Embarrassing gym stories

Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
edited April 2019 in Motivation and Support
So another post reminded me of one of my worst gym experiences, and I thought it would be fun to commiserate and share a few of our best "worst" gym experiences. And remind ourselves that some of our most embarrassing moments are generally just funny stories in waiting!

I am 43 years old, and I've been doing solo work on the circuit machines for a while. I'm not amazing, but have made significant improvement. My Mom recently moved in with us, and to help keep her more social and moving I was encouraging her to take a couple classes at our gym. So I decided to audit the "Easy Does it, Seniors and Extreme Beginners" class for her. Shortly after starting I remembered why I don't do aerobic style classes. I have ZERO coordinational or rythmic movement skills. I also have a really bad sense of direction. So I zigged while everyone else zagged, but I also did it several steps behind, if I managed to do it at all. Fine. Whatever, maybe I can come with Mom enough and I'll at least learn the movements enough to fake it. About halfway through, I realise I am getting a muscle spasm in my arm. *kitten*. I am prone to these in my arms and they get BAD. Absolutely 13 on the hospital pain scale, no circulation to my fingers, cannot move it bad sometimes, and so I don't take them lightly. But I'll be damned if I'm going to to let all these seniors see me quit. Seeing me try and fail miserably is somehow a much preferable option. No problem, I'll just stop using that arm and let it rest, while only working on the other side. Ok, good, this is working. I can doOH DAMN! Now my other arm is starting up. Long story a tiny bit shorter, I ended up curled up in a chubby ball of pain, waiting for my meds to work, while a bunch of senior citizens literally excercised circles around me.


  • bramble345
    bramble345 Posts: 50 Member
    Oooh thats jsut reminded me of the time i managed to fall over and land on my *kitten* in zumba when i thought id cracked this fancy move with one leg in the air!
  • BuiltLikeAPeep
    BuiltLikeAPeep Posts: 94 Member
    When I was in 7th grade, I went to the YMCA with a friend for a step aerobics class. I was already nervous, because my friend and I were the youngest ones there, and I was the fattest person in the room. I thought- well, this isn't going to be so bad! All these older ladies cant possibly move that fast- let's give it a shot! WRONG !!! I was also less coordinated than I thought- I was stepping with the wrong feet and almost fell several times, I accidentally slapped my friend in the face, and during a part of the routine where we had to move to board to our right, then back to ours on the left, I knocked a middle age lady flat on her butt when I zigged instead of zagged.

    Not a gym story, but I had bought a yoga ball several years ago to workout at home. The first exercise on the DVD was to lay on the ball facedown. No sooner than I did that, I faceplanted into the floor 😂
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    Dropped a 45-lb. plate on my foot and immediately killed my toenail. Fell getting out of the shower, butt naked, one time and sprained my wrist.

    Did the same thing last year, except I fractured the top of my foot. I could barely limp out of the gym. Lost the toenail doing roller derby.
  • mcemino2
    mcemino2 Posts: 427 Member
    Thought I turned off the stair stepper machine, but didn't. Rode it to the bottom and almost did a face plant.
  • Pretty_Little_Nobody
    Pretty_Little_Nobody Posts: 626 Member
    BodyPump...tricep track. Hit myself pretty hard in the head with a 5kg dumbell whilst doing overhead extensions! Saw stars but carried on somehow!
  • WC1982
    WC1982 Posts: 137 Member
    Laid down on a flat bench seat to do skull crushers but the seat was not stable. So when I went back I rolled off of the side onto the floor face down
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,301 Member
    I'm realizing when I've told all those posters who had gym anxiety it was "all in their heads." I was wrong. :)
  • Kimmotion5783
    Kimmotion5783 Posts: 417 Member
    Oh good I'm not the only one who's had an embarrassing moment at the gym! One time, I tried using the assisted lift chin up machine. I thought I had it on the right weight level (I didn't) and when I climbed onto the platform, it sunk down like a stone. I dangled from the bar for a moment as I figured out how to carefully climb down from the platform without killing myself. I got off it okay, but it was funny as hell.