Being T1 Diabetic & Low Blood Sugar



  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    i'm on the minimed pump, but my warranty just ended, so i'm thinking about switching to the animas or omnipod, anyone have good experiences with them? i like my minimed, much better than trying to regulate on injections, but the buttons get stuck sometimes (meaning mailing it back to them & them overnighting me a new one), making the warranty essential.
    my nutritionist/nurse educator, told me that omnipod is coming out with a smaller infusion set this fall... it looks ideal, but the reviews are so mixed!
  • bac0s
    bac0s Posts: 48 Member
    I think having T1 has been the biggest frustration with weight loss. When I'm working out, and wanting to stick to my calorie goals, and then experiencing lows while trying to readjust my basal rates... It *KILLS* me to have to consume those calories!

    And if you think about it, those ravenous lows make sense. Insulin is a growth hormone (which is typically why the more insulin you use the fatter you are and the more you need... it's a vicious cycle) and if your blood sugar drops quickly you're getting a huge hit of growth hormone demanding to be fed...

    I do use the glucose tabs b/c I find I'm a lot less likely to have one of those eat-everything-in-sight reactions when it's glucose tabs vs candy or ice cream or anything tasty. The Walmart Fruit Punch brand ones actually aren't too bad.

    On the oither hand, it's really satisfying to have lost over 60 pounds and see my total daily usage go from 90 to 35 on my insulin pump, and my basal rates go from 50 to 17.5.
  • bac0s
    bac0s Posts: 48 Member
    That was great advice--thank you! I think 38 actually was the lowest I've ever been--WOO HOO! hahahaha That is just messed up low! I almost always forget to just turn off the pump when lows like that happen but of course when you're brain isn't functioning how are you gonna remember to do that?!
    Ack! My worst low ever was when I was pg with my DD. The first trimester of a pg will do insane things to your body, and I had lows in the first trimester with both kids. Fortunately my husband was home that night... I remember getting belligerent and feeling out of it... when I was finally cognizant again, he had made me drink two cans of regular Sprite before checking my BS, which was 23. After two cans of regular soda!! Scary.
  • Jenna470
    Jenna470 Posts: 13
    i'm on the minimed pump, but my warranty just ended, so i'm thinking about switching to the animas or omnipod, anyone have good experiences with them? i like my minimed, much better than trying to regulate on injections, but the buttons get stuck sometimes (meaning mailing it back to them & them overnighting me a new one), making the warranty essential.
    my nutritionist/nurse educator, told me that omnipod is coming out with a smaller infusion set this fall... it looks ideal, but the reviews are so mixed!

    I am on the Animas Ping and really like it. The glucometer is a remote and meter in one. It's really convenient. My endo has the Minimed and loves it. I talked to an Animas rep at a JDRF walk in April and he said that they are going to release a new pump by Dec this year with a glucometer inside the pump so you would only have 1 site. Are you on a CGM? I am curious about them but HATE to have another site.
  • winkerbean
    winkerbean Posts: 39 Member
    i'm on the minimed pump, but my warranty just ended, so i'm thinking about switching to the animas or omnipod, anyone have good experiences with them? i like my minimed, much better than trying to regulate on injections, but the buttons get stuck sometimes (meaning mailing it back to them & them overnighting me a new one), making the warranty essential.
    my nutritionist/nurse educator, told me that omnipod is coming out with a smaller infusion set this fall... it looks ideal, but the reviews are so mixed!

    I am on the Animas Ping and really like it. The glucometer is a remote and meter in one. It's really convenient. My endo has the Minimed and loves it. I talked to an Animas rep at a JDRF walk in April and he said that they are going to release a new pump by Dec this year with a glucometer inside the pump so you would only have 1 site. Are you on a CGM? I am curious about them but HATE to have another site.

    I'm on an Animas Ping right now and am at the point where I could get a new one through insurance (poor thing is all beat up!). I had heard about the Animas Vibe and was curious about the positioning. From looking at the website it looks like the CGM and infusion set would be in one site on you, but then I had also been told by people who had seen it at tradeshows that the pump would just be able to read the data sent to it via the CGM site and would still require the CGM site/infusion set site.

    Hmm. I need to call them I think? :)
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    Ya the Big D can suck a lot. I try to keep a positive look on it though. I swear if I wasn't type 1 I'd be 300lbs. I wouldn't have cared about my weight/health and all that.

    It sounds like you need to adjust you basal and maybe even insulin to carb ratio. I was having morning lows so all I need to do was adjust my 10pm-10am basal.

    I have been pumping 6 years first with Cozmore and now Animas Ping. I have had nothing but success. I keep thinking about the CGMS but the idea of another "set" and receiver doesn't thrill me.

    FYI: Don't forget cardio(aerobic) makes you BS DROP while Strength(anaerobic) makes yours BS RISE
    (incase you didn't know that)

    PS: I took get pissed about having to eat extra calories for a low. I been trying to keep to a 10oz apple juice that is only 140 calories but its 34carbs/sugar. When I'm low I tend to look at sugar content over carbs.
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    ^Ugh yeah - even if I fight the urge to eat a lot during a low the calorie add on still sucks. I try to keep small juice boxes on hand (they're 15g sugar and 60 calories) or if I'm feeling hard core I'll down a few packets of sugar (4 = 16g sugar and 60 calories).
  • winkerbean
    winkerbean Posts: 39 Member
    Good idea about the apple juice boxes. I've been treating lows with granola bars and those sit at 190 calories.
  • suzieb1971
    suzieb1971 Posts: 312 Member
    im a type one diabetic too, and have been for 25 years. since i started my diet and fitness regime, my blood sugars have been going insane! i have woken up through the night a few times surrounded by paramedics, and a totally freaked out husband.

    your numbers mean nothing to me. you said 42 is low? with my system, i am supposed to be between 4 and 7, so anything below 4 is low. sometimes as low as 1, and sometimes my glucose monitor even just says ''LO'' which is never good!

    but ive managed to stablilise them better now. no more scary night time hypos, because for one thing, i have changed my long acting insulin, which has made a mega difference. i just make sure i check my sugar regularly, and try to sort myself accordingly.
    also, i have lowered my insulin dose and have calmed down a bit on the exercise. i really was going hell for leather!

    i used to just treat a hypo with a sugary drink, but sometimes that just doesnt work, and i have only just found out that i need something to eat as well, so i have some wholemeal bread with some marmalade on, but i do still start off with the drink, if its quite a low one. i have the drink, then the bread and marmalade, or some fruit, which is quite full of natural sugar. a banana is a good thing to use, or grapes.
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    I am neither Diabetic or Hypo. But, my blood sugar drops also. I only drop to very low 70's. At least that is were I have monitored it. I don't monitor all the time, so I don't really know if I actually drop lower. Always carry glucose tabs. They are the quickest way to boost your blood sugar. I think that you know that. Food then will balance you out.

    I have learned to eat a protein/ccarb/fat diet. All of my meals are this way. Sometimes there is a slight variation. I was told to do this by several doctors. This way my BG should be maintained.

    Ex: 24g Protein : 17g Carbs : 4g Fat

    This combo works well. A BG or tab or two is 20/40 cals a snickers is 280 cals.

    Protein for long term
    CCarbs for immediate and short term
    Fat for immediate
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