Started my health Change Tomorrow! (Female 18)

I'm sick of feeling "fat" and not being able to fit in. I went to my friends sweet 16 the other day and I only danced 3 times out of like 5-6 hours worth of party time only because I was ashamed of how I looked like. I new I wanted to lose weight and finally be healthy but thankfully I'm starting tomorrow. Since today I ate nutella like 3 times and yeah not so good. My sister is over weight also but she's on her own diet plan. I want to be on my own but would love to meet friends here who are the same page as me!


  • dolphin21
    dolphin21 Posts: 301 Member
    This site is Awesome!!!!! We all are here for the same reason to change our ways and our can do it!!!! Its has help me alot!!! Good Luck!!!
  • Kit3991
    Kit3991 Posts: 8
    Welcome! I'm sure you'll have a great time here and find the motivation you need as well as some great friends :)