Needing some advice!

Hey everyone!
Ive been using MFP for around 4 months now. In 8weeks i lost 10lbs and was feeling great, however over the last few weeks ive been lucky to see a 0.5lb loss at all, the scales have not budged!
Ive neen weighing out my food and making sure im inputting it all correctly, cut down on 'treats' and upped my exercise where i can. I usally walk my daughter to and from school which is roughly 1mile each way so totals 4 miles at least a day. I do a zumba class once a week, I have a fitbit so making sure i always do 10,000 or more steps, have been doing HIIT workouts where i can at home(i have 2 children, 9months & 4yrs) yet still no budge.

Ive considered upping to the premium MFP? Has anyone done this and seen a difference?
Im getting really discouraged, does anyone have any advice for me? Losing my willpower!!😒

Were going away for a weekend in may and i was really hoping to be nearer my goal weight. 😭

Thankyou everyone!
Happy Monday!


  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    How much do you have left to lose?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    edited April 2019
    how many weeks have you not lost weight for? what are your stats and calorie goal?
  • dennisroc
    dennisroc Posts: 59 Member
    How many and what kind of treats are you cutting down on. My new treat is a fresh bottle of water :) Seems like with all you are doing some weight should come off.

    I have been eating a sort of Keto / low carb diet and have lost 21 lbs so far this year but was stuck on 170 for a few weeks and now 168. I was eating Pork Rinds for a snack since they are low carb but the calories add up quick. Stopped eating them and started losing weight again.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,722 Member
    It is your behaviour that has helped you lose the weight. MFP is just a recording tool. Upping to premium will not change what you are doing.

    Weight loss is seldom linear. Plateaus are a normal part of the process, and can often last for weeks at a time. You have come so far, don't let this blip derail you. If you continue to expend more calories than you are eating, it will start to move again.

    Just a thought! Have you reset your goals? As you lose weight the body needs less calories than it did before. If you are still on the same calorie allowance as you were at the start, then that could account for the plateau.
  • ToniHogman
    ToniHogman Posts: 5 Member
    How much do you have left to lose?

    1 stone and 1lb
  • ToniHogman
    ToniHogman Posts: 5 Member
    how many weeks have you not lost weight for? what are your stats and calorie goal?

    Around 6 weeks now?!
    My calorie goal is 1,200
    Im 5ft 2 and currently 10st 8lbs / 67kg
    Would like to loose a stone, then will be in the healthy BMI etc
  • ToniHogman
    ToniHogman Posts: 5 Member
    dennisroc wrote: »
    How many and what kind of treats are you cutting down on. My new treat is a fresh bottle of water :) Seems like with all you are doing some weight should come off.

    I have been eating a sort of Keto / low carb diet and have lost 21 lbs so far this year but was stuck on 170 for a few weeks and now 168. I was eating Pork Rinds for a snack since they are low carb but the calories add up quick. Stopped eating them and started losing weight again.

    Ive cut down on the sweet treats.. biscuits, chocolate & things like crisps etc. Never buy chocolate any more and have been getting rich tea fingers so when i do have some they are a lower calorie option.

    Also stopped 'snacking' on nuts and seeds as they are high in fats, just have them on occasion now. X
  • ToniHogman
    ToniHogman Posts: 5 Member
    It is your behaviour that has helped you lose the weight. MFP is just a recording tool. Upping to premium will not change what you are doing.

    Weight loss is seldom linear. Plateaus are a normal part of the process, and can often last for weeks at a time. You have come so far, don't let this blip derail you. If you continue to expend more calories than you are eating, it will start to move again.

    Just a thought! Have you reset your goals? As you lose weight the body needs less calories than it did before. If you are still on the same calorie allowance as you were at the start, then that could account for the plateau.
    It is your behaviour that has helped you lose the weight. MFP is just a recording tool. Upping to premium will not change what you are doing.

    Weight loss is seldom linear. Plateaus are a normal part of the process, and can often last for weeks at a time. You have come so far, don't let this blip derail you. If you continue to expend more calories than you are eating, it will start to move again.

    Just a thought! Have you reset your goals? As you lose weight the body needs less calories than it did before. If you are still on the same calorie allowance as you were at the start, then that could account for the plateau.

    No i havent reset my goal, i will do this.

    Thankyou 😊
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    How much do you have left to lose?

    1 stone and 1lb

    With 15lbs to lose, it's going to come off slow. You just don't have the fat reserves to lose quickly. About a half pound/quarter kg per week is the goal to shoot for.

    MFP won't give you a calorie goal of less than 1200 so you're already at the minimum.

    The only other advice I can give is to try to be super accurate with your logging. The closer you are to goal, the more logging errors can cost.