can someone reassure me?

I've been eating kind of a lot of crap lately (as a result of heading back to school and meeting people for food and ice cream and lack of establishing a rhythmn yet. I ate too much today, but I was so so hungry. Also TOM for me. But I don't want to stop eating, but I feel so awful about myself right now. Even though I only net probably like 100-200 cals above my goal. Probably still under maintenance, but I've been eating probably a little below net 1,200 for a longgg time now and I feel like I'm going to gain weight. Not a good day for me today :\ Anyone else? Sorry for the pathetic lame post, just feeling a bit down right now.


  • konniepalmer
    Just put today behind you and start fresh tomorrow.. :) You can do it!
  • bakanekonei
    I'm sure we all have those days, where our hunger just wont stop, and we kind of pig out. Remember how you feel right now and remember that next time, I would, I am. This last week I pigged out at disneyland, and I feel like Ive lost 2 weeks of progress.

    But I know I was succeeding before, and I can do it again, and so can you!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Yup, if you're only 100 or 200 above your dailyballowance you will still have a calorie deficit.
    And if you have only been eating 1200 cals a day, your body might even like the increase in calories.
    Of course it's better if they can come from healthy foods, but you know that already. Dont panic, just try to choose a healthier option or at least a smaller portion of junky stuff while you get back to good habits.
  • xxcatyxx555
    hun 1200 calories is not enough! and itll be fine if anything itll rev up your metabolism since you eat so little
  • minus40
    minus40 Posts: 112 Member
    Hop back on the wagon. You can do it :)
  • chellyharkness
    I'm there, too! When I get all bummed and kicking myself for not meeting my goals, I have to remind myself that this is something I want to be able to do for the rest of my life. It's okay to go a little over once in awhile---as my husband keeps reminding me, it's a marathon, not a sprint.
    Your not eating 1500 calories in one setting like people who have a deep fried onion while waiting for their steak and french fries to arrive. Go easy on yourself. :)
  • CDeguc
    CDeguc Posts: 37 Member
    Hey, it really happens to the best of us and the rest of us! You're not alone when it comes to the downfalls. I recently realized that I have been WAY too lenient on my eating habits lately, so I just have to reel myself back in and move on. As long as you see where you are going wrong and FIX IT forget about yesterday and focus on now:0) You have to over consume quite a bit to gain some actual weight, usually it is water weight from a couple of binges (junk foods have a lot of sodium). So, keep your head up and set your sites for a better tomorrow!
  • bshawnette
    bshawnette Posts: 9 Member
    :smile: I know how you are feeling but you just have to push forward its just a day. Its the bad days that make the good days that much better.
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    it will be ok i promise just dont give up I ate 420 cal muffin today thats what i get for eating with out looking at the labels so also i went over my calories to but the sun will rise in the morning Dont dwell on it
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Besides, meeting people for eats...are you stressed? Worried? Get back on the wagon and start planning. You can go out with your friends but if you know the menu then tweak what you get. Plan your menus for breakfast lunch and dinner it helps. If you like eating out look at nutritionals online.
    Just know you can always get back on the wagon always always always!!!!!!!!!!!!!