strain and I get on steroids). My son going back to college this week coupled with my wife's birthday was my reality last week. Can't possibly lose weight with those dinners out and celebrations - and that is okay. I am not here to die(t) - I am here to live healthier. Lose weight most periods (i.e. days or weeks) and that will offset the occassional set back that I caused myself by either celebrating or enduring (such as a medical intervention) life. Give yourself the full credit for continuing in your weight loss journey - because you are the only one who has to live with yourself all of the time. Keep on pressing on towards the glorious goal of fit living!
  • ebert5150
    ebert5150 Posts: 135 Member
    I just want to echo the comment of not weighing yourself everyday!!! It can be so disheartening. Pick one day a week and do it at the same time. I've read that in the morning after you do your business is the best time. I've seen 5 pound fluctuations from one day to the next. You'll drive yourself crazy hitting the scale everyday. :-)
  • Tammiejorocks
    Tammiejorocks Posts: 1 Member
    I plateau like this often. I have been doing exercise and diet since March of 2011 and I have only lost 35 lbs. Most of it in the beginning. I have weight the exact same for nearly 3 months. I have been told (and read) that this could mean that my body is used to the exercise that I'm doing, thus it is not receiving the full benefits. So change up your exercise routine. Also, although we "think" that eating less calories/fat every day is going to make us lose weight, it doesn't. We need to keep our body fed in order to lose it, we just have to be careful of what we eat. No white foods (mayo, ranch, gravy, etc) or sugars (anything that ends in "ose"!). Doc told me to eat fruits to get the natural sugar that our body needs.

    But I also agree with mscoco10 - do not weigh yourself every day. I take my measurements every two weeks. This includes weight, hips, thighs, arms and waist. Even though my weight has stayed the same, I have lost about 1 inch in every area every two weeks. So the results are there!

    I hope this helps! I know it can be discouraging, but please don't give up! =)
  • sheneverfails
    Here's another vote for not weighing yourself everyday! Even my doctor has told me that it's not helpful. Your weight fluctuates so much during the day each day - water, sodium, lots of things can effect it. It is best to pick one day a week and weigh yourself at the same time on that day each week. That gives you the most accurate picture of your weight loss.

    Next, crazy events - root canals, moving, bad days at work, in my case a herniated disc (yuck) - mess with your body, mess with your eating habits, mess with how your body deals with whatever food you put in it - especially if you're on medication. Let yourself recover from the dental issue and don't panic too much - chances are you'll be right back in the swing of weight loss within the next couple of days!

    Just take it easy, make sure you're eating enough to be losing weight healthily and be patient with your body. Whatever weight you are trying to lose - you didn't gain it overnight, and you shouldn't expect it to disappear overnight either.

    Be safe & healthy!
  • cathylovestim
    Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post. I need to break the habit of weighing myself every day. I appreciate your words of encouragement!
  • cathylovestim
    Thank you ALL for responding to my post. What I keep reading about weighing myself every morning being detrimental, well, I am going to heed your advice and choose one morning a week, after I do my business, to weigh myself. You are all right, the weight didn't attach to me overnight! I am not going to give up or beat myself up. I am going to continue with MFP, continue adding exercise to my daily life, continue recording my food and water intake - I'm going to keep on keeping on. Again, thank you everyone!