Started Yesterday

New to this site. I'm 18 and unhappy with the 30 pounds I've put on since January. Some people from my work are on this site and I hear them talking about what they're are doing and it's pushed me to do something. I've had a gym membership for awhile but have been focusing on muscle. The main reason I am really wanting to start my weight loss is from the many comments of "ARE YOU PREGNANT?" and I cannot fit into a lot of my clothes anymore. Been stuck wearing mainly dresses. Currently at 150 and would like to be down to 130 and maybe less from there.



  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You can do it! I know you can... :)
  • Welcome!!!! You're in good hands here!!! Lots of great tools, and support!!!:happy:
  • shelleytobefit
    shelleytobefit Posts: 65 Member
    welcome Kelly! You have done a great thing to start a program and at such a young age to get healthy and happy that can carry onto your adult life. That is the best thing you can do!! I wish you all the best in your journey!