Looking for a friend to keep me “honest!”

I’ve been trying to lose the same 20 lbs. for years. The plan is to track on MFP daily - exercise 5 times weekly - and limit myself to one glass of wine a day (size tbd - ha!). I am an active 64 year old Nana with two artificial knees who still downhill skis and rides (my horse). Need to stay fit and healthy to keep up with the grans! Would anyone like to be a check-in buddy or share diaries? I just need to be more accountable - thanks!


  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member
    That’s awesome that you still downhill ski after knee replacements. It gives me hope that when I get some of this weight off I can do more with my new knee. I am a 54 year old grandmother of two. I have quite a bit more to lose than you but I am willing to be a buddy. My diary is open to friends. I will add you.
  • kklmking
    kklmking Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you! It's Friday pizza night - you will see a LARGE salad and small piece of pizza in my diary :) And a large glass of wine :D
  • Monkeyfreck
    Monkeyfreck Posts: 65 Member
    Happy to connect and share diaries with friends for those that are committed
  • opqr
    opqr Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, you can add me. My goal is also 20 lbs and I just stated. I am 48 mother to college kids.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    edited April 2019
    The only one that can keep you honest is you. That may seem rude, but it is not.
    Get a kitchen scale that measures in grams and has a tare feature. They are available online and in big-box retailers. Use it honestly. Be patient. It will happen.
  • lenadoodlez9152
    lenadoodlez9152 Posts: 2 Member
    Howzit?! I am with you here. New to MFP but not dieting. I'm feeling strong and I think I just need a support group to add to my artillery. I have 30lbs to get into my prep baby clothes. 37yo mother of 2. Trying to avoid alcohol altogether this month to see if that helps....

  • lenadoodlez9152
    lenadoodlez9152 Posts: 2 Member
    Is anyone here interested the the April challenge?