BM.. help!



  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,082 Member
    When I am counting calories on a deficit, I only go a few times a week as well. Exercise seems to help? For me, I think it’s just less food moving through my system... rather than a problem. Although it can cause discomfort.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,883 Member
    jlynnm70 wrote: »
    I struggle- always have. But this time around it was getting pretty bad. lately I've added benefiber (or store brand equiv) to my drink 2x a day. In my morning coffee, and in my water in the afternoon. Seems to be helping. You just stir it in and it doesn't change the taste or color or anything. I was pretty miserable for a while, and even over the counter laxatives weren't working. I was about to go to the doctor when I started upping the fiber intake and that seems to have helped.

    If fiber in diet is short, this can work well.

    If fiber is ample, extra fiber makes things worse. I know this from unhappy experience (my problem at the time was water), and saw it happen to others here on the "10 veggie servings daily challenge" thread (where the problem was fats).

    (The definition of "ample fiber" probably varies by person, though.)
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    I had very similar issues with my IBS for years and was even hospitalised I was in so much pain before being properly diagnosed and also it took me over a decade to pinpoint most of my trigger foods (not trying to diagnose you as having the same as me BTW there are so many gastrointestinal problems that present the same), but laxatives (oral or otherwise), anti bloating tablets and milk of magnesium made me much worse too and doctors really loved prescribing me stronger and stronger ones which made me feel worse. I also had really bad stomach pain that would knock me for six. Mebeverine helped me with that and some of the bloating (do not take without being prescribed), also mine was linked to stress.

    My trigger foods are also quite varied, bananas, coffee, bran cereal, cold deli or microwave pasta (but not cooked fresh or dried pasta) oats, nut cluster cereals, (but not any nuts) sticky thai rice and also if I try to change up my diet too much like having loads of fibre like a big veg and chickpea curry or nothing but going high protein with barely any carbs, even meal timings could trigger me so fasting is totally unfeasible to me too. Took me years to link some of these and I still haven't identified them all (I'm suspecting white fish as another but can't be sure) good luck and hope you get diagnosed quicker than I did. x
  • baby_bokchoy
    baby_bokchoy Posts: 61 Member
    There's a great app called Cara that allows you to track your daily health and all the changes that might affect it - including bowel movements, what you eat/possible trigger foods, bloating, stomach pain, etc. It's really easy to use and might be helpful for tracking! I've got IBS, and used it before my official diagnosis. It helped me pinpoint my lactose intolerance. Good luck!
  • Dreamwa1ker
    Dreamwa1ker Posts: 196 Member
    I saw my DR last week and he put me on a laxative "Macrogol" which I can take 3 times a day if needed, so far they have hardly done anything except make my bloat with my stomach turning rock hard and me questioning if I am pregnant!!!

    The bolded part concerns me - I have a kiddo who has had GI problems in the past, and they always would push on his abdomen to make sure it was still soft. They said if it gets hard it is concerning (e.g. could be something like a blockage). I would definitely get back to your doctor because that could be a bad complication.
  • corrarjo
    corrarjo Posts: 1,157 Member
    When I started my latest journey in January I was eating 500 to 1200 calories a day for a few weeks. Needless to say, I was anything BUT regular. I know I needed more fiber, so the hunt was on. I decided on three basic “meals” to provide ~20g of fiber every day. Of course that goes up and down, depending on whether I skip a meal or add some other item to the menu.

    The first meal is steel cut oats with flax meal and blackberries, good for around 10g. Add a few dried prunes and it goes up a little.

    The second meal is my daily salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, and avocado, good for 4g to 6g, depending on quantity of ingredients. I can add some additional ingredients to up the amount of fiber.

    The third meal is yogurt with flax meal and walnuts, good for an additional 10g or so. The amount of fiber varies with brands and types of yogurt.

    I probably get an average of 20g of fiber every day. Non soluble fiber does’t dissolve and is not digested. It goes in the front and comes out the back, scrapping down the intestinal walls, keeping me all pink and shiny inside. The soluble fiber is not digested, but does absorb water, mixes with the digested food in my intestine, and forms those nice, soft, “Lincoln Logs” I like to see. The thing is, soluble fiber needs water to do it’s job. But just drinking those recommended 8 glasses a day, alone won’t cut it. Any water I drink will go in and out unless I eat enough salt to retain it. Too much salt and my ankles swell up. Not enough salt and there’s not enough water for the soluble fiber to do it’s job. Plenty of fiber and not enough water and I’m constipated. Not enough fiber, but plenty of water and I’m constipated.

    For me it’s a delicate balance of water, salt, and fiber. I took me about a month to figure it out.
  • corrarjo
    corrarjo Posts: 1,157 Member
    @csplatt, If you really want to get cleaned out and inspected, talk to your doctor about a colonoscopy. Sign up for that and they'll give you a gallon of "cool-aid" to drink the night before. I think it contains so much fiber you need a prescription to get it. The stuff will clean you out in a matter of hours. Don't be too far from the bathroom while you're drinking it. The next day you'll be on the examining table with a remote camera up your wazoo. The drugs they give you are great too.
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,082 Member
    corrarjo wrote: »
    @csplatt, If you really want to get cleaned out and inspected, talk to your doctor about a colonoscopy. Sign up for that and they'll give you a gallon of "cool-aid" to drink the night before. I think it contains so much fiber you need a prescription to get it. The stuff will clean you out in a matter of hours. Don't be too far from the bathroom while you're drinking it. The next day you'll be on the examining table with a remote camera up your wazoo. The drugs they give you are great too.

    Wow not sure my post hinted I was interested in any sort of assistance or inspection 😂 maybe save that tip for the folks who want to know how to flush out water weight!

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,941 Member
    edited April 2019
    While I see that many people have commented I will throw in a couple of cents.

    Sounds like you're too low fat and when you eat fat and or more food you go to the bathroom.

    It also sounds as if you may have been at a deficit for too long if you're starting to down regulate during your daily life.

    You may want to visit the re-feed and diet break thread (can be found in the sticky threads post at the top of the forum)