How do poor people exercise?



  • roxyjo1
    roxyjo1 Posts: 29
    I run outdoors when the weather is nice. I would try looking for equipment at yard sales or on craigslist. A pharmacy or medical equipment store sells resistance bands cheap. I don't have room for much equipment at home. I just have some 8 lb. dumbells and a yoga ball.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Using your body's own resistance is a fantastic way to strength train. You don't need special tools. Crunches, squats, lunges, etc. Cardio is easy- no one will charge you to walk, run, or run up and down stairs.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    just start running! invest in a good pair of trainers! :)
    you agility will improve in time too :)

    Yep! It's FREE!!! Or walking. has some workout videos on it! So that's free too!

    Good luck!
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 298 Member
    If you truly don't have the money then be creative.

    Libraries are free- rent work out DVD's from there.

    If you have a reusable grocery bad load it with canned goods and guess what you have weights to lift.

    Don't spend money on a fancy step, I use cinder blocks.

    Seek out friends who are former dieters. I had friends give me an entire set of weights. Recently they bought and elliptical...I'm waiting.
  • brittbergh
    brittbergh Posts: 130 Member
    home workout dvds!!! seriously!! go to walmart or target and look at their selection!
  • mirnymirn
    Check Google Maps and see if you live close to some hiking trails. Just regular Uphill trails, or even streets that go Uphill (I would love to live in San Francisco, poor exercisers paradise!). You can build your resistance by starting to walk uphill, then when you get used to that try jogging and then running. Meanwhile the sweat will be pouring, and the pounds with it :)

    I also invested less than $200 on a mountain bike from Target. I go ride my bike at least one hour 2 or 3 times a week. That will pay for itself eventually, especially since trying to build resistance by driving it uphill will cost me lots of pounds!!
  • QueenHanifa
    QueenHanifa Posts: 180 Member
    jump rope best cardio out
    put on a music cd and dance straight though the cd
    squats do 20 everytime you go to the potty
    arm press do in kitchen while preparing meals
  • seballard09
    You don't need any money to exercise. You just need time. You can do calesthenics (pushups, jumping jacks, sit ups, sqats, lunges, etc.). You can, as you say, walk or run, both excellent exercises. A chair with arms but without wheels is a good piece of exercise equipment. Sit in it and use your arms to lift and lower your body weight. Sit on the edge, lean bad and alternately raise each knee to your chest.

    Turn on some music and dance your *kitten* off (literally)!!

    Great suggestions! You absolutely, positively DO NOT need a gym to lose weight/get fit. Our bodies provide us with all the restistance weight that we need for working out. If you're motivated, you are all that you'll need. Do as mentioned above, jump rope, leg raises, dips in a chair., etc. Is there a high school football stadium nearby? Go there to run stairs. No fancy equipment required! Good luck!
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Walking - Free
    Running - Free
    Skipping Rope - 99 cents for a chunk of rope
    Stairs - Free if you can find a tall building and the owner doesn't mind
    Swimming - any beaches near by?
    Bicycling - Yard sales have been mentioned
    Hand weights - Soup cans to pop bottles... a milk jug can be converted to a kettleball pretty easily.

    Yard sales are treasure troves as people hock their well intentioned exercise plans for a little spare coin. You can generally find all the books, videos, treadmills, exercise bikes, workout machines, free weights for pennys compared to new.

    Hope this doesn't come across the wrong way but... you can spend a little money now on exercise equipment. Stay healthy... Or a lot of money on health care later and have a poor quality of life. There is always a choice. In my case, I chose to live!
  • Jolauer
    Jolauer Posts: 10 Member
    If you have a computer, you can find some good free sites. I use a free yoga site which is great.
  • paulahhhh
    paulahhhh Posts: 283
    If you have Comcast cable, search ONDemand!! My best friend & I do A LOT of the cardio videos!! They're effective & before I fell of the wagon (which I'm back on), I lost a good 6lbs in a week! :D
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Workout dvd's (there are lot's of inexpensive ones)
    Go for a run when the weather is nice (really great site with short but intense workouts + info on diet as well) :D
  • Emma1903
    Emma1903 Posts: 195
    Get down to the park, walk there and find a hill to do hill sprints, find a tree or monkey bars to do pull ups, cycle, do weight training but use just your body weight, squats, lunges, crunches ect. Make your own weights using bottles and water or tubes filled with heavy objects. Be creative.
  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    Jump rope, Hula Hoop ($1-$10?). Dancing while watching t.v. or listening to music. Running in place while watching t.v. or listening to music. Lifting your legs while you sit on the couch or at the table. Isometrics. "Yummy Mummy". There are all kinds of exercises you can do with your body alone. Youtube is filled with videos teaching you these. Lunges, squats, planks, etc. and variations. I love gyms but I don't love gym fees, salesmen and contracts so I, too, am not a member. One of the best things I believe you can do is run... which is why it is my exercise of choice. You don't have to go fast at all. Just doing it any will make a difference. Run on your street, at a park or on the track at a local high school. Also, most any sport if you can find a partner - throwing a football, frisbee, kicking a soccer ball, etc.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    local library they will rent out videos for free
    also video update stores have a free area for workout dvds and even a few vhs still
  • ggtischer
    ggtischer Posts: 14 Member
    What about exercise videos? They can be relatively inexpensive, and you can find them even cheaper on ebay or amazon... You can easily make your own weights with water jugs. Also, I've heard that some cable providers have exercise channels. Mine doesn't, or at least I haven't found it yet. But yours might. Do you have a wii or xbox? They have lots of fitness games.

    The public library is a great place to get various excercise videos for FREE!! And you can try them before you buy them :)
  • thezentwin
    thezentwin Posts: 1 Member
    do the couch to 5k. download it and it's free
  • Monkeymin
    Monkeymin Posts: 197 Member
    The internet has some great suggestions for free workouts. Also magazines usually suggest free workouts you can do at home or in a local park. Do you have an iphone? can you afford an app? lots of great apps for helping suggest exercises etc.

    It's all about moving and keeping moving. Just sticking a great song and dancing about is exercise.

    Good luck
    MOOOSEEE3 Posts: 218 Member
    the same way as others do. We walk/run/jog, do push ups, sit ups, lunges, jumping jacks. There are a TON of things you can do without a video or gym membership.
  • luscadero
    luscadero Posts: 92 Member
    high intensity body weight circuit training, google around, you'll find a million workouts that take less than 30 minutes and nothing but your own motivation. Running is freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Although, it's nice to have decent shoes.