How to not be embarrassed at workout classes...?

The title says it all. I am very overweight, and have about 80lbs to lose and a lot of muscle to gain. (what can I say, I want to be slimthicc.)
I just signed up for a free 7 day 24 hour fitness pass, and wrote down what classes i'll be taking for those 7 days. stuff like dance party, barre, booty blast, yoga, etc.
How do I get past that feeling of people judging me. I am really out of shape so I breathe so heavily once I start working out. Idk. I'm just so nervous but I really want to do this. Any advice?


  • runnermom419
    runnermom419 Posts: 366 Member
    You can do it! I've been on both sides of the aisle and I can guarantee you that no one is paying attention to you (with the exception of the instructor). I'm so focused on not dying during a fitness class. :wink:
  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    I agree with everyone so far, gym people is there to improve themselves and will not be focused on your efforts. Also agree that you should be proud of taking the step to experience new ways of moving and hopefully find something you continue to enjoy.

    If you are super shy and nervous, I will suggest being in the back of the room of off to a side. Make sure you can see the instructor for directions, but that way you won't feel like people's eyes are on you. Then you can see that everyone around you is focused on the instructor or themselves, and maybe the second time you go you feel more comfortable with your surroundings and take a more central position.

    Go get it girl, I hope you find a routine that you love =)
  • angermouse
    angermouse Posts: 102 Member
    i should take my own advice but yea. anyhow.

    don't worry about others around you they will be concentrating on working out just as much as you.

    im quite slim but have anxieties so when i first joined in the classes at my gym i was worried about looking silly or not keeping up with others. but one day i was recovering from being ill and just couldn't keep up so HAD to stop to catch my breath - while i was resting i see a few others who stopped and lying on the floor, others too occupied to notice what im doing or people doing the same as me and taking a breather. which made me feel less conscious, honestly no one is judging we are all there to achieve fitness.

    i have admiration for any one, any size, any background who take the step to looking after their health. good luck you are beautiful too :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I've been in and out of gyms for much of my life. In my experience, there have always been far more people who are out of shape trying to get into shape than super fit people.
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I've been in that situation and it is really daunting but once you get going you forget about everyone around you as you're concentrating on the instructor, and so is everyone else. They really won't notice you're there, these classes are usually very friendly as everyone at some point has been the newbie at the back.
    Go for it and have fun!
  • sharon8271
    sharon8271 Posts: 140 Member
    If possible, let the instructor know that you’re a beginner. In yoga, the instructor can provide props (or bring a block and strap in case your gym doesn’t have these) and modifications. Everyone is busy focusing on themselves in class. So don’t worry about how you look. You’re taking these classes for you and not them. You’ll feel better once you become a regular in class. Remember to have fun!
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    ima add in this other story just cause...not related to classes so much as gyms in general.

    Back before i began my loss (110 pounds down total) i was a fat little girl (5ft 3 235 pounds) and i decided to finally suck it up and go in the weight room. Surrounded by muscle men. VERY intimidating. I told myself baby steps, I had to do it i wanted to try it so i just had to go. So i did. I sat down on a weight mchine and next thing i know i couldnt breath. They had to call an ambulance and all i remember before i passed out was all the sexy muscle guys standing over fat little me on the floor not breathing just by sitting on a weight machine and barely begining. Thankfully i passed out. I had an allergic reaction to something on the machine i imagine some cologne or a cleaner. Took me nearly 2 years to go back to the gym, And that lead to me going to the class i spoke of above. Needless to say i have a few gym horror stories LOL.

    If i can go back after that you can go to. I spoke to one of the guys around a year later in public he came up to me. He remembered me -cringe- as the chick who passed out at the gym. he said he was glad i was okay and everyone had been so worried about me. I guess they still spoke about me they were friends -cringeeee- But in my mind i was the fat girl who passed out and was mortified, In the big muscle mens minds i was that poor girl they worried was okay. Its 100% mindset, Everyone wishes you the best even if in your mind the world judges you.

    And you know what? If they dont wish you the best, They arent worth your time to care.

    I hope you do well for yourself :)

    First off, ((hugs)) @jaydedMiss for this story. Wow, if you can go back to the same gym after passing out in front of everyone, we all have NO excuses.

    To the OP, I can only echo everyone else. I "look" fit. My cardiovascular endurance however is the pits (I'm working on it) and I don't pick up on things quickly. I feel like an absolute dork in exercise classes and am totally embarrassed at times by how out of breath I am and when I feel like I can't keep up. But you know what? No one cares. As so many people have stated, it's true. No one really cares. They've either been there themselves or they are right there with you. I used to hide in the back, but then I couldn't see and that made matters even worse, so now I get up near the front, awkwardness be damned. Keeping a sense of humor about the whole thing helps.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,497 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    ima add in this other story just cause...not related to classes so much as gyms in general.

    Back before i began my loss (110 pounds down total) i was a fat little girl (5ft 3 235 pounds) and i decided to finally suck it up and go in the weight room. Surrounded by muscle men. VERY intimidating. I told myself baby steps, I had to do it i wanted to try it so i just had to go. So i did. I sat down on a weight mchine and next thing i know i couldnt breath. They had to call an ambulance and all i remember before i passed out was all the sexy muscle guys standing over fat little me on the floor not breathing just by sitting on a weight machine and barely begining. Thankfully i passed out. I had an allergic reaction to something on the machine i imagine some cologne or a cleaner. Took me nearly 2 years to go back to the gym, And that lead to me going to the class i spoke of above. Needless to say i have a few gym horror stories LOL.

    If i can go back after that you can go to. I spoke to one of the guys around a year later in public he came up to me. He remembered me -cringe- as the chick who passed out at the gym. he said he was glad i was okay and everyone had been so worried about me. I guess they still spoke about me they were friends -cringeeee- But in my mind i was the fat girl who passed out and was mortified, In the big muscle mens minds i was that poor girl they worried was okay. Its 100% mindset, Everyone wishes you the best even if in your mind the world judges you.

    And you know what? If they dont wish you the best, They arent worth your time to care.

    I hope you do well for yourself :)

    First off, ((hugs)) @jaydedMiss for this story. Wow, if you can go back to the same gym after passing out in front of everyone, we all have NO excuses.

    To the OP, I can only echo everyone else. I "look" fit. My cardiovascular endurance however is the pits (I'm working on it) and I don't pick up on things quickly. I feel like an absolute dork in exercise classes and am totally embarrassed at times by how out of breath I am and when I feel like I can't keep up. But you know what? No one cares. As so many people have stated, it's true. No one really cares. They've either been there themselves or they are right there with you. I used to hide in the back, but then I couldn't see and that made matters even worse, so now I get up near the front, awkwardness be damned. Keeping a sense of humor about the whole thing helps.

    I'm in much the same boat. I look fit, but I'm choreography challenged, and I could definitely stand to work on my cardiovascular endurance! My lack of coordination is legendary to the point that my belly dance class makes room for me any time we work on footwork. I'm half a beat behind, spinning the wrong direction, and flailing wildly! They keep their distance so Mouse doesn't take them all out like bowling pins! :lol:

    Honestly, if the only activities I did were the ones I'm good at, I'd have to stay home and eat all day and that certainly wouldn't help my fitness goals!
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    ima add in this other story just cause...not related to classes so much as gyms in general.

    Back before i began my loss (110 pounds down total) i was a fat little girl (5ft 3 235 pounds) and i decided to finally suck it up and go in the weight room. Surrounded by muscle men. VERY intimidating. I told myself baby steps, I had to do it i wanted to try it so i just had to go. So i did. I sat down on a weight mchine and next thing i know i couldnt breath. They had to call an ambulance and all i remember before i passed out was all the sexy muscle guys standing over fat little me on the floor not breathing just by sitting on a weight machine and barely begining. Thankfully i passed out. I had an allergic reaction to something on the machine i imagine some cologne or a cleaner. Took me nearly 2 years to go back to the gym, And that lead to me going to the class i spoke of above. Needless to say i have a few gym horror stories LOL.

    If i can go back after that you can go to. I spoke to one of the guys around a year later in public he came up to me. He remembered me -cringe- as the chick who passed out at the gym. he said he was glad i was okay and everyone had been so worried about me. I guess they still spoke about me they were friends -cringeeee- But in my mind i was the fat girl who passed out and was mortified, In the big muscle mens minds i was that poor girl they worried was okay. Its 100% mindset, Everyone wishes you the best even if in your mind the world judges you.

    And you know what? If they dont wish you the best, They arent worth your time to care.

    I hope you do well for yourself :)

    First off, ((hugs)) @jaydedMiss for this story. Wow, if you can go back to the same gym after passing out in front of everyone, we all have NO excuses.

    To the OP, I can only echo everyone else. I "look" fit. My cardiovascular endurance however is the pits (I'm working on it) and I don't pick up on things quickly. I feel like an absolute dork in exercise classes and am totally embarrassed at times by how out of breath I am and when I feel like I can't keep up. But you know what? No one cares. As so many people have stated, it's true. No one really cares. They've either been there themselves or they are right there with you. I used to hide in the back, but then I couldn't see and that made matters even worse, so now I get up near the front, awkwardness be damned. Keeping a sense of humor about the whole thing helps.

    I'm in much the same boat. I look fit, but I'm choreography challenged, and I could definitely stand to work on my cardiovascular endurance! My lack of coordination is legendary to the point that my belly dance class makes room for me any time we work on footwork. I'm half a beat behind, spinning the wrong direction, and flailing wildly! They keep their distance so Mouse doesn't take them all out like bowling pins! :lol:

    Honestly, if the only activities I did were the ones I'm good at, I'd have to stay home and eat all day and that certainly wouldn't help my fitness goals!

    Very good point, If people didnt do what challenge them no one ever would progress with anything. You cant get beter doing the same. So really if it helps OP remember that most people will be slightly out of their comfort zone.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    ima add in this other story just cause...not related to classes so much as gyms in general.

    Back before i began my loss (110 pounds down total) i was a fat little girl (5ft 3 235 pounds) and i decided to finally suck it up and go in the weight room. Surrounded by muscle men. VERY intimidating. I told myself baby steps, I had to do it i wanted to try it so i just had to go. So i did. I sat down on a weight mchine and next thing i know i couldnt breath. They had to call an ambulance and all i remember before i passed out was all the sexy muscle guys standing over fat little me on the floor not breathing just by sitting on a weight machine and barely begining. Thankfully i passed out. I had an allergic reaction to something on the machine i imagine some cologne or a cleaner. Took me nearly 2 years to go back to the gym, And that lead to me going to the class i spoke of above. Needless to say i have a few gym horror stories LOL.

    If i can go back after that you can go to. I spoke to one of the guys around a year later in public he came up to me. He remembered me -cringe- as the chick who passed out at the gym. he said he was glad i was okay and everyone had been so worried about me. I guess they still spoke about me they were friends -cringeeee- But in my mind i was the fat girl who passed out and was mortified, In the big muscle mens minds i was that poor girl they worried was okay. Its 100% mindset, Everyone wishes you the best even if in your mind the world judges you.

    And you know what? If they dont wish you the best, They arent worth your time to care.

    I hope you do well for yourself :)

    First off, ((hugs)) @jaydedMiss for this story. Wow, if you can go back to the same gym after passing out in front of everyone, we all have NO excuses.

    Ya that sucked.... LOL
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    I remember going to my first pilates class. And i couldnt do much tbh, and i could see some of the women had excellent form and did it with ease.
    And then one of them farted during a stretch LOL. No one laughed. (Inside i was screaming with laughter but i was pretty young and immature anyway but i wouldnt want to embarrass anyone! And i wasnt laughing AT her it was just funny in general)

    But i realised then that it doesnt matter. If youre fat or thin, embarrassing things can happen no matter how "good" you are.

    Like the extreme body builder who accidentally poops on a lift.
    Or the runner who falls off the treadmill!
    It can happen to any one at any time!

    My partner goes to the gym to build muscle.
    And for some people starting out with small muscles, speaking to the biggest guy in there is pretty daunting.
    He just went over and spoke to him, and the guy said "no one ever speaks to me, i think they find me intimidating but im just a normal guy" and said that just over a year before he was my partners size.
    So it was pretty motivational for him!

    So i dont care that i look like a potato jumping around in aerobics! It wont be my size that will embarrass me!
  • Inspire2019
    Inspire2019 Posts: 6 Member
    I am right there with you. I keep trying to get the courage to go and keep backing out. But by golly, i'm going to zumba tonight. I'm tired of caring about what anyone thinks. I'm losing weight for me, and I need to own who I am. I am someone trying to regain their life. I think I'm at the point where I would rather be embarrassed inside than continue to be disappointed about my outside. I can do this. You can, too. To heck with anyone else. Most likely they have all had their first moments of learning something new.
    I'm also looking to add a few friends for motivation and support. I'm a married mom in my forties who works full time. I've lost 85 pounds, gained back 20 and am back to finish losing the other 80 I need to lose.
  • rosiorama
    rosiorama Posts: 300 Member
    I have nothing but respect for people who get up the courage to go to fitness classes. I’m the one in class who looks fit(ish) but lacks balance and coordination and gets lost right from the start. We are all learning, some of us have just had more practice.

    And sometimes the biggest muscle heads in the gym are also the nicest. Once in a while you will run into someone who is an ignorant jerk, but those types can be found anywhere.

    You can do this. It gets easier, so keep at it. Gyms used to intimidate me too, but once you start going regularly, it’ll feel like your normal place. The majority of people there are concentrating on doing their own thing.