if you gain it in a week

can you lose it in a week?

i just got back from a one week vacay to visit my family. i gained SEVEN lbs on my trip. is it realistic to hope that i can LOSE those same 7 lbs by next week?


  • frugalmomsrock
    It's most likely a lot of water weight. I gain 7 or 8 pounds during my TOM, and shed it (and then some, usually) after the TOM is over... so I don't think it 's impossible. It depends how much is water, and how much is because you ate 3500x too many calories.
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    You probably could. However, it's easier to eat 7 lbs than to lose it.
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Yep, absolutely!
  • pandabuhr79
    good question! i don't know, but a lot of it could just be water, so you could probably lose a good portion of it quickly :)
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    I bet a lot of what you gained is water weight and retention from eating a lot and probably high sodium count. Give it a few days and weigh again and see if you haven't automatically lost some of the 7lbs you have gained. You would really have to gorge yourself to put on a lot of real lasting weight in just a week. Eat right this week and exercise and get lots of water, should see those lbs dwindle back down.
  • SLN11
    SLN11 Posts: 210
    I would not say its impossible but its true its easier to eat 7lb's than loose it but am sure with determination eating right and excerise am sure you can loose it and if not in one week not much longer than that ! Good luck xx
  • Rhayne05
    Rhayne05 Posts: 12
    Don't get overly worried about it. I've noticed I gain 2-3 pounds before it mysteriously vanishes the next morning. I say mysteriously, but I'm sure we all have a good idea it will end up down the drain or burned off. Keep your water intake high and throw in a good run or two, and it should melt off.
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    Yes!! I weighed on monday and was up 5 pounds and my official weigh in days are wednesdays, so I knew I did something wrong this weekend. I worked my butt off and limited my sodium and was down 1 pound from last weeks weigh in (so 6 total from Mondays weigh in) I Know I ate a bunch of salty foods this weekend and I knew that I had to drink a ton of water and watch my sodium intake.

    You can do it! Dont get discouraged!!
  • DanceMomCG
    DanceMomCG Posts: 47 Member
    Gained my 8lbs back while on vacation and it's just a slow process for me to lose them again. However...I know it can be done. Maybe not in a week...but it'll be done!!!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    over the summer, I've had a few occasions (vacation, etc.) where it was easy to gain, and I did gain 4-7 pounds. I generally lost this weight over 2 weeks by being diligent upon my return.