Stupid McDonalds... I will overcome this



  • LDOby10
    LDOby10 Posts: 14 Member
    I think the spit technique was a fine metal strategy to help overcome anticipated weakness later in the day. Good job with the self discipline. I agree with some of the other posters about being aware of salad calories.
  • kbmnurse1
    kbmnurse1 Posts: 316 Member
    Great job.
  • kbmnurse1
    kbmnurse1 Posts: 316 Member
    PS I do go to McDonalds occasionally and allow myself 1 cheeseburger/small fries and water. I can't deprive myself or I will fail.
  • texasredreb
    texasredreb Posts: 541 Member
    I feel so fortunate that I don't love fast food, so that is not a temptation for me. Sweets are my downfall. I've been known to ruin them and throw them away to keep myself from digging through the trash. I go for the really gross and scoop up the dog poop and throw that on top--and then the bag goes directly into the dumpster. Used cat litter works too!
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited April 2019
    I feel so fortunate that I don't love fast food, so that is not a temptation for me. Sweets are my downfall. I've been known to ruin them and throw them away to keep myself from digging through the trash. I go for the really gross and scoop up the dog poop and throw that on top--and then the bag goes directly into the dumpster. Used cat litter works too!

    i have used the cat litter LOL OP definatly isnt alone in these "extreme measures"

    most recently i bought a 4 pack of danishes from a bakery i love i had 2 and littered the other 2 second i realized i wasnt going to stop
  • Darrelkun
    Darrelkun Posts: 152 Member
    I am so proud of you! Foods can be tempting as all get out, and despite what others are saying, I applaud you for your ability to stick to your guns and to ask your husband to dispose of them -- and I also applaud your husband for not pushing the food and throwing it away like he was asked.

    Now you do want to be careful of salads, because as has already been said, yes, they can be loaded with all sorts of calories (and chemicals like preservatives). Instead, you could consider buying some ground hamburger (or turkey) meat and making some burgers at home. You could also splice up some potatoes as either french fry length (long ways) or chip size (little circles). Then just pam spray a cooking sheet and respray the potatoes and broil them until golden or slightly browned. That way you have more control over calories, portions, and other unwanted components that come with fast food.

    Keep it up friend! I am still so proud of you! I wish I had that sort of will power hahahaha!
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,064 Member
    Sounds like a technique that worked for you OP.

    Myself, I would have a few fries and make them fit - but everyone isn't me and people have different ways of meeting their goals.

    I can definitely understand choosing a salad at McDonald's - sometimes family / friends want to go somewhere and you choose the best thing there for you.

    Myself, I would probably have salad and fries and skip the burger since I don't like burgers much. ;)
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    It's a good first step. Well done. As you continue working on your eating, I suggest you gradually transition to the system of "worth it" instead of the "red alert" system. When I get McDonald's, I have a certain calorie allowance for these meals (850) and I decide what's worth putting into these calories. As much as I love fries, not having ice cream is less pleasant than having fewer fries, so I go with the more pleasant option. Small fries, McDouble (for the protein), a diet drink, and McFlurry. If I'm going to spend my calories, it sure as hell won't be a McDonald's salad (I don't like their salads much). I would feel like I'm wasting my calories when I could be using them on something tastier.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    try2again wrote: »
    If you're getting so hungry between meals that you'll dig out cold fries, then you need to reassess your diet. It doesn't sound very sustainable?

    I am breastfeeding and eat 2 000 calories a day. It's definitely sustainable. I am a binge eater and a boredom eater. Trying to learn better! I have a bad relationship with food.

    Confused. If you have that many calories at your disposal, you have room for a burger, particularly if it will leave you more satisfied than a salad (or better yet, perhaps in addition to a salad). Are you saying you need the cushion to binge later?

    What often trips people up is they think "healthy" means a diet entirely comprised of nutrient-dense food. There's absolutely no reason an overall healthy diet can't include the foods we love, in the proper portions. That and adequate quantity is what is typically meant by "sustainable".

    I have 2,000 calories that I am allowed to eat. That does not mean that I am going to choose a burger over a salad. I am finding healthy foods since I sonr have a good relationship with food... especially fast food. I am doing great on my journey. Thank you!

    If that's sustainable for you, that's great. :) Many of the posters on here who have successfully managed their weight & health long-term have improved their diets without the need to eliminate any particular food, and in fact found it to be unsustainable when they tried, but everyone is different.

    Personally, I dread it when the kids want to go to McDonald's because anything that appeals to me there is not worth the calorie cost and/or price. As a rule, I hate ordering salads when eating out because it's so easy & cheap to do at home.
  • sammidelvecchio
    sammidelvecchio Posts: 791 Member
    I understand where you are coming from and want to say I am very proud of you! For me, I can't just sneak one fry. I over do it. If I want one cheeseburger, i'll probably get two. I always am proud of myself when I order food that I know I won't overeat, like salads. I know McDonald's has one side salad that is pretty reliable, calorie and nutrition wise. It has lettuce, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and grilled chicken (menu comes with bacon and cheese, I take those off). My boyfriend really likes McDonalds, but if I were to "just get a burger, big freakin deal" on a Saturday with him, I'd be back as soon as I could by myself Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc. I am so happy you feel good about the choice you made, and I hope it has inspired you to make more great choices and make even progress in overcoming your struggles with food. It can be a long road, but you are not alone and there is plenty support around if you ask for it!

    I'm envious of people who can eat in moderation, and I hope to get there one day. Actually, I know i'll get there one day. Unfortunately some of us do better by completely eliminating certain things. Eliminating them helps some people, like me! I am less likely to binge eat when I eliminate certain foods. I am more likely to binge eat and go off the deep end if I allow it into my diet at all.
  • anovello15
    anovello15 Posts: 4 Member
    kam3190 wrote: »
    I would fail miserably if i told myself i couldnt have the fries i really wanted. I would count out 10fries and log them the best i could and just make room for them in my calories. Because denying myself meand9 after a while I will order 3 xtra large fries and eat them in the McDonald's parking lot.

    I'm the exact same way. I'd rather have a small amount of something I might be craving than to just cave in two days and get double the amount of it.
  • wilson10102018
    wilson10102018 Posts: 1,306 Member
    I have found this ^^ to be exactly true with salted potato crisps. Its only the first couple that induce craving for me. If I just eat them and get away from the source for a few minutes, and switch to carrots or berries, all is good.
  • avlucia
    avlucia Posts: 66 Member
    Gurl, I feel you. French fries are my Achilles heel. My best advice is to avoid them as a family, suggest something else if you must do fast food.

    When I first started I only allowed myself "good" French fries for me that meant not fast food fries and ended up just not going to fast food places at all. I also only had to worry about myself though.

    I have since come to a place where I'm content just getting a small but it took a long time to get here and there was war along the way.

    Jordan Shrinks on YouTube made a good suggestion I think where you allow yourself one "bad" item in your meal as long as the others are good. In this example you have your French fries but then maybe get a bunless or lettuce wrap burger, and water or unsweet tea instead of soda.
  • wilson10102018
    wilson10102018 Posts: 1,306 Member
    At McDonalds. I would eat a few french fries and toss the remainder in the garbage. I learned that they are no more wasted in the garbage than they are in my digestive tract.