I exercise! I also overeat



  • kathheen
    kathheen Posts: 108 Member
    Cutting out the wine and snacks and replacing them with protein shake/fluff helps me with my night time munchies. I use a scoop of protein, 7 ice cubes, a 1/2-1cup water and some xanthan gum to make a thick creamy treat. You can make it extra creamy with 1/4 cup milk or yogurt added or some frozen banana.

    Ive never heard of xanthan gum? This sounds good though i will google see if its available in the UK. Thanks
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Xanthan gum is a thickener that helps the smoothie or shake stay blended and thick instead of separating quickly. I think I ordered mine from vitacost or Amazon, "Now" brand I think.
  • SeattleBebop1
    SeattleBebop1 Posts: 26 Member
    What if you got something fun and sweet, like cherry tomatoes or strawberries for the munchie moods? 7 tomatoes is only like 15 calories, and they are sweet and easy to eat. Most berries are also low calorie.
  • CherylMarieJenkinson
    I feel your pain, my partner does 4 on 4 off alternating days to nights so when we have time together it’s filled with binge eating or go out which triggers all other cravings.

    I’m like you, relatively fit but can’t get a hold on food intake and the right nutrition, I’ve tried everything from dieting to cutting out foods and has ended up with me eating less than required, then leading to binge eating again. This is 2nd attempt on here.

    One this that helps me cut out eating lots of sweets, cakes, takeaways etc... is to ban them until special occasions birthdays, Xmas, valentines and so on.. sure it’s not stuck too but the ban in place has helped me cut a lot of this stuff out. Hope it helps you too. 🙂
  • Claire5520
    Claire5520 Posts: 113 Member
    Please can I join in on this conversation. This is totally me. It is a constant anguish and I am starting to seriously question whether I am on my way to an eating disorder. It is such a relief to see it's not just me! I just can't get a grip on it at all.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    It's pretty hard and as we age, it doesn't get easier. You know what gets me - everywhere I go, people are eating and drinking! Fancy lattes, snacks - even on TV and movies, people are constantly eating !!!
  • kathheen
    kathheen Posts: 108 Member
    Aww im so glad there are others the same as me! Its such a struggle and i could easily binge eat on those days i track to a certain point then dont - more through embarrassment of what i have eaten, dont get me wrong its not thousands of calories but it can go around 500-800 over what i should be eating. Pure greed and no need but its been a cycle ive got into. I sometimes feel im wasting my time running, crossfitting and cycling because im eating crap. If i eat too many snacks my exercise suffers, i really struggle and i know its because of what im eating!
    Thankfully im not a big takeaway fan but im a snacker which can pile on the calories i sicken myself sometimes.
  • bross57
    bross57 Posts: 15 Member
    Who does the grocery shopping? If it’s you, then stop buying any and all empty-calorie sweets. If your husband puts them on the grocery list, he can buy his own. Just get into the mental habit of taking control of what you bring into the house and put into your body.
  • kathheen
    kathheen Posts: 108 Member
    I normally do it as he works away, if he comes with me when hes home we get to the checkout and all these treats appear :| temptation is sometimes hard to resist. I am going to make a much better effort to avoid this and to make better choices, thankyou
  • rosiorama
    rosiorama Posts: 300 Member
    edited April 2019
    I am a sugar monster. I eat gummy bears and chocolate every day... but I only eat 2-4 gummy bears a day, and/or one square (Lindt, 50 cal/square) a day. I eat them really slowly. I usually have a small piece of cake with my lunch.

    If I can eat a little of the things I love on a daily or almost daily basis, I don’t feel like I need to eat a lot. I go through weeks where I don’t eat either the chocolate or the bears, but I make them fit when I want them.

    Knowing that I can have a little every day makes me okay with always having them in the house. From what I’ve read here, this doesn’t work for a lot of people... but having a little every day has changed me from being the person who could eat a whole family pack of smarties and a bag of chips in one sitting.

    Don’t know if this helps you; it’s what works for me.

  • kathheen
    kathheen Posts: 108 Member
    rosiorama wrote: »
    I am a sugar monster. I eat gummy bears and chocolate every day... but I only eat 2-4 gummy bears a day, and/or one square (Lindt, 50 cal/square) a day. I eat them really slowly. I usually have a small piece of cake with my lunch.

    If I can eat a little of the things I love on a daily or almost daily basis, I don’t feel like I need to eat a lot. I go through weeks where I don’t eat either the chocolate or the bears, but I make them fit when I want them.

    Knowing that I can have a little every day makes me okay with always having them in the house. From what I’ve read here, this doesn’t work for a lot of people... but having a little every day has changed me from being the person who could eat a whole family pack of smarties and a bag of chips in one sitting.

    Don’t know if this helps you; it’s what works for me.

    You must be my twin!! Im a gummy bear person to haribos are my fav. Im still trying to track each day its not easy i start grazing and dont stop im starting to question most of the food i put in my mouth though so its a little progress