I'm going to Vegas next weekend (labor day weekend) for a close friends birthday.. of course, drinks will be involved.. during my 2 & a half months of trying to lose weight & maintain eating healthiER.. (lol) I haven't had ANY alcohol drinks what so ever!!!

Soooo.. my question is.. any tips or any drinks that I could possibly have that aren't super high in sugar & cals...?? Lol thanks everyone!!


  • Phanessa917
    Phanessa917 Posts: 100 Member
    avoid those fruity mix drinks. packed with calories. if you absolutely have to have alcohol. martinis or just plain shots!LOL if you get anything like rum & coke or vodka and sprite make sure the sodas or tonic water is diet and then dance your *kitten* off and burn those calories!
  • calimari
    calimari Posts: 202 Member
    Club soda with lime.

    If you read that and think "but I want a real drink" - order a club soda with lime IN BETWEEN other drinks. Your wallet will thank you too.
  • tuduis
    tuduis Posts: 67
    Vodka Soda it Up!!! Diet drinks if you must, sugar free redbull and vodkas are solid too.
  • I'm so impressed with your willpower. I must have my two glasses of red wine each night. It seems to be the one thing that I don't want to give up. I know my weight loss would go much better if I did.
  • Vodka and water or straight Tequila. Stay away from girly drinks.
  • I found this website. It say the top 5 best drinks are:
    1. Rum and Diet Coke (1 oz. rum) - 65 calories Tip: Use diet sodas as mixers, such as gin and diet tonic, diet 7Up and Seagrams 7, diet ginger ale and Jack Daniels, and so on.
    2. Vodka and Soda (1 oz. vodka) - 65 calories Tip: Try this with flavored vodka, such as raspberry, vanilla, or mandarin.
    3. White Wine Spritzer (4 oz. white wine topped with club soda) - 80 calories
    4. Bloody Mary (1 oz. vodka, 4 oz. tomato juice, dash of Tabasco and pepper) - 90 calories
    5. Light Beer - 100 calories
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    Any spirit on the rocks, with water, club soda, or neat is a HUGE calorie saver. Like people have already said: skip the mixers.
    A glass of wine isn't a bad choice either, as far as alcoholic drinks are concerned.
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    almost anywhere can make a skinny version of a margarita, but I would stick with shots or do diet mixers. Good Luck and have fun!
  • zarozinia
    zarozinia Posts: 67 Member
    Rum & diet coke is my old stand by. Also the clear drinks like a vodka tonic, gin & tonic, martini... Or shots if youre into that sort of thing (I totally cant do shots!) Those essentially only have calories from alcohol. Even though there is still a bunch of calories in wine, I tend to think of it as more wholesome than mixed drinks, because there are typically fewer things like sugar added to it to make it more palatable. Plus you drink it slower so you're not drinking as much as you might be if you're sucking down mixed cocktails that mask the taste of alcohol.
  • jjbraid
    jjbraid Posts: 54 Member
    My siste and I just came back from an all inclusive (a.k.a all the alcohol you can stomach). We tried gin and soda water (gross). We tried gin and tonic (some calories there). We went to vodka with various mixes (orange juice and tomato juice). Stay away from Margaritas or anything that is sweet. The mixes wil add up your calories so fast. However, we did workout in the mornings so that helped a little.
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    Diet juices or tonic water...NOTHING BLENDED....avoid mudslides (they can peak out at like 1400 cals EACH!! EEK!) light beer. A shot has about 65 cals in is (of anything but super sweet stuff like puckers, baileys, creamy alcohols in general) so if you do like a diet cran vodka you'll be around 120-150 cals depending. Wine is also good. But because you haven't been drinking in the last few months remember you won't be able to drink as much as before! drink a water between each alcoholic drink to keep yourself drinking and will limit your actual alcohol and calorie intake.

    there isn't a real diet friendly alcoholic drink out there. I feel like the light beers dont give you near the buzz a normal beer would and i end up drinking two of them for every one normal beer id have. My suggestion is just have fun. Drink in moderation and try to get diet juices or sodas or diet tonic water and avoid the blended drinks...I think an umbrella adds like 400 calories haha. Just have fun and focus on your friends bday and limit the intake. GOOD LUCK!
  • Vodka and Tonic with a lime wedge. Water in-between every drink. No one has to know it's water either since vodka tonics are clear. sometimes people think when I am drinking water I am a buzz kill so I just dont say when I am drinking water... Everyone thinks I hold my Vodka well :)
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    almost anywhere can make a skinny version of a margarita, but I would stick with shots or do diet mixers. Good Luck and have fun!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I'm going to Vegas next weekend (labor day weekend) for a close friends birthday.. of course, drinks will be involved.. during my 2 & a half months of trying to lose weight & maintain eating healthiER.. (lol) I haven't had ANY alcohol drinks what so ever!!!

    Soooo.. my question is.. any tips or any drinks that I could possibly have that aren't super high in sugar & cals...?? Lol thanks everyone!!

    You can try something like Vodka Lemon (Absolute Citron) and Ice Tea, Jack and Diet Coke, MGD 64, Vodka and sugar free red bull.

    Welcome to Vegas, this is a fun town. :wink:
  • corpus_validum
    corpus_validum Posts: 292 Member
    Vodka Soda it Up!!! Diet drinks if you must, sugar free redbull and vodkas are solid too.

    +1. Vodka Redbulls (sugar-free) was pretty much my diet for this past weekend in Vegas.

    Just enjoy the weekend, have a great time with friends, and then get back on the MFP plan once you get back. No need to feel guilty at all.
  • just have fun.... it's Vegas baby!
  • kiesh82
    kiesh82 Posts: 131 Member
    I'm going to Vegas Labor Day weekend too! This is a great topic. I plan to eat healthy and stick to rum & diet cokes.
  • zarozinia
    zarozinia Posts: 67 Member
    I think an umbrella adds like 400 calories

    So very, very true.

    A passionate lover of froofy rum drinks with tiny umbrellas
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Simple drinks like rum and diet coke will keep the calorie count down. Light beers also have fewer calories. Stay away from Mudslides and fruity drinks They may be tasty but they have lots of calories.