"that time of month" cravings.

Any ladies out there have tips for fighting off cravings at "that time of the month"?


  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    My best advice is to use the search function.
  • sh3lby03
    sh3lby03 Posts: 193 Member
  • SammaBread
    SammaBread Posts: 37 Member
    I have those skinny cow chocolate bars! soo good and they're portion sized for you. also, luna bars are good; they have vitamins and protien , so you stay full. :)
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I usually crave sweets like chocolate. I satisfy my cravings with Fiber One Brownies...pop them in the microwave for about 12 seconds and they melt in your mouth. Only 90cals too! :bigsmile:
  • vbennett7
    vbennett7 Posts: 99 Member
    for me the temptations are semi sweet chocolate and/or potato chips(salt) Got to give in to a point.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    My best advice is to use the search function.
    Yup have to agree xD but if everyone used the search function then we would never find new tips from others that may not have been posted.

    its lose/lose xD
  • LaSweetMini
    LaSweetMini Posts: 157 Member
    sugar free cakes! My fav is Angel food cake with light whipped cream and strawberries.
  • pandabuhr79
    jello makes sugarfree chocolate pudding = 60 calories. i switched to that from a bowl of ice cream after dinner and they're not bad!
  • Wanda66
    Wanda66 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm with you too on this. I would/could just eat everything in sight right now. But the fact that I didn't get my normal workout in today (I did walk for over 2 hrs. at the amusment park today though), I'm feeling very bloated right now. I'm measuring my low calorie "healthy" junk food (ie. low fat air popped chips) and trying to drink more water, club soda or tea. And eating veggies or yoghurt as a snack sort of helps me. It's all about choices...
  • Autumn15
    Autumn15 Posts: 213
    When my sweet tooth is screaming for something I do angelfood cake with strawberries and fat free whipped cream or I take a half table spoon of peanut butter mixed with a table spoon of sugar free chcolate ice cream topping warm for 10 seconds in the microwave and then fold in 6 tablespoons of fat free whipped creme it's delicious and will put that little sweet tooth into a happy place. :tongue:
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    Any ladies out there have tips for fighting off cravings at "that time of the month"?

    So work out and use those extra calories to eat a darn cupcake! Try some "skinny" dessert recipes... heck work off the calories of the cupcake while you're cooking it!

    http://www.skinnytaste.com/search/label/Dessert Recipes
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I get such a craving for McDonald's! Ugh. I just eat something healthy but salty.
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    I get such a craving for McDonald's! Ugh. I just eat something healthy but salty.

    You could try their grilled chicken snack wrap! But I'm not sure if that's really the type of McDonald's you crave... heh. I think a small thing of fries rarely won't kill ya...
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    You're telling me!! It's sooo hard to stick to a diet during that time. I just want to eat everything in sight.
  • mbat763
    mbat763 Posts: 11 Member
    Yeah sorry I'm just a bit new at starting to use this site so I didn't think of that (using the search function) ><

    I think I'll try buying some of these products mentioned...I've heard of Skinny Cow before so I think I'll try that first!
    Lets see if I can stick to this healthy eating thing haha
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    oh lordy, i need this answer too. ive been "on" since friday, so thankfully its finishing up by now, but im still feeling like a sugar junkie. i had to restrain myself from getting a donut at the bakery on the walk home earlier.