motivational movies

What movies or tv shows make you want to work out? You watch them and think, I want that person's body/strength, etc. GI JANE, Ultra Violet, Dark Angel are a couple of mine.


  • Teeteetare
    Teeteetare Posts: 50 Member
    Soul Surfer was so inspiring to me. Even though it probably isn't the typical motivational "workout movie" it was so inspirational that it spurred me on to keep plugging away to get in shape and be healthy.
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Terminator 2. I want to be Sarah Connor!!
  • tinymite1
    tinymite1 Posts: 13 Member
    I liked watching "Hoosiers," "Sea Biscuit," and "american Flyers," They always got me going :)
  • somewhat embarrassed about how i was watching the fighter with mark wahlberg on my phone at the gym and i rewound the last fight like 4 resulted in a personal best calorie burn from an hour on a treadmill (...803...just saying)
  • Ireshgurl
    Ireshgurl Posts: 559
    Resident Evil, Salt, Tomb Raider, Striptease, and Showgirls to name a few.
  • Resident Evil, Salt, Tomb Raider, Striptease, and Showgirls to name a few.

    BINGO! (except showgirls...that girl from saved by the bell just ruined that movie for me)
  • Rocky III, Eye of the Tiger!!
  • Rocky III, Eye of the Tiger!!
  • My all time favorite work out movie is Footloose, I love the music and just can't sit still when it comes on.
    My age is showing but even now, if it comes on I've gotta dance.