What do you do to get yourself back on track?

What do you do to get yourself back on track?
I feel like fell off the horse and need to get back in the settle, work has been crazy and i haven't been able to squeeze in the gym time like i want ontop of getting sick. Let me know some of your guys strategies when you lose track.


  • SavannahS2016
    SavannahS2016 Posts: 350 Member
    Start back on drinking the correct amount of water for my weight always helps me takes a few days but makes me feel so my better and ready to get fit and lose weight. Day 1 today 20oz down 57oz to go
  • shetland
    shetland Posts: 55 Member
    Right there with you. I let one night last week for an anniversary dinner turn into 4 full days. I woke up this morning and feel terrible- headache, tired, puffy...I am using that as motivation, because it is obvious what not making healthy choices does to my body.
  • mstarks01
    mstarks01 Posts: 109 Member
    The first step is always the hardest. Do that first workout and things will likely fall in place after that.
  • New_me_19
    New_me_19 Posts: 40 Member
    I am in the same situation. Had a wee blowout start of last week im struggling to get back at it. I usually do good until dinner time.

    Today has been good having soup for dinner.
    Feel free to add me and good luck on your journey
  • rosiorama
    rosiorama Posts: 300 Member
    You just have to drag yourself back onto the horse. I’m working two jobs right now and it is so tiring. When I was less busy, my goal was to get to the gym 5x per week, but now it’s 4x. Some weeks it is only 2or 3... you just have to plug away as best you can.

    For me, it’s the realization that I’ll be tired either way, whether I get to the gym or not. If I DO go, I’m exhausted but satisfied that I did it. You don’t have to do it perfectly, and every day there has to be a decision to do something about how you’re feeling.

    It’s hard to do something about it, but it’s also hard to look in the mirror and not like what you see. Pick your hard. Every day.

    Being sick though? You need to take care and get better. Let yourself recover, and don’t feel guilty about that.
  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    Just go back to doing the same things when you were doing when you were "on track". I don't think this beneficial to declare yourself off track. That makes it seem like this thing you need to do grand gestures to break out of. But really is just as simple as having one good day and then trying to have a good day the next day. If you don't, just try again the next day.

    I fell off for about a month of the holidays where I didn't go to the gym and didn't eat very well. But I got back on the horse by just doing the things in my routine. After a week or two, it was like I had never left and I was better than ever.
  • cask16
    cask16 Posts: 196 Member
    I do a load of cooking and meal prep eg make soups, cut veg, pre prep porridge, boil eggs etc

    Makes me feel empowered somehow.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    I’ve got a different suggestion on what to do first that reflects my personality. Go look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself how bad do you want it? Be honest when answering and keep the eye contact. Generally, nothing else is needed other than doubling down your past efforts and having that daily talk with yourself in front of the mirror.

    Wishing you the best.
  • MarilynTC
    MarilynTC Posts: 98 Member
    After beating myself up unnecessarily, I decide to get back to tracking EVERYTHING and try to get a little exercise in every day. Today, my exercise was playing ball with my kids and putting together shelves. Kept me busy and away from the fridge and the pantry!
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    Stop right now and log what you ate today. (Even if you have to estimate and even if over calories.). Keep up the logging to keep yourself accountable. No need to beat yourself up over a misstep. Just log the data and keep moving on. Eventually you are likely to make different food choices simply by keeping yourself accountable.
  • Skrilus
    Skrilus Posts: 19 Member
    thanks for all the kind words and advice :)
  • thezenarya
    thezenarya Posts: 38 Member
    I make sure to give myself no excuses. I started back today, and I made sure all of my meals were prepped, I filled my water jug and an extra water bottle and set it out for my morning pre-workout. I got a new alarm app called Alarmy that I set up to where I HAVE to scan my the barcode on my pre-workout in order for it to shut off, which means I have to walk to the kitchen. I set out my workout clothes the night before. Then when it came time to workout, I bargained. Told myself to do at least 20 minutes, then at 20 minutes I started feeling good so I told myself another 20 minutes. After that point, I reasoned that I was already 3/4 done with my video, so might as well finish it.

    Sounds convoluted, but it works for me until I get back in to a routine.
  • garystrickland357
    garystrickland357 Posts: 598 Member
    It helped me to not make things so complicated. If you need to get back on track ask yourself this - what are the behaviors of someone who is "on track"? Identify the behaviors that make you successful and then simply do them... We can have 100 excuses (I've had my share - not pointing fingers) but that doesn't help. Identify what you need to do - then do it. You don't need motivation that way - you simply choose (or not) to do the things that will make you lose weight.

  • lalalacroix
    lalalacroix Posts: 834 Member
    I have fallen off the so called wagon so many times in the past. I currently have one really hard and fast rule which is to log all my food no matter what.
    If I eat thousands over my goal, I have to log it. Somehow doing that one action ensures that I don't fall off anymore. So I would start there
  • wallflower_17
    wallflower_17 Posts: 15 Member
    Sometimes I have to just take the approach that it isn't really all or nothing - all I really have to do to get back on track is take that first step. I'll ask myself what is one thing I will actually do that moves me in the right direction? Maybe I really don't think I can get a full workout in, but I'm willing to go for a 30-minute walk. Maybe I won't meal prep everything for a full day, but I will make a plan to have a healthier lunch option...etc.

    Most of the time if I can get myself just to make one BETTER decision, then I get momentum going in my motivational core that gets the ball rolling again overall.