Runner hoping to tone-up and slim down before marathon training

Hello wonderful people! :) I am looking for support in my fitness journey here as a runner and Yogi! I did a great job toning up a few years ago and it changed my running game!!! I would love to be able to do that again. I have slowly gained back the weight I shedded the first time around. It has been a struggle! I have a major sweet tooth and give myself too much room because I workout ha Hope to find some support!!


  • jr_enns
    jr_enns Posts: 28 Member
    Im a cyclist and i had the same issues. Sweets kill me but i have got off them and have seen the results its crazy what a change in diet will do
  • AngieB988
    AngieB988 Posts: 9 Member
    Yes! About 3 years ago I changed up my diet and was PRing again. I want to get back to that lifestyle! I also won't mind those PRs again 😁
  • jr_enns
    jr_enns Posts: 28 Member
    Nothing better than beatig your PR' s. Do you use strava at all to compete against others
  • AngieB988
    AngieB988 Posts: 9 Member
    Haha yeah I have used Strava off and on. I think I get weird about it though, sometimes I feel like people are looking at my diary when they follow my runs and rides. Running can be weirdly personal for me sometimes. I do like doing challenges with Garmin though. A good college friend I will do that😁
  • jr_enns
    jr_enns Posts: 28 Member
    Oh i know what you mean by that i just got back on it after a year off i got sick of people just going out and poaching KOM without putting in a wole ride
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    When is your marathon?
  • AngieB988
    AngieB988 Posts: 9 Member
    My marathon is in October 2019, I qualified in my last marathon last October.
  • DaveJ_43
    DaveJ_43 Posts: 139 Member
    I'm running the Marine Corp Marathon in October. I'll send you a FR.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    AngieB988 wrote: »
    My marathon is in October 2019, I qualified in my last marathon last October.

    Plenty of time to lose a few pounds before you start training then. Good luck!
  • antoniogilman102
    antoniogilman102 Posts: 5 Member
    I’ve gotten into distance running here as of late and would like some like minded individuals for that extra kick in the *kitten* at times.