Diet Pills

Does any one take diet pills?
I've read they can help speed up metabolism and stop yourself from feeling so hungry, and they are alright if they are taken aswell as dieting and exercise...
Can someone tell me which is the best ones to take? and which ones don't break the bank?
I wanna try them to see if they help speed up my weight-loss a little, as I seem to be stuck in a rut and finding nothing to work to break through this wall!
Help pleaseee!!


  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    for best results stay far away from anything like that. no, really.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Not many people here will recommend the diet pill shortcut. They are at best ineffectual and at worst deadly.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    please say this is fake.
  • MHackrott
    MHackrott Posts: 84 Member
    Diet pills are always bad side effects are awful it will ruin your metabolism in the long run...keep eating right and working out that is the best and healthiest way to loose weight.
  • msallymae
    msallymae Posts: 112 Member
    worst choice ever.

    i used to mess with that stuff, when i was younger - stupid stupid stupid. plenty of natural ways to boost metabolism from b complexes to eating spicy things, etc.

    i personally add a drop or two of a b complex from gnc. works fine.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    LOL, who told you that they speed up your metabolism?! Health, healthy eating and exercise keep your metabolism strong, but putting an OTC version of speed into your system is only going to hurt your body...metabolism included.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    They don't help. Most people find the weight you have loss while on them will just come back. A lot just get rid of water weight making you think that you are losing weight fast.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    They may work for a little while...but then when you quit taking them and go back to old will gain it all back. Just say no!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Unless they are prescribed by your doctor and taken under medical supervision stay well clear. Much better to try and find foods/beverages that naturally boost your metabolism.
  • SRGutierrez
    There is no substitute for hard work. If your stuck in a rut, work harder, train harder.
  • WPoppysmith
    WPoppysmith Posts: 33 Member
    Stay well away from them!
  • lanettecream
    I took prescription pills when my BMI was in the obese category formerly and it was recommended by my doctor. At the time I took Meridia and also Phentrimine. They really don't help much, and are just complimentary to other effort that you put in. They are only legal and safe when prescribed by a doctor and you need blood tests and a checkup first. If you have a BMI over 30 they can help short term to get you started, but only work with the same things we are doing here on Honestly, they don't help that much and most folks lose only a few more pounds than those that use the placebo.

    ALL other options you see are without FDA approval and can be dangerous, ineffective, and even deaths have happened. There is nothing that matters more than your health.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    A year ago my doctor prescribed me XenicalOrlistat...even though I told him I did not eat a lot of fat...he continued to weigh me every 2 months and prescribe them. they did diddly squat, because I never had a high fat diet...(I have lots of them in the cupboard since)

    There are some tablets with no side effects, bulking agents `celevac` you can find them on google

    But my advice hun....steer clear.. cos you can not use any drug forever but you will need to eat and exercise to keep fit and healthy and you are doing so well already .x

    PS maybe getting some advice from people on here that have broke through the same probs?
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Just have a cup of coffee - most of them are caffeine-based anyways.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    I work with several guys who are/were addicted to meth. Not all of them are skinny. Many of them have bad teeth. Things that used to be totally kosher as diet pills are now abused and used for meth. Doesn't always work, may not be worth it.
  • lwboyack
    lwboyack Posts: 14 Member
    I know it's tempting to think you could skip the work and the lifestyle change and see immediate "and lasting" results, but I'm telling you the only "magic formula" for weight loss is calories in versus calories out. I'll admit, I have taken diet pills in the past and I'll be completely honest with you -- you will lose weight on the right one -- thing is, the right one will probably be either illegal or illegal without a prescription. This weight loss is impossible to sustain and does damage to your body and mind, maybe even irreparable damage. The diet pills that aren't glorified caffeine pills are dangerous and bear more than a few similarities to methamphetamine. Losing weight is hard and it can be frustrating at every turn, but you're doing the right thing by using MFP -- pills are bull**** -- your body deserves better. You'll see results the natural way and you can be proud of the fact that you did it yourself, but not on your own, with this community.
  • freddyrussell
    freddyrussell Posts: 15 Member
    Thankyou for everyone's concern, Hm. I never mentioned I wanted to take the big ole' bad diet pills the ones that I was on about were the herbal pills or the caffeine ones, I don't know much about them and I was asking for information, not a lecture.
    I do not have to explain my actions to anyone, I was after some answers from the people who have experience with them.
    No, I am not asking for a magic formula. Did I say that?
    Did I ask for illegal pills?
    Did I ask for meth? Whatever that had to do with anything, I really don't know
    And I didn't ask if they were dangerous.
    I already work out 5/6 days a week and keep in my calorie limit everyday. So this is not about trying harder, as I try hard every single day.
    So if you haven't got an answer for me to my question, then your comments/lectures are not wanted here. Thank you.
  • freddyrussell
    freddyrussell Posts: 15 Member
    Thankyou for everyone's concern, Hm. I never mentioned I wanted to take the big ole' bad diet pills the ones that I was on about were the herbal pills or the caffeine ones, I don't know much about them and I was asking for information, not a lecture.
    I do not have to explain my actions to anyone, I was after some answers from the people who have experience with them.
    No, I am not asking for a magic formula. Did I say that?
    Did I ask for illegal pills?
    Did I ask for meth? Whatever that had to do with anything, I really don't know
    And I didn't ask if they were dangerous.
    I already work out 5/6 days a week and keep in my calorie limit everyday. So this is not about trying harder, as I try hard every single day.
    So if you haven't got an answer for me to my question, then your comments/lectures are not wanted here. Thank you.
  • freddyrussell
    freddyrussell Posts: 15 Member
    Thankyou for everyone's concern, Hm. I never mentioned I wanted to take the big ole' bad diet pills the ones that I was on about were the herbal pills or the caffeine ones, I don't know much about them and I was asking for information, not a lecture.
    I do not have to explain my actions to anyone, I was after some answers from the people who have experience with them.
    No, I am not asking for a magic formula. Did I say that?
    Did I ask for illegal pills?
    Did I ask for meth? Whatever that had to do with anything, I really don't know
    And I didn't ask if they were dangerous.
    I already work out 5/6 days a week and keep in my calorie limit everyday. So this is not about trying harder, as I try hard every single day.
    So if you haven't got an answer for me to my question, then your comments/lectures are not wanted here. Thank you.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Triple post? FTL!!!

    You asked an inappropriate question for this website, you got truthful answers that you didn’t like. Now do what you what b/c in the end, we're just internet strangers, NOT your friend.