Need Support - Did anyone else face these problems?

Hi, I'm 21 years old and want to lose 20 lbs but I'm having difficulty staying on course. I should explain that I am allergic to sugar, it causes me to bloat and hold onto fat and water weight. I know I must cut it out of my diet completely if I want to lose the weight but I find that when I have cravings for sugary foods I have a hard time controlling myself. This usually happens when I'm tired or stressed. I can get discouraged pretty easily as well, for instance, I've been working out 4 - 5 days a week for about 60 minutes for the last 6 weeks. When I first started out I was diligently trying to eat healthy and counting calories however, with the lack of results my determination started to falter. I wake up each morning saying "I'm going to eat healthy today, I'm not going to eat sugar" but then end my day angry at myself because I gave into temptation. Does anyone else here have these same issues? If so, how did you overcome them?Any success stories out there that faced these same issues? I'm tired of carrying around this extra weight, it's not a lot but I believe it effects me mentally and at times makes me very uncomfortable to be in my own skin. I want to move forward with my life, i've been trying to lose this weight since before High School and I really need support. Thanks for reading.



  • auskelly
    auskelly Posts: 45 Member
    are you measuring , weighing or both to see results ?? sometimes if you just weigh you may not see the results you want especially if you weigh more than once a week. try taking messurements if you dont already, you may be losing cm or inches and not realise. might help :/ as for the sugar, practice makes perfect. you will get better.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    curious about the sugar allergy - can you tell us more about what types you can't have?
  • Manda3183
    Manda3183 Posts: 19 Member
    Are you able to eat sugar substitutes? (Splenda, Sweetner, etc.) What about natural sugars (like those found in honey or fruit.) Have you tried making your own sweets looking for healthier and sugar free recipes, so that you have something on hand when your craving hits? I know there are a lot of recipes out there... diabetes runs in my husbands family but that doesn't stop them from having sugarless candy on hand or baking sugar free (and delicious) desserts. Not that you should eat desserts all the time... I'm just thinking that maybe there is a way to compromise so that you can eat things you like (within reason, and with portion control) and also lose the weight and cut out sugar.
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    I read a quote that has keep me on track. "if you want to, you will find a way. if you dont, you will find an excuse." You have to want to stick it out. Please dont take that the wrong way, I know it was true for myself as well. I started and stopped trying to lose weight a bunch of times before I finally stuck it out.....and saw results.
  • JuliePete
    I know that with myself...if I don't allow myself just a small amount of something when I am craving it...I go WAY overboard when I finally cave. I also do better when there aren't open bags of chips (my weakness) laying around. I can ignore them as long as they are not open. That goes for candy things too.
  • Paulette56
    Paulette56 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm not allergic to sugar, but am diabetic. I was a serious carbaholic but for health sake chose to give up certain things in order to stay off medication. I found that staying away from sweets, bread, potatoes, rice etc became easier and easier until now I no longer crave those things. It is truly like coming off a drug though, so you just kind of have to tough it out. You can do it!
  • brihay
    brihay Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for that advice, I didn't think about measuring. I'll add that into my weekly weigh. As for the sugar allergy, I can have fructose, which is the natural sugar that occurs in fruits. Table sugar or cane sugar, sucrose, is what causes the retention of water and fat.
  • auskelly
    auskelly Posts: 45 Member
    yeah sometimes measuring can be a better indicator, and be sure to not weigh yourself more than once a week, as it will fluctuate depending on fluid, muscle gain from exercise and monthly cycle :/ . measuring is more true to you. :) good luck