60 lbs by March challenge

I want to lose 56 lbs by March 1. Would anyone like to join me in this challenge??
Ok, a little about me....I am an ANG wife and stay at home mom of 5 (ages 10 months, 3 y/o, 4 y/o, 6 y/o and 8y/o). After I had my last child I hit my highest weight of 220 and it scared me. That is when I decided since I do not plan on having anymore children, it was time to get to a healthy weight and be a good role model for my children.

CW: 181
GW: 125
August GW: 175
Waist: 38.5
Hips: 42
Right Thigh: 24.5 Left Thigh: 24
Right Arm: 13 Left Arm: 13
The plan: Run 3 days a week, CT/cardio/WT 3 days a week
Water Intake: 96-112 oz a day 5 meals a day. Get 8 hours of sleep a night.

I figure this is a place we can encourage each other, vent, and help motivate each other through the process. I figure we can get a group of 10-15 (easier to keep track of everyone). Weight in every Sunday, you do not have to do measurements but if you want to post them on the 1st of each month. I will keep track of everyone's progress and post weight, hopefully no later than Wednesday of each week and measurements no later than the 4th of each month.


  • angeljamin
    angeljamin Posts: 234 Member
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    you know that i would totally join you...but I am close to the end of my journey! what I will agree too (if it's cool) is to hit my final goal by the end of Septemeber...and maintain it until March with you (and before I get my tummy tuck)!!
  • jesstroxel
    jesstroxel Posts: 120
    Thats fine with me TJ!!
  • silveryflutterby
    Hey girlie, I would LOVE to do this with you! The only hitch is that I might not be able to start for a week or two more. If that's okay with you, than I am in! I will have to focus on diet only for a little bit until I am cleared for exercise, though, but trust me I will be exercise as soon as I am allowed!! :D Let me know whatcha think.
  • jesstroxel
    jesstroxel Posts: 120
    Silvery...Its fine by me!!! Just want to make sure you are all healed up!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    sweet!!! don't forget I will be on vacay from Aug 10-19th...but I will be checkin in with ya ASAP after I get back!! So for me: final goal by end of September ad maintain until March!!
  • LCDMomma
    LCDMomma Posts: 67
    I would love to join you!!

    I weigh 205 and I'm 5'9"
  • silveryflutterby
    Hope that even though you didn't get much response we can still do this together. I am starting my logging today and have weighed and measured. I am 55.6 lbs away from my goal weight, so we need to lose pretty much the same amount! :) Let's do this girl!!

    CW: 215.6
    GW: 160
    Height: 5'8"
    Waist: 37.25
    Hips: 46.75
    Right Thigh: 27.5 Left Thigh: 28.25
    Right Arm: 13.75 Left Arm: 13.75
    The plan: Focus on diet only until doctor clears me for exercise. :) (Need to get walking normally first! haha)
    Water Intake: At least 10 cups a day.
    Diet: Try to get as close to calories as possible without going over and little to no fast food!
  • jesstroxel
    jesstroxel Posts: 120
    Don't forget your weight in tomorrow!!!
  • silveryflutterby
    Weighed in today and am down to 210.0! Have gotten at least 10 cups of water everyday and have been under on calories. Sodium has been higher than normal due to eating more processed foods because they are easier and don't keep me up on my knee as long. Plan to cook homemade meals next week, though, so that won't be a problem anymore. :) Hope you did well this week too!
  • jesstroxel
    jesstroxel Posts: 120
    Im down to 180, just 1lb this week. I have had a rollercoaster week with staying under my calories. I have been on the go and a lot of fast food, and my evening walks wasnt big calorie burners. Plus I didnt log everyday, but I plan on logging everyday this week, good or bad. I will be home all week, the kids start school so things will slow down a bit, so no fast food. Also with the kids in school I will have more time to get to the gym, since I have a membership and have only been a handful of times. I also want to hit my water goal of 10 cups a day, slacked on that too. So it wasnt a great week but Im hoping this week will be much, much better.
  • jesstroxel
    jesstroxel Posts: 120
    Weighed in today and am down to 210.0! Have gotten at least 10 cups of water everyday and have been under on calories. Sodium has been higher than normal due to eating more processed foods because they are easier and don't keep me up on my knee as long. Plan to cook homemade meals next week, though, so that won't be a problem anymore. :) Hope you did well this week too!

    AMAZING job on the 5.6 loss this week!!
  • silveryflutterby
    Thanks! It was mostly or all water weight because I hadn't been logging for a while, but still makes me happy to see that number go down!
  • silveryflutterby
    Weighed in at 208.2 today which gives me a 1.8 pound loss this week. Going strong, but school starts tomorrow, so I'm hoping the stress won't get to me too much! Gotta get a good routine down.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    ok...I am back from vaca! I gained a ton of weight (15lbs while gone) but I WILL lose it fairly quickly and will keep pushing through to hit my goal by the end of Sept and maintain with you ladies until March! Before vaca (8/10) I was 124.8, after vaca (8/20) I was 139.8, so that is exactly 15.0lbs gained :( However...I was down 4lbs already this mornin (after 1 day) and will use my weight on Wed (my norm WI day) to log into MFP for my actual vaca damage! I have got my WO plan, for the month, on my profile page if you care to see...and I will be following my normal rules of 8-10cups of water per day and only 1 day over cals per week!! let's do this ladies!
  • jesstroxel
    jesstroxel Posts: 120
    I was 182 this morning, so that is a 2 lb gain. :( But I alot of high sodium foods this weekend and not enough water. Didnt get to stick to my wo plan this weekend got distracted with other things.

    Silvery: Great loss!!

    Tara: You can will with no doubt met your goal!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    silvery-I agree...great job on the loss!
    Jess-keep at it girly, it gets easier to stay on track as you go! i made water a top priority in the beginning...not only did it keep me fuller, but is flushed out any extra sodium that I may have had too!
  • silveryflutterby
    Thanks girls!
    Tara-I know it sucks to see that number go up, but as we both know, a lot of it is just water weight so it should come off pretty fast like you said. 4 pounds already is great! that's how I was too the first day I started tracking again after my surgery. hopefully by WI tomorrow, the damage won't be as bad. ;) Good luck and great workout plan. Oh how I can't wait until the day I can plan some workouts again! lol. If anyone can bounce back and hit that goal, it's you girl!!

    Jess-Don't worry...we all have those ups and downs. It's how you handle them that's key. Don't let it get you down...turn it around and work that much harder! We can beat this thing and we WILL succeed! And yes, water will make a HUGE impact. Get that water in if nothing else! ;)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    thanks!!! I was up 15lbs even after my vaca...and as of this AM...I had already lost 7.6 of it! WOOT! hopin for another <0.4lbs by tomorrows weigh-in and then the rest is down hill from there :)
  • LCDMomma
    LCDMomma Posts: 67
    thanks!!! I was up 15lbs even after my vaca...and as of this AM...I had already lost 7.6 of it! WOOT! hopin for another <0.4lbs by tomorrows weigh-in and then the rest is down hill from there :)

    It's hard to not gain weight on vac BUT you have done a great job gettig back on your plan and that is sometimes the hardest part. Great Job!!