200’s Club: Anyone weigh anywhere in the 200’s? Let’s support one another here!



  • mprocyszyn
    mprocyszyn Posts: 56 Member
    Good morning everyone.......back from being warm and walking in shoes to brrrrrr cold in the great lakes area where we call home. Haven't been able to weigh in all month but kept to my logging and eating and was able to exercise in the form of walking. So on Saturday was thrilled.....3 lb loss so now closer to goal number 1 of 60 lbs...now 45 to go. I'm so happy the weight is coming off but mostly because the food I am choosing is sustainable long term and I no longer miss or crave my "kryptonite" potato chips. Slow and sure is my motto now. Mary from Canada
  • myfitnesspalacios
    myfitnesspalacios Posts: 55 Member
    Taking stock of the next five months.
    Steady as she goes.
    Just give me five or ten pounds a month.
    Heading in the right direction.
    Let me hear from you all.
  • Justshapes
    Justshapes Posts: 13 Member
    233 female 35 from canada
    Feel free to add me as a friend!😘
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,402 Member
    The best day all week. Giving up sugar for Lent, I want to see a LOSS this month.
  • myfitnesspalacios
    myfitnesspalacios Posts: 55 Member
    Here comes the week end.
    Keep going!
    We can do this.)
  • AbbieOffman
    AbbieOffman Posts: 165 Member
    Trying very hard to get out of the 200s. So far this year I've gone from 220 to 200, but these past few days I've gotten back up to 202. Feel free to add me as a friend! :)
  • Ryewhisky75
    Ryewhisky75 Posts: 26 Member
    I haven't seen the 100's , or as I like to refer to it, Onederland, in a long time. I've only been doing this for about 2 weeks. And it's working! I have tried every fad diet known to man, none have worked.
    Goal-135lbs or a size 6/small-medium
    The last time I fit a Medium was age 19. I am now 43. I had 3 babies in 3 1/2 years starting at age 20, which really screwed with my body and I never got it back. Never, in all my trials of weight loss, have I ever been so determined. It's almost scary when you finally have that AHA! moment. Like, we got this!

    Anyone is welcome to add me, the bigger the community of friends, the more likely we are to succeed!
  • joyce25w
    joyce25w Posts: 8 Member
    Hello! I am a newbie as this is my second day. I was at my highest weight in 2017 at 253. It took me 1.5 years to get to 217, it took me three months to get to 239! I am not going to let that scale get any higher!!

    I am a snacker, not because I'm hungry but because it's there. I have been letting some illness take over and keeping me in a shell. That shell just got cracked and I am on my way to getting back to a healthy weight and a lower BMI!

    I am visually impaired and that's okay because I will run into you but because I'm squishy you won't bruise LOL. It may limit some of my activities but it's not going to stop me! I also deal with vertigo issues ( no, I really haven't been drinking today LOL) and yet again I'm not going to let it stop me!

    I know this is going to be a long journey and with everyone's help we can all do it together!

    SW 239
    CW 235
    GW 160 ish
  • Donsgirl96
    Donsgirl96 Posts: 1 Member
    SW 222
    CW 214
    GW 130

    I've been keeping my calories under 1200 for 3 weeks for an 8 pound weight loss. When I married my husband in 1996 I was 160 pounds. I've not always struggled with my weight but in the last 16 years after the birth of 2 kids I've struggled. I've been on diets and failed. This time I'm telling myself its not a diet its a lifestyle change in hopes to reach the goal weight. I've only maintained this week and that's got me disheartened but I will not give up. I'd like to be under 200 pounds by June 2nd. Together we can do this!
  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    Hi! I just discovered this group, but I've been tracking my food and exercise in MFP for about a month. I've been over 200 lbs. since 1993. My heaviest I was 274 in 2004. I got down to 245 right after I adopted my daughter and managed to get to 227 in 2013. I stayed there until last year. I'm a stress eater and my favorite food of choice is chocolate...lots of it!!! It's been a very difficult year in our family. So one month ago, the warning about type 2 diabetes became a reality. I realized I had to get my act together.

    SW 268 - September 2018 - I was 253 at diagnosis last month
    CW 240
    GW 216

    I have to set small goals in increments. Anything huge is overwhelming, so I'm using 10% as a guideline. Needless to say, I have to watch my carbs and stay as low in fat as possible. The diary has allowed me to set clear limits, and I don't have to remember how many carbs I had at breakfast because it's right here! I joined a gym for the first time. It's been a great experience so far.

  • myfitnesspalacios
    myfitnesspalacios Posts: 55 Member
    Happy Monday! New week. New start. Record your intake. Do it because when you ate it, you did it, anyway.
    Come on!! We can do this. Thin people ain't got nothing on us; we just enjoyed life more than they every did! hahahaha. Seriously, record your intake. Calories budgets disappear just like money at NM or Lost Wages, NV.
    Let us hear from you. We need you all. You ARE LOOKING GOOD. You know it and those around you know it. Keep going!!
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Starting the week off without sodium bloat. And going to get back on shakes at work.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,799 Member
    Time to refocus again. It doesn’t matter how many times we start again... as long as we keep at it. We’re here for eachother!

    Ok... time to get off my butt, crank up some good tunes and put the groceries away while dancing!!!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,799 Member
  • valentina5780
    valentina5780 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello 🥰
    Thank you for your post. I have had a problem with weight gain for the last five years. I suddenly jumped up to about 210 lbs and then stayed there for a while til I really quickly blew up to 275.
    I lost a bit of weight last year, maybe 20 lbs, but over Christmas and new year ballooned out to 267lbs again.
    I’ve decided I’ve had enough though and I really want to get my life together. I’ve managed to drop down to around 225 lbs now since January 8th.
    So far, I’ve lost around 40 lbs since I made that decision in January.
    I’m not stopping. I have depression and anxiety and I know being overweight has dramatically affected my life and also my happiness.
    I’m really happy I’ve managed to lose weight but it’s a long road ahead. I’ll keep going though, I know it’s essential for my future happiness and quality of life to get my health together!
    The next goal for me is to get under 100kg (220lbs) , then under 200 lbs (around 90kg).
    I know what it’s like to be fit and healthy and trust me life is a lot easier. It’s obviously not the solution to everything, and existing emotional problems don’t just go away, but certain things do get more simple.
    If anyone would like a weight loss buddy or someone to talk to I’m here.


  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,799 Member
    Hello 🥰
    Thank you for your post. I have had a problem with weight gain for the last five years. I suddenly jumped up to about 210 lbs and then stayed there for a while til I really quickly blew up to 275.
    I lost a bit of weight last year, maybe 20 lbs, but over Christmas and new year ballooned out to 267lbs again.
    I’ve decided I’ve had enough though and I really want to get my life together. I’ve managed to drop down to around 225 lbs now since January 8th.
    So far, I’ve lost around 40 lbs since I made that decision in January.
    I’m not stopping. I have depression and anxiety and I know being overweight has dramatically affected my life and also my happiness.
    I’m really happy I’ve managed to lose weight but it’s a long road ahead. I’ll keep going though, I know it’s essential for my future happiness and quality of life to get my health together!
    The next goal for me is to get under 100kg (220lbs) , then under 200 lbs (around 90kg).
    I know what it’s like to be fit and healthy and trust me life is a lot easier. It’s obviously not the solution to everything, and existing emotional problems don’t just go away, but certain things do get more simple.
    If anyone would like a weight loss buddy or someone to talk to I’m here.



    We’re all here for you Valentina! 🥰
    I just finished my pajama walk with my dog, Roxie. Together we greeted the sunrise!


  • lreed85
    lreed85 Posts: 3 Member
    Want to know what’s crazy...is being excited to be back in the 200’s. I started this journey March 6th...so happy to be back under 300 hopefully forever. I am 5’10 for reference

    SW: 312
    CW: (one month in): 295.6
    GW: 199
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,799 Member
    lreed85 wrote: »
    Want to know what’s crazy...is being excited to be back in the 200’s. I started this journey March 6th...so happy to be back under 300 hopefully forever. I am 5’10 for reference

    SW: 312
    CW: (one month in): 295.6
    GW: 199

    You are AWESOME! Way to go!!!
    I tell everyone I’m 5’9” but I think I’m just under 5’8. 😁. And I wear a size 10 shoe. My feet keep getting bigger too!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,799 Member
    Hi everyone! Just checking in to say Hi and how are things going for you?

  • vagabondgoddess
    vagabondgoddess Posts: 38 Member
    SW: 235
    CW: 226.4
    GW: 140

    So I have already typed this out 2 times so I'm no longer going to go into as much detail.

    So the summary of it is that when I was about 20 to 23 I got really bad allergies and asthma I started working in a call center and it made me as much and when I did exercise I felt like I couldn't breathe.

    but leave me really startling to lose weight was just the past six months a friend asked me to be a bridesmaid.

    It wasn't really until then when we went dress shopping and I realized how much we I had gained.

    My self-esteem tanked for a few weeks. I couldn't go in front of 200 ppl. The dresses were pretty but it showed every imperfection due to how the dress fit.

    I ended up dropping out, which I felt terrible for, but I couldn't do it.

    After I was done with my pity party I decided that I would change that.

    I used to hike/run 10 miles/ride my bike everywhere/ etc.

    My so is starting to get ready for some nice hikes that I'm not going to be able to go on because at this point they would be too difficult. I also don't have enough PTO but I wouldn't be able to do it even if I had it.

    He is very supportive of me but at the same time I won't hold him or myself back anymore.

    He is doing a part of the PCT which he has been wanting to do for years.

    I have been getting sick a lot more than I ever have prior to gaining weight.

    Anyway, I want the more active side of my life back. I miss it and from here in out I want to do what I can to get back into shape. I also want to be able to stand in front of a large crowd without being self-conscious.