Excercise calories

Ok so is this right if I keep exercising I can eat the extra calories it gives me. I do alot now but what I'm saying is if I do even more does that mean I can eat more I get 700 extra calories as it is which I'm not sure if I should eat them. So having even more than that doesn't make sense


  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    Pretty common to eat half the calories back.

    I've done everything from eating all the calories back to eating none of the calories back, kind of depends what you want to accomplish and how accurate your calorie burns are and your logging is.
  • durhammfp
    durhammfp Posts: 493 Member
    edited April 2019
    I was wondering about this very thing. I just started maintenance this week after losing ~35 lbs.

    The first few days I was very hungry eating at maintenance.

    Today, however, I walked much more than I usually do and here at 10 PM mfp is telling me I can eat 600 more calories. But I am not hungry. This comes after eating pizza and ice cream for dinner.

    [ETA stats: male, mid 50s, 5'10", 165 lbs. I feel very healthy and have no medical problems. My annual physical was two weeks ago and my blood work, post weight loss, was great.]

    I ate over 2,100 calories today. So do I eat my calories back if I'm not hungry? I really do not want to lose any more weight, not anytime soon anyway. On the other hand I am averse to eating when I'm not hungry. That's partly why I gained weight in the first place. So how much do I listen to my body vs how much do I listen to the mfp calorie calculation?
  • lin_be
    lin_be Posts: 393 Member
    durhammfp wrote: »
    I was wondering about this very thing. I just started maintenance this week after losing ~35 lbs.

    The first few days I was very hungry eating at maintenance.

    Today, however, I walked much more than I usually do and here at 10 PM mfp is telling me I can eat 600 more calories. But I am not hungry. This comes after eating pizza and ice cream for dinner.

    So do I eat my calories back if I'm not hungry? I really do not want to lose any more weight, not for at least six months anyway. On the other hand I am averse to eating when I'm not hungry. That's partly why I gained weight in the first place. So how much do I listen to my body vs how much do I listen to the mfp calorie calculation?

    You’ll have days where you eat more so it eventually balances out. You just don’t want to consistently be under your target...you’ll lose weight of course.

    Two tablespoons of peanut butter also wouldn’t be a bad idea if you’re too low...
  • dilbobaggins06
    dilbobaggins06 Posts: 19 Member
    I have been about 700 calories under my limit every day. I eat until I'm full most meals, but I can't reach my goal. I have lost about 3 pounds and am approaching underweight. I don't feel like I need more calories, but the evidence is there. What should I do?
  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    I have been about 700 calories under my limit every day. I eat until I'm full most meals, but I can't reach my goal. I have lost about 3 pounds and am approaching underweight. I don't feel like I need more calories, but the evidence is there. What should I do?

    Eat more calorie-dense, low-volume foods such as chocolate and peanut butter in order to meet your goal.
  • wendyheath32
    wendyheath32 Posts: 74 Member
    Definitely eat higher calorie foods like nuts seeds nut butters and avocados. They also don't make you too full and can be incorporated into meals or eaten on there own. That's how I increase my calories if I have to
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    You keep asking the same question OP.

    How about a different approach to break the stalemate you seem to be stuck in?

    Try to explain how if you are eating at maintenance calories for a non exercise day but then burn 700 cals how do you think you will maintain your weight?

    No-one knows how accurate your food or exercise logging is as you keep your diary private and you never mention what exercise you are doing or how you are estimating 700cals.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    edited April 2019
    Yakker04 wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    You keep asking the same question OP.

    How about a different approach to break the stalemate you seem to be stuck in?

    Try to explain how if you are eating at maintenance calories for a non exercise day but then burn 700 cals how do you think you will maintain your weight?

    No-one knows how accurate your food or exercise logging is as you keep your diary private and you never mention what exercise you are doing or how you are estimating 700cals.
    I don't estimate 700 I've already said I walk at least 8km a day very brisk pace sometimes more plus a 40 min workout a day

    Of course that is an estimate!

    Walking 8km is a measurement - working out the calories burned is an estimate NOT A MEASUREMENT and you don't say what method you use.
    "40 min workout" means what precisely? That's meaningless without detail, and again you don't say how you estimate calories.


    You skipped my challenge to you......
    Try to explain how if you are eating at maintenance calories for a non exercise day but then burn 700 cals how do you think you will maintain your weight?
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    edited April 2019
    I have lost about 3 pounds and am approaching underweight. I don't feel like I need more calories, but the evidence is there. What should I do?

    Something different would be the obvious answer!!!

    Either you can eat the calories you need to, or you can't.

    If you can't, you really need to ask yourself why and you need to do so fast.

    If you need help from a doctor or counselor to talk things out, you should ask for that help, NOW.

    If you just need ideas, ask yourself how you used to eat in the past. You don't get bonus points for extra broccoli when you're failing to meet your base caloric needs.

    The hierarchy is Caloric Balance first, sufficient levels of protein and fat next, various micro-nutrients third. Your 5 or 10 a day or any other special characteristics of your food fall in that third category!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I have been about 700 calories under my limit every day. I eat until I'm full most meals, but I can't reach my goal. I have lost about 3 pounds and am approaching underweight. I don't feel like I need more calories, but the evidence is there. What should I do?


    Making your food diary public would help enormously but yes you clearly do need more calories.

    General suggestions:
    • Eliminating or reducing "diet foods" (if that's what you are eating) might help if you struggle with volume of food.
    • More snacks.
    • Drink some calories.
  • durhammfp
    durhammfp Posts: 493 Member
    durhammfp wrote: »
    Today, however, I walked much more than I usually do and here at 10 PM mfp is telling me I can eat 600 more calories. But I am not hungry. This comes after eating pizza and ice cream for dinner.

    Apparently I answered my own question... my hunger did not come until this morning and through the day I consumed about 540 calories in excess of maintenance, which is almost as much as the deficit I had yesterday.