Up days , down days ?? Anybody do this ??

I’m trying this out for 2weeks . So mon to thurs 950 calories a day . Then fri sat sun 2000 calls day. This is the same at 1400 calories a day. Xxx

My maintenance calories are 1588 so I should loose weight doing the above shouldn’t I ?


  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    A lot of people bank calories. Might just want to keep an eye on your energy levels, particularly if you exercise.
  • ladyzherra
    ladyzherra Posts: 438 Member
    Hi! This sounds similar to cycling calories, and reminds me a little bit of Tom Venuto's approach to weight loss from a while back. If I can remember, he developed a useful calculator that can help you ascertain exactly how many calories and macronutrients you need on a calorie-cycling program. I used it for a while and I remember that I thought it was helpful.

    Yes, calorie consumption over time leads to weight loss, so as long as there is a deficit between calories burned and calories consumed, then weight may be lost (but there are many other considerations, too).

    Good luck!
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    I did that when I was losing weight. Worked well for me and luckily I could fit all my macros, esp protein into 900-1200ish calories.
  • Remoth
    Remoth Posts: 117 Member
    Yes, if your math is correct and accurate, then you should lose roughly one third of a pound a week (on average over an extended period of time).

    It's the same reasoning(law of averages) however that starvation diets dont usually work because people will starve for a day or two, then binge on 4000 calories cancelling out anything the starving day did. If you make sure you eat nutrient rich foods on your low days especially, it can work. But I'm not one for it, I would rather eat at a standard deficit, and if I happen to go over when I'm out with the gf or friends, so be it. Just means itll slow me down a bit. I would vouch for consistency with some wiggle room for those fun days and a mentality of not beating ourselves up on the days in which we are human. I feel this to be a more sustainable path. Just my opinion.
  • Fivefootcaloriecounter
    On my low days can u eat my exercise calories and still loose weight ?
  • Fivefootcaloriecounter
    Can I , that’s what I meant
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 9,986 Member
    Can I , that’s what I meant

    Darn, I hoped you had found a way for me to eat more while you do the exercising. :wink:
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I encourage people to experiment and two weeks is a good time frame. If you have not already you need to clearly define what you hope to achieve or learn from the experiment. Weight loss is not a good goal since that is a result of a calorie deficit not a style of eating.

    Here are a few questions that I always wanted to answer during my many experiments:

    1) Am I more or less hungry than I was before?
    2) Do I feel more or less energized than before?
    3) Am I happier eating this way?
    4) Is this something I can see myself doing for potentially the rest of my life?

    Every change you make should work to improve your sustainability.

    You should also know when to stop. If this is increasing your hunger or making you miserable in some way it is likely not worth continuing for the full 2 weeks.
  • Daivuce
    Daivuce Posts: 21 Member
    I’m trying this out for 2weeks . So mon to thurs 950 calories a day . Then fri sat sun 2000 calls day. This is the same at 1400 calories a day. Xxx

    My maintenance calories are 1588 so I should loose weight doing the above shouldn’t I ?

    I am doing this at the moment, but with the lower total of calories. I do 2 low 1 high 3 low 1 high. Weight is slowly but steadily melting. If i find that I get hungry on a low day I will swap that day with the high day or do extra cardio and eat back the calories burned.
    I think the main thing is to stick to the total weekly calorie goal and not go over it. If you weigh yourself every day you might find that you weight increases slightly after a high calorie day ( i had it jump by a pound on a few occasions) and then drops down in the next few days to a new low.

    Good luck! It might not be for you, but you will never know till you try it.