I exercise! I also overeat

Im just looking for inspiration and really want to get down to calorie deficit everyday not just some days :(. Im in my 40's i run 4/5 times week and gym 3/4 times a week. Im also a secret pocket muncher...haribos are my weakness, along with any chew sweets, chocolate, biscuits, cake, heck just anything sweet and i love you!
Most days i can control it....ive gone slightly rougue over the last 2 weeks - when my husband comes home it tends to happen, he works 4 on 4 off...plays havoc with my diet....he loves a munch and i love to join in.
Thats me! Anyone want to join/help me in the struggle please add me :)


  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    The Success Stories forum here on MFP has tons of inspiring stories! Check it out.
  • HilltopperCanDoIt
    HilltopperCanDoIt Posts: 5 Member
    Oh man, I just posted a similar situation. I workout religiously but I haven't been able to string along a long period of time to accomplish my goal. What would you say are the obstacles besides the days your husband is home and the secret pocket munching?
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    I can’t address the urge to munch, but from what you are munching, it sounds like you also have a sweet tooth. What’s helped my sweet tooth is flavored Greek yogurt with Stevia, and chocolate protein shakes. The brand of protein powder I use (PEScience) is very sweet and truly tastes like a chocolate milkshake.
  • erinelizabeth882
    erinelizabeth882 Posts: 102 Member
    I have a very strong sweet tooth! If I could eat sweets everyday all day, I would! I just finished two weeks of no added sugar and I do really feel like it’s helped me to not crave sweets as much. I am trying to go longer with no sweets (but adding back in like the salad dressing that has sugar in it) to keep it up.
  • kathheen
    kathheen Posts: 108 Member
    [quote="What would you say are the obstacles besides the days your husband is home and the secret pocket munching? [/quote]
    Its most definitely wanting to join him while he eats a whole tub of ben and jerrys or cheese and crackers - this is after dinner. I dont eat till around 7pm sometimes later so im not hungry in anyway its pure greed!! I infuriate myself with it :(

  • vollkornbloedchen
    vollkornbloedchen Posts: 2,243 Member
    I suppose it is time for two basic rules:

    1. Rome wasn't built in 1 day:
    Accept that it takes time to reach your goal. This is usually achieved by one small step after the other.
    Learn that the occasional fail-day isn't a personal defeat, but the chance to learn something about yourself.

    2. Excuses come cheaper by the dozen, reasons for success there is usually only one:
    I WANTED it! ...
  • kathheen
    kathheen Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks folks my husband just can eat when he wants - thing is he rarely buys it, its me that buys it when hes home so i need to stop that i only have myself to blame :# I run most mornings at 5.30am then do a class in the evening - as they say you can never out run a bad diet. I have found it much more difficult to get this 11lbs off its like a yo yo for me but its down to bad choices i know that.
    We are active snowboard in the winter and cycling in the summer, but also very partial to a few ciders in the sun and cheese, wine and movies when its a rainy day.....life just gets in the way of my goal sometimes :D:p
  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Happened to me a few years ago - lost about 45 kg (100 pounds) but didn't think of adjusting my daily calories. Continued to eat as usual and did my usual exercise. After 6 months on a "plateau" I finally gave up and all the weight came back again. I have joined MFP a year ago and have learned so much from them and all the supportive members. So far I have lost just over 30 kg and my daily TDEE has dropped some 400 calories. I need to adjust my daily meal plan and calories to accommodate those changes. It will take longer to get to my goal weight but I continue to lose weight - all that new knowledge really helps, thank you!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,079 Member
    kathheen wrote: »
    Thanks folks my husband just can eat when he wants - thing is he rarely buys it, its me that buys it when hes home so i need to stop that i only have myself to blame :# I run most mornings at 5.30am then do a class in the evening - as they say you can never out run a bad diet. I have found it much more difficult to get this 11lbs off its like a yo yo for me but its down to bad choices i know that.
    We are active snowboard in the winter and cycling in the summer, but also very partial to a few ciders in the sun and cheese, wine and movies when its a rainy day.....life just gets in the way of my goal sometimes :D:p

    I had to quit drinking to keep that last 10 pounds off. Drinking continued to sabotage my weight. Could you make alcohol only a "special occasion" thing? Like one day per week? I did that for a while and in so doing decided I found no benefit in drinking so I just quit.
  • kbmnurse1
    kbmnurse1 Posts: 316 Member
    edited April 2019
    I suppose it is time for two basic rules:

    1. Rome wasn't built in 1 day:
    Accept that it takes time to reach your goal. This is usually achieved by one small step after the other.
    Learn that the occasional fail-day isn't a personal defeat, but the chance to learn something about yourself.

    2. Excuses come cheaper by the dozen, reasons for success there is usually only one:
    I WANTED it! ...

    Love this, so true. Excuses, excuses.
  • kathheen
    kathheen Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks everyone...im on a learning curve with my calories and eating habits that will come in time and hopefully allow me to make the right choices. Oh i dont drink loads but i could help myself by not having that glass of wine with my dinner at the weekend and saving drinks for when im actually going out or have something on.
    Looking forward to adding new friends and learning about my body and what it needs and doesnt need :Do:):p
  • kathheen
    kathheen Posts: 108 Member
    I suppose it is time for two basic rules:

    1. Rome wasn't built in 1 day:
    Accept that it takes time to reach your goal. This is usually achieved by one small step after the other.
    Learn that the occasional fail-day isn't a personal defeat, but the chance to learn something about yourself.

    2. Excuses come cheaper by the dozen, reasons for success there is usually only one:
    I WANTED it! ...

    TOTALLY TRUE.....everyone loves an excuse! Im ruining my exercise by my eating habits....stupid but its life for me for now....not forever :smiley:
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,271 Member
    OP, we should be best friends :smile:
    I too, am very active, but I am the one always telling myself that "you can't outrun your fork." Snacking is my downfall. I know when I first dropped a significant amount of weight, I realized that I had to lower my portion sizes (as in: to normal, not what looked delicious), and basically give up snacking. After a few months, I began allowing snacks that I had weighed. It's SO EASY to slip a few more chips in there, or grab a handful out of the bag after weighing what's in the bowl. I know all of the tricks. And I'm doing it to myself. I've recommitted. I'm choosing different snacks. I'm logging all of them.

    We'll get there. It might be slower than others, but we'll get there. Also, as I have about 10-12 pounds to lose, I need a smaller deficit. The weight will come off slower, but I have read good advice here that it will better prepare me for maintenance.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Agree with Amanda. Set yourself up for success. For me, that means just not having beer / wine / liquor, chocolate, or candy generally in the house. I also have to set that damn alarm for plenty early, so there are no excuses not to work out (I understand you work out already; just intended as an example).
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Cutting out the wine and snacks and replacing them with protein shake/fluff helps me with my night time munchies. I use a scoop of protein, 7 ice cubes, a 1/2-1cup water and some xanthan gum to make a thick creamy treat. You can make it extra creamy with 1/4 cup milk or yogurt added or some frozen banana.