Almost 50 on a journey.

I just started on the 28th after making an appt for a gastric sleeve Dr. I am trying to lose and work out on my own. I hope I can do this without suegery if not it is the option in Aug. So we see I was 300lbs and I am now at 292.


  • sharonrosewell
    sharonrosewell Posts: 9 Member
    I am also on a 50 journey. I find this all very hard and lonely,done all the slimming groups and they worked,but the weight just goes on .but now I want to be fit at 50 not fat at 50..we csn do THIS 🤗
  • intoteeth
    intoteeth Posts: 1 Member
    I am right there... almost 50 and wanting to be 50 & fit!! We got this!! I know I won't be at my goal weight by then (I have about 80lbs to lose) but I won't be were I am!